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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/afmzxtsj

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nwf9fkh4fuxi2uq/Arrow%20S08E02%20-%20Welcome%20To%20Hong%20Kong%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!




Won’t let me download or play the file


dang the file wont play. i cant download it cause my internet doesnt download files very well. if it fixes someone message me and let me know ok


If you are on your phone, after clicking the Onehub link, tilt your phone sideways to see the download button. For PC there should be no problem downloading it unless Onehub is temporarily down, the downloads were working just fine earlier. Added: Just tested it, download is working.


There's unfortunately no way on our end to fix the issue, it's Onehub messing things up. We hope you can find a way to download the file somehow and hopefully this isn't a recurring issue for you. Sorry for the inconvenience. :(


its cool my computer let me download this one so crisis averted pun intended ;)

Jake Hodgson

Stephen Amell and Katie Cassidys emotional acting were really top notch this episode. They have really grown as actors since season 1. Side note in my personal opinion Kelly Hu is looking as stunning as ever at 50.

Andrew Polinski

I have been noticing it more and more if you are in Australia trying to download from file sharing or file streaming sites then a lot of the speeds are greatly reduced or non-existant and the only solution i have found unfortunately is going through a VPN. Los Angeles is bad as well but i have found for one-hub the new jersey vpn is really good. I hope this helps some of you.


There should be at least 2 download options showing up when you click the link in the description and tilt your phone 90 degrees. If not then there's something wrong on your end I'm afraid because I tested it on my phone and both options to download are there. Added: We're currently working on a backup plan, Please hold on while we get it sorted :)


Alright for those who are experiencing problems watching/downloading this episode, we have provided you with an alternative link to get it. We apologize for the inconvenience. :(


Alright for those who are experiencing problems watching/downloading this episode, we have provided you with an alternative link to get it. We apologize for the inconvenience. :(

Jordan St. James

Aw, but you always look nice, Shan. I'm sure that by the time Crisis rolls around, you'll be glowing no matter what just out of sheer excitement (as will we all).


Idk if its the same for DK but for me if I click on the Onehub it takes me there and just shows an MP4 file and if I go to Drive it just shows a white film logo and says it cannot be played


Well that means that its just not processed yet. You'll have to download it. A screenshotted example of how to do this on onehub is here: http://prntscr.com/1tgtwsv I know its not this particular episode in the screenshot, it's just one that is not processed for me. and this is the googledrive one: http://prntscr.com/1tgu4qm I used incognito and it was fine for me.


This time the arrowhead title card was from season 2. "Welcome to Hong Kong" is the lina Amanda Waller says to Oliver in the season 2 finale in the flashbacks when it's revealed that he's no longer on the Island, following his fight with Slade. Not as strong as the premiere overall, but better performances from Queen Katie and King Stephen. They really both brought it this episode. You probably forgot most of season 3 flashback stuff, not because it was a long time ago, but because it was boring af......the only thing arguably worse is season 4 flashbacks(exept for that one episode they got Constantine lol)


Just joined in time to watch the end of Arrow with you. Love your reactions!! I love the nostalgia feeling throughout these episodes, it reminds me what a ride it has been