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First I'd love to see you react to the show Gotham one day the actors in that are great and the guy who plays Jim Gordon voiced batman in batman year one movie. Idk who resorrected jason but I like that their showing how ruthless Red hood can be its a different take that im liking but the pacing of the show and certain writing choices bothers me a bit still like how gulibale Hank was, Dawn not listening and just Jason himself I'm sure they'll explain more its just weird his motivation to me like Joker is dead yea but why is Jason so angry at the Titans is it just cause of the Lazarus pit messing with his mind so he's more angry at them idk


Did you know that she's watched the pilot to Gotham? It was selected by someone in the Pilot Tier. For now that is all there is though as her schedule is just too full to take on an entire show like that.


I was gonna watch it with you but I didn’t know when you were gonna start reacting and I didn’t wanna get spoiled. And yes I knew it was gonna be Jason but I was shocked they revealed it in his second scene. It kinda makes sense tho to get it out the way early since most people know who is under the hood


Dawn, we’re not trying to sleep with Hank right now! The man is hooked up to a bomb connected to his heartbeat! What do you think sleeping with him is gonna do?! Those extra heartbeats might have saved his life!


Wow, this episode was a blast, pun intended. I hope Jason doesn't get a redemption arc any time soon, he went too far. Poor Dove


1. Yeah Froots.. The White Glo is really working for you 2. You're welcome Froots.. I speak fluent Shannan so I just elaborated on your comment about Barbara and it turned into a bit of a debate on Patreon ...Soz for the long read though 3. Yeah true.. If Batsy really killed Joker then they're kinda taking his character in a wrong direction on this show.. Batman doesn't kill people.. It's his one rule 4. Jeebus... You seeing a severed head coming out of a bag: "Heads up everybody" ...Your humour has really gone dark........ I LOVE IT! 5. Yeah I'm pretty sure someone in 3x01 said that Dawn died... What gives? ...Or did we both misheard and it was Donna who died? 6. Fairly certain they showed a glimpse of the Batmobile in Season 1... It looked like a regular ass car.. Kinda lame 7. I'mma press "F" to doubt that someone can snap their own neck like that.. It takes force to do that.. The only result there would be a hefty cheque for the chiropractor 8. Yeah... Could've at least walked past some doors with some familiar names on them.. Maybe hear Harley saying something crazyyyy aaaaand HOLY SHIT IT'S CONNOR!!! ....Eeehh.. Probably deserves to be in Arkham 9. Hoooooold on Dawn.. You're being a fucking hypocrite.. Getting mad at Hank for not giving a heads up that he'd be at the manor.. But when Hank deflects that shit right back on you you're like "I don't need to tell you my every move" C'mooooon gurl! Get the fuck outta here with that shit 10. Barbara is being a bish... First she gets mad at Bruce for not doing a good enough job.. Now she gets mad at Dick for not being Batman.... Bish.. Why don't you get off your butt and do some work yourself... Ooooooooohhh.. That's right.. You can't... So why don't you just shut it and let the real heroes do your work for you! 11. Y'know me.. I wait for you to watch an episode.. I could've.. Like ANY other show you're currently doing.. Watch it myself... But it's fun watching it "with" you Froots 12. Nah... I'm not THAT familiar with all the Robins... But I did know Red Hood was Jason before this show ever aired and before we both basically got spoiled on the title of the previous episode 13. Hank is a dum dum... His "dead" friend calls out of the blue and has him go through all these hoops to come to him??? C'mooooooon duuuddde.. Use your brains and figure out that something isn't right here! .....Also.. Just saying... If I saw that big ass rat at that swimming pool... I'd be dropping my phone.. And while bolting for the nearest exit I'd be shouting that Jason will have to meet me back at Wayne Manor ...Hank goes nekkid... And yes Froots... I know what you're thinking.. That is an ass 14. So how long does it take to braid your hair? Can it be done within 45 minutes? Actually.. Can it be done in 20? Cause obviously Dawn still had to drive.. Or Über to that armoured car 15. I guess the guy missed his plane and tried jumping from a building to catch it ...That'll look like a legit explanation on the police report... Right? 16. Honestly... If I was in a position that Dawn is in here and someone gave me the choice to kill them and save the person I love... I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger ...Am I that far gone? Maybe.. Or maybe I just go extra for the ones I love 17. ........Aaaaand the detonator was in the gun.. Welp.. That woulda been awkward for me then too 18. Yeah it was pretty obvious that Hank was gonna die cause of all the goodbyes he was making.. He wasn't nowhere near my favourite character either though soooo.. Whatevs.. Gotta up the stakes somehow


Honestly, it really feels like the writers NEVER read one comics in their lives. Cause none of these characters would behave like this. Also, Jason's motivation in the comics is that 1. Bruce never killed the Joker 2. He was replaced with Tim. Taking that away is ridiculous. Jason has no real reasons to be Red Hood in this. It's honestly stupid.


Allen had to go do Reacher.....and what a fabulous job he did....great show!!!!