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Frank Tremel

I know people are mad Legacies doesn't pull enough punches or go through with things, but I think Rick's different. First off, the fact that Hope beat him senseless so much that it's causing him to be in a almost brain dead coma, rather then him waking up by the end, sulfide how far gone Hope is and not to piss her off. Second, I think killing Rick would be to far because he is Hope's father figure and if she had actually killed him then there would be no saving Hope because there would be no way she would ever recover or be forgiven by the twins. Also, in the case of Rick's condition, remember back in Diaries they explained that there are limitations to Vampire blood and it can't be used to save a dying brain, like with Caroline's mom, just to save grave injuries. Also, there is nothing the twins' can siphon. Hope never bit him with her Vampire or Wolf bite, just beat him senseless. They can only siphon something magical. What was magical about what Hope did to Rick to get him back on his feet. No one called Rebekah. She always intended on seeing Hope when she turned, but as stated at the end, she had Freya use the necklace to track her down. As much as I am here for no Humanity Hope, I hope, pun intended, that they don't have her be like this through the entire season and they're able to get her back by the midseason finale, forcing us to wait in anticipation 'til January to see the consequences of what she did and how she'll deal with the guilt. f the show is renewed for season 5, I hope that season 4 doesn't suffer the same fate as 2 and 3 where it's cut short due to covid or other behind the scenes issues and the remaining episodes have to be moved to season 5. It's both sad and hilarious that all three seasons have had 16 episodes when they didn't mean it. PS: When I said I wanted Hope to become the ultimate Alpha of all 3 factions, I wasn't talking about it being a plot line, rather it being a good way to end the show and the entire TVDverse as a whole, with the final few episodes having Hope finally bringing peace and fulfilling her true destiny that Haley wanted.


I'm assuming the reason we get any characters from the other shows up last season is because of the pandemic. Fingers crossed that maybe Kol shows up for Hope's birthday to be the fun uncle and get her into trouble

James jackson

I loved seeing hope beat the shit out of ric but they held back she should have killed him outright the coma thing was convoluted Unfortunately i was spoiled on rebekah's return but i enjoyed your enthusiasm. Also really dig the cat ears Also also i think they were trying to say severe brain trauma is similar to cancer in regards to vampire blood's healing magic paralelling ric to liz and losing a parent.


Freya said other family members were on their way (i.e Rebecca) was on her way but would not make it in time. She didn't use her name as to not spoil to the audience but since I saw an article before the Feya episode that said Rebecca would be back I put it together.


Also, some people are saying it's Aura who is on the phone. She was the first vampire Rebecca turned and was featured in The Originals season 3. Not sure if I believe the theory. The last we heard of her was in the last season of The Originals when Hope makes mention that she is in a magical coma that Freya put her in and they don't know what to do with her.


The dagger Rebekah uses looks like the one Kol made to work on Klaus (It looked gold not silver), so I think thats why she thought it might work on Hope. But...then again...Dahlia destroyed that one, so did they somehow make another one? Or did the writers completely forget it was destroyed? But I would not be surprised if Kol somehow secretly made like another 20 of them...lol


1. Eeeehhhmmm.. Dragpire.. Obviously... 4 letters of "dragon" and 4 of "vampire" 2. I believe you came up with the Bennett blood joke first and then we both just expanded on it.. That and how every day there's now some sort of special celestial event going on 3. True.. Lizzie had some mental health issues in Season 1... Did she get some help or something? What happened? 4. And to think.. If all those attempts trying to spoil you were succesful.. This reveal wouldn't have been this exciting.... You're welcome Froots 5. Ooooohh.. Maybe UGHthan can phase through the ground and keep falling and falling and falling.. Never to be seen nor heard from again 6. Yup... Evil Hope is kinda working for me... Please show more 7. Jeebus... Rebekah.. Original Hope.. Emma.. When do the throwbacks stop!? 8. Well.. They said Ric was in a coma and suffered a stroke.. That's probably why he's unable to wake up 9. Pssshhh... They are so NOT killing off Ric 10. I REMEMBER THIS SONG!!! Yeah this is when Ric came walking out the crypt and everyone was standing there... And they're so ripping off that scene again here ...That TVD scene made an impact and I still have that song on my car radio to this day ...It also reminds me of Spike (my dog) ...I miss him 11. Yup I can vouch for that.. The way you are able to remember songs and faces.. It never stops to amaze me.. I remember us listening to spotify a couple months ago while in voice doing stuff and you were describing the scenes to which the songs belonged to.. I looked them up and you had almost all of them correct 12. I dunno who called Rebekah.. But I feel like the way they should get back Hope is to have both Rebekah and Freya be there too... Maybe include some more old faces to show how difficult it is to pull off getting Hope to switch her humanity back on


Great reaction. Glad you didn’t get spoiled on Rebekah’s return. Though it is becoming annoying that they are bringing characters back for an episode but then not really giving a proper ending character wise. Freya just left after killing her niece and now it looks like Rebekah’s going back to her life while her niece is going around without her humanity. Let’s be real neither of them would do that if only so that they wouldn’t be haunted by Klaus for not helping his daughter. Really want to like Cleo and Kaleb as I like both characters but this seems too rushed after Kaleb’s actions. Glad at least Lizzie called him out on it but doesn’t look we will get more than that. Nice callback with the hospital scene and song with Ric’s original death. I really liked this episode but it also annoys me that the show could have done this a long time ago. This idea of the Triad going after Hope should have been done before. We should have had more stories of people going after Hope because she is the tribrid and/or she is Klaus’ daughter.