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What's up you guys,

I got something else I'd like to get your opinion on.

I'll start by stating that this is only me trying to gather what people think about it.

It is again in NO way a done deal.

I am currently looking at ways to change up the Tier system a bit,

Not just with new more clearer names and better descriptions.

But also by altering certain perks and perhaps in the future even adding a Tier with new perks.

One such idea is to change the "LOL Tier".

In the beginning the idea was to only have the pilot of a show at this Tier. 

But over time more then just the first episode of a show was added.

And eventually movies were added to it as well.

Which sadly was not the original intention of the "LOL Tier".

I would like to know what people would think about the idea of exclusively having only the 1st episode of a show in the "LOL Tier".

This would include every available pilot to shows I've reacted to and those I am currently watching regularly, plus all upcoming shows too of course.

For instance:

If you are in this Tier and you would like to watch Supergirl; you'd be able to sample the Full Reaction to Supergirl 1x01 which is a regular show on both Patreon & YouTube.

It would also mean however that for example when wanting to watch Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist. (Which has been selected at the "Generosity Pilot Tier" multiple times).

You'd only be able to watch the pilot, instead of being able to watch all the way up to 2x04 (the most recent watched episode that was selected at the "Generosity Pilot Tier").

I understand if you're pledged at the $2 tier specifically for the Patreon selections each month and by moving episodes 02+ of every show selected at that tier it can feel like I'm taking away something you've previously had access to. However, with the ever-growing amount of patreon selected content, that tier becomes more and more valuable and I need to think about other tiers and their value that they contribute.

As for movies selected by way of the "Generosity Pilot Tier",

I am unsure yet as to what I will be doing with this.

The Re-Watch Tier might perhaps become a revamped Movie Tier. This is not at all certain as of this moment though. But movies might at some point become exclusively available to that new Tier and any above it.

So yeah, I would like to have your opinion on this.

Any opinion is welcome and again please be respectful of one another's opinion.

Let me again say that none of this is final, it's just to gather what you guys think of it.

Thanks again for your continued support everyone,

And I'll see you in the next one.


$2 tier would be pilots only. Every single pilot ever on this channel would be at this tier, any further episodes would jump up a tier. 


Supergirl 1x01 would be at $2, Supergirl 1x02 onwards would be at the $7 tier.

Chuck 1x01 would be at the $2 tier, Chuck 1x02 onwards would be at the $7 tier.

The Good Place 1x01 & 1x02 (because they're in one video reaction) would be at the $2 tier, The Good Place 1x03 onwards would be at the $7 tier.


Sean Ellingham

Taking away access to existing content isn't great. Perhaps a fairer method would be to close the "LOL Tier" to new members, and create a replacement $2 tier that only contains the pilots. Any new pilots get added to both tiers, but new non-pilot episodes are added to the $7 tier as proposed. That way, existing supporters continue to have access to what they currently have, but for anything new they are in the same boat as new members


I like that idea because it would suck to suddenly lose content. So create a new $2 tier open for new signups. Leave everyone on the current $2 where they are with access to what they have but do not allow any new signups. Then the new $2 tier is just 1x1's going forward.


Additional content that would be available if this were to occur. - Ally McBeal 1x01 - The Flash 1x01 - Supergirl 1x01 - Legends Of Tomorrow 1x01 - Black Lightning 1x01 - Batwoman 1x01 - Constantine - Charmed Reboot 1x01 - iZombie 1x01 - The 100 1x01 - Dollhouse 1x01 - Firefly 1x01 - Krypton 1x01 - Daredevil 1x01 - Jessica Jones 1x01 - Luke Cage 1x01 - Iron Fist 1x01 - Agent Carter 1x01 - Cloak & Dagger 1x01 - WandaVision 1x01 - Loki 1x01 - Falcon & The Winter Soldier 1x01 - What If...? 1x01 - Once Upon A Time 1x01 - Revenge 1x01 - Stargate SG-1 1x01 - The Originals 1x01 - Legacies 1x01 - Doom Patrol 1x01 - Titans 1x01 - Gossip Girl 1x01 - Fate: The Winx Saga 1x01 - Wonderland 1x01 And anything selected by the $30 tier that is the FIRST episode of the series.


Anybody currently at the $2 tier who doesn't want to lose access to all those non-pilots and movies can just save the OneHub links before the change.


hopefully everyone dips after this BS, wow


I would understand a discussion between the 7$ and the 10$ tier. But this proposal is, of course, only aimed at money. Because in this way people are forced to go one tier higher or they lose access to a lot of content. Not very friendly for long term Patrons in the 2$ tier (just to be clear I'm in a higher tier myself).


ot rude. Just the truth. Pulling Shit like this, or even positing it as a thing to your audience is not a good look. But shwhatevs; you do you.


This post was to gather opinion on an idea, as you can clearly read in the post itself it is not at all a done deal. We're not pulling anything, we're merely asking for opinions and for people to be respectful of others opinions too. As Shannan already stated you do not have to be rude about it. Nothing is changing.


You realise that currently there are 53 people at the tier. Each month im paying $200 for hosting purposes so that everyone can have access to this content and I am also living on my own now. I have bills to pay, this is my job and the way you've just put it made me feel like a sell out for trying to ask a question of change. There is no change happening. It was an idea and its my right to ask it. The tier has been available for nearly 4 years and I've never changed anything and now because I am thinking of changing something about it, it's "not a good look" wtf does that mean its not a good look to consider that $2 for over 500 reactions might be a bit too cheap? Jesus's fucking christ have you never heard of someone asking for a raise for their hard work? And that's not even what I was doing. I was asking how people felt.


To be honest, I always thought 2$ for all those reactions was ridiculously cheap. No other reactors do this (that I know of).

Dusty Glover

It kinda sounds like your actually losing money on that tier or at the very least those of us at higher tiers are paying to make up the difference. So it makes total sense to change it from a business standpoint. Like you said this is your job, and I would add not a charity. You deserve to make money for the work you do.

Luis Garcia

I honestly think it's a very reasonable idea. There is a lot of content available at the $2 tier that most other channels would charge $5 - $10 for. I think some people just don't think about this from your perspective. This is your job. With all the content you supply us with you should be getting paid more.

Steve Quast

I was on Shan's $7 tier until she finished Supernatural. The only other show she was doing (and is still doing) that I like watching reactions to is Grimm, which she does once a month. So for me, it's not about losing access to the content that's already there. It's about the fact that I'm willing to pay $2 for one reaction a month, but I'm not willing to pay $7 as I have several others on Patreon that I'm supporting as well. That's just my point of view. Admittedly I do sometimes watch the movies she posts, as well, if it's one that appeals to me. That being said, I think Shannan does offer a lot of content for this tier and I understand if she feels the need to make some changes. She's by no means a sell-out or anything of that nature. If the change happens I would probably just temporarily unsubscribe for about 4 months, come back for a month, binge watch some Grimm episodes, quit again, and rinse and repeat. That way I'd still be getting the content I want at about the same price, just spaced further apart. We've all gotta make changes these days.


Honestly? I feel this would only work if you post a list of the selected episodes for the next month before the current one is over. If someone is only subscribing the 2$ tier, it means that they are not watching any of the shows on the regular schedule and are only interested in some of the pilots/month selections. Sometimes, there can be a month where none of the selections will be of interest for the person, and that was fine for 2$. But asking people to pay 7$ while unaware of what they will be paying for is a bit much.

Andrew Polinski

I don't get the attitude Nid, Shan is trying to make suggestions and such. Have a look at other reactor patreons, Holden Hardman at $7 you don't even get early access to his "edited" youtube video's only your name in the credits. Blind Wave $3 gets you a weeks early access to "edited" youtube videos. (not besmirching these content creators i have been patreons of theirs at some point) Yet here you have had access to "full" patreon pilot selections and your complaining when Shan is merely asking for opinions on making some changes. For 4 years it's been at $2 I personally would have adjusted the prices ages ago just to match inflation. Sean's suggestion is quite good, the only thing i see is not every month there is a new pilot episode so maybe throw in something to sweeten the pot.

Tom Tattershall

I'm in the $30 tier but I'm not wild about taking away content from the $2 tier (except maybe movies). I see your reasoning for possibly doing so but concentrate on making the $10 tier more valuable. I could see making it a movie tier with early access to binge and release shows as added value. Maybe have a monthly poll for one movie for you to react to for that tier. I could see making the $2 tier for pilot episodes only as suggested(and call it Pilot, Discovery or Sample Tier) and maybe add a $4 tier for the rest of the patreon selections currently in the $2 tier instead of moving them to the $7 tier. Just spit balling ideas. Maybe just increase $2 tier to $3 and the $7 tier to $8. I think the $30 tier is worth more also.

Myriam Daoust

First of all, I think it’s perfectly fair that you would think about making some changes to charge a fair price for your work. It’s your job, it’s normal that you get paid decently for it. I am at the 2$ tiers myself, I subscribed a couple times to watch shows I was interested about and that were covered at this tier, but I think it’s actually true that you give away a bit much in this tier considering the low price. However, I think it might be a big jump to move so much things to the 7$ one, especially if someone subscribe to watch only one show that isn’t necessarily cover on a weekly basis. I think it would be perfectly ok to move the movies to a higher tier, it’s really not something that one would expect at such a low price. But for the episodes of the Generosity Pilot tier, I would rather you up the price of the tier of 1$ or 2$ or create an intermediate tier if you want a purely Pilot tier at 2$ anyway. You could also choose to have this apply only to new patrons so the current subscribers don’t loose content, but the new ones would know that this is what they can expect before they subscribe.

Zach Hershman

The entire world is dealing with inflation yet people expect content on here to stay the same? It's honestly just not realistic. Shan, I'm at a higher tier so my opinion may not matter, but I honestly think instead of limiting what the $2 tier has access to, maybe just raise it to $4 or $5. Also, I agree with Tom that you should make the $10 tier more attractive. Something like giving people instant access to your binge and release content as you are reacting to it would be a good idea. I'm not sure how many of us are at the $10 tier, but I have a feeling that you would attract quite a few more people with an idea like that.