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Prostitution on TV is often portrayed very glamorous. In real life, it is most often the opposite. In Sweden (I'm Swedish), it is not a crime to sell sex, only to buy, for the reason that the one selling sex is seen as a victim and the buyer is the user of that.

Brandon Wiesner

LOL! Angina is a heart condition where you don't get enough blood flowing to it. The symptoms can mimic a heart attack or sometimes indigestion. Your "what the hell" had me cracking up. Also, yeah I agree with you on who you should marry and Ally contradicting herself. So many times, marriages don't work out because one, or maybe even both of them don't feel that spark. If that's how it is before you get married, that's pretty much a red flag you shouldn't ignore. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't marriages for different reasons than love and as long as they are honest with each other about what it is, there's nothing wrong with that. But in this case, who's to say he won't lose weight and another woman would be interested in him and he would find someone that he feels that spark with. Also, as you said, there are people that like heavy set partners. It's very possible someone else can grab his attention and he would leave his wife. That could have been avoided by not marrying her.

s jaco

I come from the Netherlands, so legal prostitution is all I know, but I will defend that with my life. It's a great good if done right. So not like thailand on the corner of streets to take home, but red light districts and saver environments are great. Besides I'd rather have men pay to get laid than take matters into their own hands and harm women. But you need good rules, those are a must to ensure you don't have lover boy victims or human trafficking victims amongst the real sex workers. Legalizing in general is very important for sex workers to ensure they get paid better, have good health care and safety in place. I've never heard of the term chubby-chaser, I actually really like it, it sounds sort of cute even ^^. I love John, I'm so glad he was in this episode. He's a bit strange but I liked that he could hear Ally's thought, that was a funny bit. The romance thing is hard to comment on, I think depending on how you look at it, you could argue he made the right call, and you could argue he made the wrong call by marrying her. We can only hope as a fictional character he found happiness this way regardless. ^^.


Yeah, maybe it's because I'm Scandinavian too, but I think it's crazy to have it the other way around. And as long as it's sex between two consenting adults, I don't think it should matter whether money is involved or not.


I'm so glad to see John again! I'm guessing the actor had conflicting schedules or something and that's why he hasn't been on much. he's my possibly-problematic fave.

Brandon Wiesner

Well there is such a thing as high class escorts that cater to a particular type of clientele but yeah, they are the minority among the other types.