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James jackson

I am actually a little upset that the story of Caroline's humanity flip came from one of Ric's journals instead of for example Josie coming into the scene and saying " I just got off the phone with my mom and she told me how to fix hope" or she could have called uncle Damon and aunt Elena who she lived with last season.

Frank Tremel

In terms of Tribrid Hope, I don't think we'll get the full Tribrid tour, due to covid restrictions, resulting in them relying more on her magical abilities rather then fighting abilities like Klaus. That doesn't mean we won't get some Tribrid baddassery, but I don't think it will be as grand as the writers wanted it to be had covid not showed up. I think Lizzie will be the key to turning Hope's Humanity back on since they're building up this story where she plans to kill her. they can pull a twist where she was the one who saved her. Then they can do a Superman scenario, where Cleo will create a stake from the tree, but Hope destroys it before they can create more. Then after Hope's Humanity is back on, she entrusts the last stake to Lizzie to use on her should she ever turn her Humanity off again.


I am really liking Jed this season, I feel like his comedy relief is just the right amount where you don't get annoyed by it every time and can actually laugh at the things he says and does. Unlike some other characters on the CW...Mona and Gary...especially Mona. This episode definitely makes me think that Josie is going to be the one who turns Hope's humanity back on, hopefully it happens with Josie in some sort of danger (like maybe she's about to die). Or Landon will be the one to do it when he somehow comes back to life again...


Is Jed a hybrid? Or does he have a moon ring? Because how did he transform into a wolf at will and back to human after?


I think you are mistaken. Jed never turned into a wolf this episode


1. Same.. Landon is a good character.. But they need to stop killing him cause it's gotten to the point where his death is no longer believable since he's come back so much.. And ACTUALLY killing him off now wouldn't do anything emotionally anymore since we expect him to return even if he wouldn't 2. The word in the comments "Tete-a-tete" is pronounced Tat-ah-Tat... Ah as in ah ha.. Tat as in tattoo.. It's French and basically means a private conversation between 2 friends 3. I remember you telling me this in voice a couple days before you watched this (4x07)... And while sure it might be the spell that John Gilbert used... It was still VERY conveniently placed in Rics secret journal that was hidden in a secret safe only for it to be found by Lizzie 4. You don't have curlies NOW Froots... But when you do.. They look good on you.. On Hope not so much 5. To make sure that this upload had proper sound I did catch a glimpse that it began in the old west.. I suuuurely fucking hope that this doesn't last the entire episode cause JEEBUS would I understand and completely share the feeling of boredom you spoke of after you watched it 6. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS INTRO?!?! ...I already prepped one for the edit dammit! Spoiler alert: I made a new one for the edit the next day.. It had a horse neighing in it instead of the usual wolf howl ...How do I come up with this shit!? 7. Yeah IF ONLY we could have a vision of Klaus to show up and bring Hope back.. Obviously not gonna happen.. But I agree with your other suggestion that it SHOULD be family.. In fact.. Not just one... Several family members as I suggested before in my notes in a previous episode 8. Jed was actually smart enough to see that Kaleb was lying about the wrong number... I am surprised 9. I meaaaannn... Didn't Hope kill a bunch of guards in that place she and Clark broke in to last episode?? 10. The FUCK. is this talent show shit!?! ....Oh ok.. It's some lame ass attempt at turning her humanity back on by having her friends tell a bunch of sob stories ...Yeah she should've broken Pedro's feelings as well.. Apparently she still has some humanity left 11. Yeaaahh.. That's either someone wearing an illusion ring to pretend to be Landon... OR it's legit Landon and they just ceeb'd on the whole story of HOW he got back ...It's the former ofcourse.. Good.. The latter would've sucked 12. HAHA! Unremarkable UGHthan just got totally burned by Hope! I LOVE IT! 13. Hope to Dark Willow: "What took you so long? Performance anxiety?" ...Nah bish.. Look at her hair.. That shit needed to be stylized first 14. Apparently Jed runs a pack of puppies... They ran at the first sign of trouble ...Lame 15. Zombie???? Not good for Shannanigans 16. It sucks that some comments of the voice sounding like Aurora got through to you... I'm not at all sure IF it's really her... But IF it is.. So much for that reveal to be shocking ...People really need to stop it with the hypothesising ...I mean.. I even added a warning in the edit for people NOT to answer your question on how the voice sounded familiar when it first showed up.. And some "people" STILL decided to answer it.. I managed to delete most of it.. But.. Oh well.. If it does turn out to be her.. Not my fault you got spoiled.


i'm all for people shipping whomever you want on shows, i think its the beautiful part about shows is that you have this feeling when you see characters interact when they have scenes together whether they are romantic or platonic. I THINK PLATONIC FRIENDSHIPS ARE UNDERRATED TBH. but if you saw the way this fandom treats the Legacies's writers on social media it's pretty awful. i understand plot frustrations but yikes, no wonder they are all over the place i agree with you too if Hope actually killed someone on the super squad this ep, at least it would have been a shocking EP scene. this ep did nothing to move the plot forward, we already knew all of characters motives i don't think for a second anyone thought dark josie with a crop top was a formidable foe for Hope lol, all she did was make ridiculous insults and it was just really weird haha


Really enjoyed the reaction. Admirable job baring through the western parts of the episode. I didn’t have an issue with it mainly being that I grew up on westerns though the accents were a bit annoying. I assume it is probably the same for you, when you as an Australian hearing non-Australians trying to do the accent and being really bad at it. It was the same for me and the accents during those scenes. I do think the Western part was good though as it helped move Lizzie’s storyline. It gave us insight into her thoughts. She apparently sees Josie as already lost to Hope. Also I think it makes sense that somewhere in the back of her mind and especially as a witch, she knows that nature wouldn’t create the tribrid without creating a way to kill her. Also her mind must suspect what it maybe or at least where to look, the guns named after the Salvatore brothers and Ric saying that within the guns held the key to kill Hope. Really loved the end with Josie entering and Lizzie leaving. While the episode didn’t do much, I think it was important with kind of forming cracks within the Super squad. Obviously there is Josie and Lizzie both being on opposite sides. You have Finch and Ethan as the newbies who seem to be feeling like they are on the outside. There is MG who is trying to be the leader. Then there is Cleo keeping this secret and though see said she wanted to believe in her friends and wanted to trust them at the beginning, it feels like she wanted a reason no to tell them and Finch and Ethan were convenient scapegoats. Sure maybe not tell them but what about Josie or MG? I think people needed to see no humanity Hope because no one had seen her since she turned off her emotions except for Josie, Lizzie, and MG through Alaric’s memory. Now I think we are going to see them choosing sides where some will agree with Lizzie in killing Hope and others will side with Josie. Really interested in Jed and his backstory now. So were those supposed to be regular wolves or werewolves? Because it wasn’t night when they showed up but they were in wolf form. So if they were werewolves there could be two reasons most likely 1. They were at some point part of Haley and Jackson’s pack and got the ability to change at will through the ceremony or 2 they have been cursed to remain in wolf form maybe like Jackson and Hayley were with only one day in human form. If either of these are the case, that brings up how Jed knows them. It could be really interesting if Jed was tied to them somehow which means in ways him being tied to Hope through her mom’s side. It is interesting that you mention wanting them to spice things up with going in with Hope and Josie. I have been thinking that they have been tip toeing around it this season through these first three episodes. It is like they are having Josie acting in a way like someone who has feelings for Hope but not wanting to outright say it/address it. They keep bringing up how stressed and spiraling out Josie is and Lizzie mentioning that Josie cares more about helping Hope than their father. Also in Lizzie’s vision she sees Josie as being turned by Hope into a vampire which I think is her mind believing that Josie has been seduced or her feelings are getting in the way of seeing Hope for the monster she is now. I am thinking we may get an Elena type situation for Hope’s humanity to return. Just on how things are being set up, I think Lizzie is going to figure out the tree can kill Hope and is going to go after her. The two may battle or Lizzie may sneak up on her but before she can deliver a killing blow either MG or Josie will get in the way. They will get hurt. Seeing the person hurt combined with Lizzie’s reaction to possibly killing someone she loves will kind of force Hope’s humanity to return like when Damon ‘killed’ Matt in front of Elena.


i heard you say that you don’t ship hosie but what are your thoughts on them and if they were to happen would you be interested?


1. Same.. Landon is a good character.. But they need to stop killing him cause it's gotten to the point where his death is no longer believable since he's come back so much.. And ACTUALLY killing him off now wouldn't do anything emotionally anymore since we expect him to return even if he wouldn't 2. The word in the comments "Tete-a-tete" is pronounced Tat-ah-Tat... Ah as in ah ha.. Tat as in tattoo.. It's French and basically means a private conversation between 2 friends 3. I remember you telling me this in voice a couple days before you watched this (4x07)... And while sure it might be the spell that John Gilbert used... It was still VERY conveniently placed in Rics secret journal that was hidden in a secret safe only for it to be found by Lizzie 4. You don't have curlies NOW Froots... But when you do.. They look good on you.. On Hope not so much 5. To make sure that this upload had proper sound I did catch a glimpse that it began in the old west.. I suuuurely fucking hope that this doesn't last the entire episode cause JEEBUS would I understand and completely share the feeling of boredom you spoke of after you watched it 6. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS INTRO?!?! ...I already prepped one for the edit dammit! Spoiler alert: I made a new one for the edit the next day.. It had a horse neighing in it instead of the usual wolf howl ...How do I come up with this shit!? 7. Yeah IF ONLY we could have a vision of Klaus to show up and bring Hope back.. Obviously not gonna happen.. But I agree with your other suggestion that it SHOULD be family.. In fact.. Not just one... Several family members as I suggested before in my notes in a previous episode 8. Jed was actually smart enough to see that Kaleb was lying about the wrong number... I am surprised 9. I meaaaannn... Didn't Hope kill a bunch of guards in that place she and Clark broke in to last episode?? 10. The FUCK. is this talent show shit!?! ....Oh ok.. It's some lame ass attempt at turning her humanity back on by having her friends tell a bunch of sob stories ...Yeah she should've broken Pedro's feelings as well.. Apparently she still has some humanity left 11. Yeaaahh.. That's either someone wearing an illusion ring to pretend to be Landon... OR it's legit Landon and they just ceeb'd on the whole story of HOW he got back ...It's the former ofcourse.. Good.. The latter would've sucked 12. HAHA! Unremarkable UGHthan just got totally burned by Hope! I LOVE IT! 13. Hope to Dark Willow: "What took you so long? Performance anxiety?" ...Nah bish.. Look at her hair.. That shit needed to be stylized first 14. Apparently Jed runs a pack of puppies... They ran at the first sign of trouble ...Lame 15. Zombie???? Not good for Shannanigans 16. I know it can't be helped.. But it sucks that some comments of the voice sounding like Aurora got through to you in some means... I'm not at all sure IF it's really her... But IF it is.. So much for that reveal to be shocking ...People really need to stop it with the hypothesising and should let you find out things for yourself like any other normal viewer ...I mean.. On YouTube.. I even added a warning in the edit for people NOT to answer your question on how the voice sounded familiar when it first showed up.. And some "people" STILL decided to answer it.. I managed to delete most of it.. But.. Oh well.. IF it does turn out to be her.. Not my fault you got spoiled.