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James jackson

I am both amused and saddened by how every other conversation Belle has is her apologizing for something Rumple did. The original dark one dagger was reforged into excalibur and turned to dust when hook was stabbed so either the transfer spell built a new dagger or Rumple forged it to hold the dark one powers before he stole them back.


You were talking about lack of Wonderland connections in the last episode, but there's actually a connection here: The Dr. Lydgate in this episode was the head of the asylum Alice was at (same actor reprising his role)

Luis Garcia

I knew I recognized him from somewhere else. I had thought he might have been in the episode with Dr. Frankenstein, but it seems that I was wrong. I do remember him being in Wonderland now.

Luis Garcia

I wonder if the plan was to introduce both Hyde and the Evil Queen at the end of season 5 as potential season 6 main villains and to keep whichever villain people seemed to like more.


1. I'm one step behind you Froots.. I didn't even remember Ella's "real world" name was Ashley 2. Woulda been even more funny if someone had to put the shoe on and they got magically dragged around town to find Ella 3. Alright.. Pause.. Me thinks Stepmum told Whatsherface to go on over to Prince dude and talk the guy up.. Then Stepmum makes it seem like Prince dude isn't interested in Ella.. Aaaaand play ...added later... Ok.. So not the way it played out.. But with stepmum being the bish she is this wouldn't be all that far fetched 4. Right there with ya.. I don't even know who Charmings dad is.. Nor do I care enough about Charming to want to find out 5. Alright.. Continued from 3. ..I guess I was wrong.. But to no surprise the Stepmum is a total bitch 6. (John Gilbert says not to check his fridge) What's in the fridge doc?? Brains?? ...Actually nah I guess that would be food for you 7. Why does this prison not have any guards or alarms? Oh ok end of the episode.. I guess they didn't have time to write in how the janitor magically drew out a shotgun to stop a breakout.. I dunno.. That's the kinda security I'd have in place down there... Janitors with magic shotguns... And... Dragons 8. Yeah that's weird.. I know Robert Carlyle from this and something else.. And in both shows he has the long hair... This'll take some getting use to ...1 minute later... I already don't like it.. Change it back 9. There's no fucking way I'd be eating month old pancakes either yeah... Them shits would be stale as FUCK. ...Probably mold on them too 10. (while prepping sees thumbnail on site) Dammit... I was THIS close to not being spoiled by Valerie's appearance... Oh well.. It's Once Upon A Time... And it's Valerie.... Meh 11. Holy shit it's Emma!! Ok now I'm expecting someone from The Originals to show up next 12. Ok.. Hold up.. Emma is talking about how her kingdom got attacked by a powerful menace.. She won't name her kingdom.. Says it's in the past.. I've got a pretty good idea on who this is 13. Yeah this switch feels a bit odd.. Just cause of some random backstory we all of a sudden find out that Jekyll is the bad guy?? Nah bish.. They should've given hints to this before 14. Well since Jekyll didn't feel shit when Hyde got stabbed with Rumples dagger.. I'mma assume the OG side is the main side or however you wanna call it.. Making Regina the main side.. Meaning if someone stabs the Evil Queen.. Nothing happens .....Ah ok I should stop pausing to type shit down ....Eh.. I got to the conclusion before they could explain it I guess 15. I kinda feel meh on Hyde dying.. Doomsday is a good actor.. But the character was ehhhh 16. YUP!! Continuing from 5. I figured she'd be Jasmine.. And with this girl showing up at the end.. Even before they said her name out loud.. We first saw this girl in 6x01 back when Jafar showed up in the intro.. Easy peasy 17. Of course you cut yourself.. Klutz ...added today... Ok I found out later it might've been due to you not using the FRIKKIN fidget cube I gave you.. I got you that thing for a reason Froots.. Please stop hurting yourself!