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I think the Arrowverse multiverse is gone or merged into earth prime and the new multiverse we saw in the end of crisis is just the DC multiverse so earth prime is the Arrowverse, earth 2 Stargirl, 96 Superman returns. Also the Anti Life Equation they mentioned in this episode is the same stuff Darkseid wanted to have in Snyder JL

Walter Alcaraz

I found it interesting that the actress that played the female Brainy is Jesse Rath's real life sister, Meaghan Rath. No wonder they looked so similar. :D


The audience knows that the multiverse exists, but from this point on the characters still don't know there are multiple earths because all the characters are in one earth and could only see their earth.

Avalon Perry

The reason that they are saying the the multiverse is dead and this is the only universe left is because that’s what they actually believe. Based on their research they haven’t found any scientific evidence that the multiverse still exists, even though the audience knows it does because of what we saw in the last episode of crisis. Brainiac’s new look with the green skin and blonde hair is actually how brainiac from the original DC comic looks. If you google “Brainiac 5 comics” you can see the look, I’m personally pretty happy that they made him accurate to the comics. I think Lena knows what a bad idea it is to work with her brother, but she’s also in the place where she’s doing everything she can to protect her vulnerabilities and emotions. Since mother and her brother know this, they used that knowledge to their advantage and manipulated Lena into working with Lex. Lena is telling herself that it doesn’t matter if Lex lies to her or betrays her or hurts her in any way, because he’s done it many times before and she expects it from him. Lillian was able to convince Lena that Kara would easily hurt her again, and that she would be too weak to handle it when she did, and Lena unfortunately listened to her and believed that she actually cared about her feelings. Lena was leaning a lot more towards taking Kara’s offer before they intervened, Lex and Lillian both really make my blood boil.

Chris Peacock

I hate Brainy's new look. I am all for comic accuracy, but it looks too fake. The blue looked more like he actually had blue skin. The green looks like the actor is wearing green paint. I know the blue was just blue paint, but it was higher quality. And the hair is worse.

John Boehmer

I'm not usually the type of person who has much issue when physical changes are made to a character when adapting them for TV or the movies, but in the case of Brainiac 5 I never liked the blue skin and white hair. It just made no sense considering that the character would eventually be using an image inducer almost all the time anyway. I was so glad when this episode first aired and we finally got rid of that ugly look for the more classical and comic-accurate look that we now have. I'm also glad that along with ditching the old look they also revamped his personality, and with an in-universe explanation that makes sense too. It finally feels like we have a truly faithful representation of Brainiac 5.

Chris Peacock

For the record not every earth was brought back. So while their is still a multiverse it's a different one. Not counting the ones we saw return, the only other confirmed ones (that I know of anyway) are Smallville, DCEU and Lucifer, though there were probably others. Those were not confirmed on screen, but Lucifer is confirmed since the cameo took place before the series, so their would be no series if it didn't return. And Smallville was confirmed in an interview after some Smallville fans were upset thinking it was still gone. Some fans, myself included, wanted Crisis to be the end of the DCEU, but sadly WB didn't allow Crisis to fix it's god awful mess so DCEU earth is back. Fingers crossed the Flash movie can still Flashpoint it away. (PS. The Snyder Cut still sucks)

Chris Peacock

Also fun comic note that might be true for the shows... maybe... Lucifer and the other Angels (and God) would be beyond the power of the Anti-Monitor so while Earth-666 might have been destroyed they would not have been. So let's just take a minute to imagine Lucifer and Co just existing in a nothing world. lol Although in the show they were all a lot weaker than the comics so they probably got erased. Oh well.

Brandon Wiesner

Yes, this is correct. All of Arrowverse now exists on earth prime and the other DC properties are in other universes.

David Brown

The bad and good Brainiacs in the DCAU were a blue-green. When they had Smallville's Supergirl as a Brainiac in Season 1, they decided to lean more toward the blue. And her's was a darker blue, and she did look smashing in blue. But she kind of gave me Mystique vibes. When they brought Brainy on, they went with a lighter blue. You were on Arrow Season 3/Flash Season 1 when Elseworlds aired and the rest of us knew Crisis was coming. You were on Arrow Season 4/Flash Season 2/Supergirl 1/Legends 1 when Crisis aired. And we couldn't WAIT for you to get there!