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Tbf, Daniel wasn't asking Jack not to save his people but not to use their ONLY chance to escape to send a (useless) bomb. They could've gone to the beta site and Daniel would've dialed back to the other planet. Hell, if they were so hell-bent on sending a bomb, they could've done that from the beta site. But, honestly, they've already shown their stupidity when they choose to send a bomb to Chulak, despite it not changing anything for the better for them. All the soldiers would've been on the ship, the only people left on Chulak would've been non-combattant, mostly women, children, priests and such. They chose to use a precious chance of escape to send a bomb to a planet full of kids and other innocents. The only thing it would've done is piss the Jaffas off and give them even more reasons to eradicate them. And they did. So yeah, they were stupid. Having said that, this episode was one of my favorite episodes of the season. This show started my love of alternate universes stories. They are always doing such a great job with it.