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Zelena did the one thing Rumple and Regina never could so far. She gave up her magic and her "power" that she was born with not just to help herself but to help everyone. I don't think a character can be redeemed in one episode but from season 6 episode 14 it's a pretty good start. Personally i feel like the actress plays being the villain the best because she gets into so well like she's invested. I don't think Zelena suits being a fully fleshed out LIGHT HERO like Regina pretty much is, i think Zelena becoming an anti hero, i'm stuck in between Zelena becoming the deuteragonist of once upon a time or her just being anti hero. I think this is one of my favorite episodes of season 6, i'm such a huge fan of redemption episodes/arcs hence why when Regina was redeemed she was my favorite character but than Zelena became mine in season 5. This redemption episode was much better than what she had in Season 5 episode 21-23. Zelena didn't really have character development and her redemption felt so rushed and meaningless only because the show runners wanted Regina & Zelenas relationship to change in just ONE EPISODE. This time they had their quarrel, they had beef, there were cracks in their relationship pretty much in the whole season and they had time to confront their emotions head on and deal with their inner demons head on. Zelena had an inner journey of herself this season, i didn't understand it at first but now it's quite clear her change was substantive and her personality shifted from zero to one hundred with a complete 180. I think if i can forgive Regina for her past sins, i can forgive Zelena now for hers. Her redemption is not longer a free pass to her character but earned by doing a heroic thing not just for herself but everyone, selfish to selfless, greed to benevolence she finally accepted herself of changing and didn't work with the Black Fairy like she did before with Rumple, Hades & Arthur & Evil Queen. Also lowkey, Emma showing concern and compassion for Zelena was a special moment i truly admired and respected, it's the first time they really were genuine towards each other so hopefully we get a conversation between Henry & Zelena about Neal


Something always bugged me with Regina's reaction in this episode mainly because it seems hypocritical to me Basically, if the roles were swapped and the Black Fairy had threatened Henry, I doubt she woud be a-okay with waiting around.

Patrick - Excelsior

I have to disagree on the theory that since "Connor" was raised by evil fairy he must grow up evil. Good parents that were good to their children occasionally get a horrible child. Its the nature side of nature vs nurture. If this can happen so can the reverse. A child that was raised by evil parents to be evil can still have a conscience. At the least they could possibly even spite their parents by acting good. And in this case she gave "Connor" no reason to want to be like her. She tortured and humiliated him his whole life. Of course he would rebel and try to be different. And their were role models there (the other prisoners)/servants) to provide inspiration. The book also set a guide for him to be a hero. As for how the book survived, she threw it on the ground after finding it in his bassinet. One of the prisoners must have grabbed it a saved it (no TV here). It eventually made its way back to him as he got older.

Jordan St. James

So... the best that the show's production designers could come up with for the Tin Man was a silver sweater and turtle neck? Did they honestly expect us to take that seriously?

Jordan St. James

When they appeared in that cavern with crystals everywhere, was anyone expecting Supergirl or Zod or Jor-El or baby Kal to pop up? No? Just me? Seriously, that place looked primed for a planet-size explosion.

Jordan St. James

There should be a drinking game. Take a shot every time someone says, "The final battle."


1. How am I feeling about this season? ...Honestly can't remember half of it and the rest is just a blur ...So if that's any indication... I'd say "Meh" 2. My ForkLife joke ending with "Kill me" ...You: "Ok.. I will work on doing that" ...Eeehhhmm.. Have you thought about maybe.. Like.. I dunno.. Not doing that? 3. Oooooh heeeeelll to the naaahhhh!!! Talking about some can we just sail past this and pretend it never happened... Bish.. I about spat out my chips when you called Tiger Lilly "Pocahontas" HA! ...added right after... I paused before you said to stop.. Get absolutely wreck'd Froots! What you gonna do? Fight me?? C'mon gurl! 4. I think cause this is all happening inside either Snow or Charmings head while they're dreaming.. We can excuse the inconsistencies with Season 1.. I think the dream takes place is a semi familiar place but there are some obvious differences to have this episode make some kind of sense and to not just literally replay every scene from 1x01 or whatever 5. Yeah.. You'd think Zelena would be green with envy of the fact Black Fairy got Pixie Flowers to grow in her presence when they didn't grow when she was terrorizing the town 6. Continued from 4. I meaaaann.. I THINK this is all in their heads.. It's all a bit confusing really 7. Emma about Hook after having seen the Shadow: "Now we don't know where he is" .....Is this bish for real?? 8. You made sense there yeah.. I was thinking the same thing.. The cup looks empty for one and too small for ALL of those people to drink out of it... Add the fact that they all seem to take a huge swig out of it and it just looks redonkulous ....Bra'tac even took a small arched sip out of it.. Which doesn't make sense since the cup would've been pretty much empty and he'd have to arch it upwards to get anything out... The old geezer was faking wasn't he!?! 9. I had to rewind there for a second.. This girl saying "This tree is blocking the path you should move it before someone gets hurt" ....Bish.. Just step over it.. It looks like a frikking oversized stick for crying out loud! Who is this drama queen!? ....Oh ok it's Zelena.. Makes sense 10. HAHA! Did this dude just threaten these guys by saying "Why don't you practice on my ass"!?!?! .......GHWAT!?!? 11. Yeaaahhh.. I would lose my "appetite" too if I'd see Snow with her short hair bursting into my house while I was having a moment with mah gurl 12. Actually... Now that I'm seeing the symbols again that Henry wrote down.. They look like something out of Supernatural.. Like Enochian or something 13. Hold on I'm wearing sunglasses cause of my eyes... That's NOT a shirt?? That's supposed to look like his torso is made out of tin??? C'moooooonnn.. Is the Make-up Department even trying!? 14. Why the FUCK. do Charming and Snow think they have a say in where Hook and Emma get married??? Are they paying for this!?!? Cause that's about the ONLY damn reason they'd be able to at least get SOME say in it 15. Stab in the dark.. And this probably sounds stupid.. Black Fairy's secret about Rumple is she gave him up cause he's actually a saviour ....I dunno... Sounds stupid typing it out