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James jackson

Yeah i knew this one was gonna hurt Who do you think has been treated more unfairly by their respective writers Regina or Laurel?


I'd argue Robin was the one mistreated by the writers. Robin has barely had any character except "Regina's Love Interest". Regina, on the other hand, imo, has been favoritized by the writers. What has she actually done in show to show she's changed? She's never apologized for killing Graham, she admitted that she didn't regret any evil thing she's done because she has Henry, got some random light magic because she wasn't trying to kill any one, got mad at Emma for bringing back a women she herself killed just because it messes up her relationship with her new boyfriend, blames a book for her evil actions.


Just because we didn’t see it happen doesn’t mean she didn’t apologize for killing Graham. She admitted back in Season 3, that she doesn’t regret the evil she’s done.. but that doesn’t stick. There was a 1 year time jump. That woman* was actually Zelena the entire time and intentionally (r-word) and deceived Robin. You wouldn’t be mad? She doesn’t blame the book for her evil actions she just wishes she could be happy like all the other heroes after the good she’s done. Here are some things she’s done to prove that she’s changed: Deactivated the trigger that would kill everyone in Storybrooke (granted she shouldn’t have had it on her). Returned Ariel’s voice back and gave her a happy ending with Prince Eric. Helped Tinker Bell believe in herself to prove to Mother Superior that she has earned her wings back. Prevented Pan’s Curse from happening (while also paying the price of never seeing Henry again; being selfless). Cast the Dark Curse (the 2nd time) to get everyone back to Storybrooke so they could get Emma’s help on defeating the Wicked Witch. Broke The Dark Curse with True Love’s Kiss (light magic; not random) Uses that light magic to defeat the Wicked Witch when Emma couldn’t. Shows the Wicked Witch mercy and CHOOSES not to kill her (past Regina would have). Saves “Marian” from freezing spell even though it goes against her happiness. Sends “Marian” with Robin over the town line to save “Marian” from dying (even though it goes against her happiness; being selfless). Frees the Fairies from the Hat when Rumple forced Hook to trap them in there. Goes undercover to unveil Cruella, Ursula, Maleficent and Rumple’s plan before they can finalize it. Makes a sacrifice in alternative reality (going against her own happiness) to prevent Rumple from hurting Henry. This sacrifice undid all of Isaac’s villainous work. Shows the town that she’s willing to put her life on the line when Emma Swan becomes the Dark One. The list can and will keep on going because that is who Regina is. I’m not saying that all of these good deeds will undo all her evil actions but she’s proven numerous times that she wants to change. (This reply was deleted on my side so sorry if it shows up twice)

Darryl John Dodo Tait

Because they were not the couple I was betting on to carry the story for true love I wanted regina and robin to be

John Walker Is That Dude

Kreisberg’s laurel wasn’t a meta, a bad ass fighter and smart. He made her into an alcoholic. Berlantis laurel is was should have been and that’s thank to looms


I mean, Regina hurt and killed a lot of people during her reign of terror, so technically she might still deserve what she got and probably more.......but it's still sucks ass. And Robin didn't deserve that! I hated it. I mean, I teared up a bit, so I guess they did their job, but F the writers anyway! And I loved Sean so much as Robin, I was so hopeful when he was promoted to regular cast member for season 5, but he was kinda mostly wasted, regulated to just be Regina's boyfriend and Zelena's baby daddy((( When it dawns on you that they didn't name the baby, just so they can name her Robin, when her father dies((( I knew you would be mad when Hook came back!!! I love Colin(and Hook) too much, so I was happy, but I never believed that he would stay dead to be honest with you. How come those idiots left Hades' ashes just lying there.......it reminds me of when Vandal Savage was defeated in the "Heroes Join Forces" crossover just for Merlyn to collect his ashes in the end. They didn't even sweep after themselves))) I do like that Regina and Zelena seemingly buried the hatchet and are on the same page now. I like them together.......you didn't have to kill Robin for that tho( Zeus is probably like: "You see I would've brought Robin back as well, but he was obliterated with Olympian Lightning Bolt Bullshit. How convinient that I can't reverse that stuff, huh."


The actor just got promoted to series regular this season and than was brutally killed off THE SAME SEASON... They really did him dirty. I feel like a more affective death would've been Prince Charming sorry to say. Ginnifer was pregnant irl and Prince Charming was suppose to be a one offish character in the pilot, he was suppose to die sacrifcing himself to send Emma through the magical wardrobe. He was the male lead since season 1 and it did alternatively feel like Prince Charming's character arc was DONE & it still is... Snow & Charming don't provide any entertainment or actual PURPOSE in being there, they legit feel like supporting players and only THERE to comfort Emma at times or help EMMA when she's in need of saving, advice, assistance etc... Prince Charming should've had a heroic death sacrificing himself to save Snow after they both tried to help rescue and obtain Robin from Hades evil plans. At the same time it's quite annoying how David is acting like Zelena STOLE Robin from him and they're on a rescue mission to save her, i feel like they could've had a much calmer approach in handling that situation... 5B was a heavily featured Zelena storyline where i'm now finally feeling sorry for her because she opened herself up to love and love DOES sometimes make you feel vulernable & you become blinded, Zelena followed her heart and truly did love Hades but he maniuplated her into ruling Storybrooke and having MORE power. Zelena KILLED her "true love" to save her sister.... Would Regina? Zelena's first time doing something heroic sacrificing her happy ending for a life which is very thoughtful.... Out of Hades, Regina, Zelena and Emma i must say this was partially ALL of their fault. Emma should've never tangled herself around with the Underworld, it was EXTREMELY SELFISH... Everyone in the show lossed people they had deep/loving connections too like you're not SPECIAL hunnie... Not only that, she didn't decide to solo quest by herself, she willingly dragged everyone to the Underworld. If Emma NEVER went down to the underworld Robins death COULD have been avoided and also she wouldn't feel like a brat. Regina is at fault for trusting a vulernable woman who had no redeeming qualities until she remebered ONE DAY FROM HER PASSED THAT SHE FORGOTTEN? So you remember a play date and now you're redeemable? Love Zelena on the road to redemption but it feels so rushed and out of place. Zelenas judgement and perception was blinded by true love... Regina has no legal right to manipulate Robin and sugar coat the situation into handing HE'S daughter to the woman who legit is responsbile for Neals death, killed hundreds if not thousands of people, cursed everyone, choked Henry, killed Marian, sexually assulted Robin & teamed up the Arthur who was attempting to kill them ALL.... Even though technically Zelena is the mother, she has no trustworthy vibes. Zelena is at fault for not noticing the red flags sooner and going against Reginas wishes in taking the baby to KEEP SAFE, don't just hand over your baby to the god of death who you've been in love with for merely a day like sweetieeeee.... Regina trusted Zelena which ultimately lead to the cause of Robins death. Robin and Regina both warned Hades about he's vindictive behavior of attempting to inprision Regina, Hook, Emma, David & Henry for internity... Extremely gullable and couldn't sense what was right in front of her, a monstor abusing he's power and controlling her like a puppet to keep him safe until he destroys remaining threats and rebuild he's version of a broken kingdom. Zelenas revenge of destroying reginas happiness lead to ALL OF THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE... Hades is most at fault the because.... He killed Robin, murdered robin in cold blood so it's technically he's fault because i do believe in some weird twisted way Zelena cared for Robin or at least respected him and he's loyalty and didn't want him to die I find it interesting how EMMA THE HERO, regains her love interest and REGINA & ZELENA THE VILLIANS lose their love interestes.... Maybe villians are actually cursed and fated to never gain a happy ending PERMANTELY no matter how hard they try to reform and redeem themselves. Reviving a man which 5B was centered towards only to have Emma part ways and say goodbye to him AGAIN only to be reunited with him again being revived/resurrected by Zeus who legit only appeared for one scene like wtf... Only to have Robin killed for being loyal to he's girlfriend and friends in assiting them to save Hook.... HE GETS PUNISHED like.... Such a disappointment and diss to the character, ship, fandom but most importantly the actor... So robbed only having one season to be a series regular.... Regina & Robin could've had much more potential! Maybe even considering Zelena is not showing any wicked signs anymore they could've CO-PARENTED and learn to tolerate and respect each other whilst Regina was step mum/auntie learning to accept the situation and deal with Zelena being the mother of the baby Robin is the father of... Would've been twist and turns and heaps of bumps but SO WORTH IT... Very unique family but nope... Hopefully is happens though!

Avalon Perry

Okay, I get where Regina is coming from with Zelena. To me It seems like Regina probably sees a lot of herself in her, and maybe is Zelena can’t change then what does that mean for her? In my opinion it’s unfair if Zelena isn’t given a chance to be better, because if you think about it Regina did much much worse things than her. She killed way more people, probably thousands more than Zelena, and that includes her own father. She was also given multiple chances by Snow to better (For example: when Snow stopped her execution) none of which she took, and after all that she was still able to change become a good person. Zelena hasn’t nearly as much, and she’s definitely shown progress since we first met her, so she should be given a chance to be better and turn to the side of good, otherwise it’s just double standards.

Avalon Perry

Although I’m also very pissed at writers for bringing hook back, especially since I didn’t like him that much, I kind of get why they did it and I also saw an interview where they explained it more. Emma has been alone for almost her whole life and she had no choice in matter. She grew up with no family and lot all chances at getting one, lost any friends she had, lost pretty much every chance at love she had including the father of her child, you get the point. Hook is supposed to be the love of her life and losing him on top of all the loss she’s already suffered would be way too much. Even so, I think either Hook and Robin should’ve either both lived or both died. I think if Hook had stayed dead that would’ve made for a really good opportunity to develop Emma and Regina’s relationship, they could’ve grieved together and maybe gotten closer.

Avalon Perry (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-29 19:30:13 Just from a real world standpoint rather than a plot standpoint, Robin died because Sean Maguire (Robin Hood) was ready to leave the show. His contract was up and he made the decision himself to leave, so the writers had to figure out how to get rid of Robin on short notice. Hook was brought back to life because Colin O’donoghue’s (Hook) contract goes for six seasons and so he couldn’t leave, but if that’s the case then I don’t think the writers should have “killed” him to begin with. Anyway, personally I think season 6 is alot better than season 5, so I’m hoping you’ll enjoy it more.
2021-09-07 19:36:56


Sean - "No, I found out in January. The guys phoned me and told me what their plan was. I said, “Okay,” and we’ve taken it from there. It was a decision made by [executive producers] Adam [Horowitz] and Eddy [Kitsis], so I don’t want to speak on their behalf. They told me certain things they have in mind and there’s a reason why they felt that this was the end for Robin". Sean didnt leave on he's own terms, that wouldn't make sense especially since Sean and Rebecca got promoted at the same time for Season 5.


“Just because we didn’t see it happen doesn’t mean she didn’t apologize for killing Graham”. Straight from the creators mouth during S4: “she doesn’t know that Regina killed Graham. If you look back at season one, before Emma believed, when she talks to Henry about the aftermath of Graham’s death, she says what the autopsy was, which was an aneurysm. She still believes that” “she doesn’t blame the book for her evil actions” When she tells Sidney about the book: “This book is why I'm suffering,”... “We must find out who wrote this cursed Tome and then force them to give me what I deserve.” The first 3 things you mention (trigger, Ariel, and Tink) are issues she herself caused. One thing I forgot to mention is her locking Belle up for 28 years and then in 4B using Belle’s heart to trick Rumple (considering Regina told her to forget it happened means Belle has no idea)


sapphic_avalon, please remove your thoughts about season 6 from your comment. Shan considers these an "expectation spoilers" and she hates them(maybe hate is a strong word, but she def doesn't like them), so edit that last sentence out or people will tell her not to read your comment, so she can avoid that "expectation spoiler".


Sapphic, Please remove the part about Season 6, I have informed Shannan not to read the comments. Thanks for the assistance Lannister :)

Brandon Wiesner

Not much to say that hasn't been said except I agree. Robin's death was an unnecessary blow to Regina. Hook was like ok wtf? Also though, Rumple's constant back and forth between good and evil is getting tiresome.


Oh wow, I had no idea about Graham 😅 But I was also just mentioning things since you asked what has she done to prove she’s changed. I think that it’s important that she tries to undo what she’s done (at least what she can do). If you have a video or a link of when the creators said this about Regina killing Graham, I would love to see it! As for the book, I agree, how she goes about getting her happy ending is not the best. Tinker Bell disobeyed a lot of rules 😅 If this sounded like I was attacking you, I truly didn’t mean it to be. ❤️


https://ew.com/article/2014/10/31/once-upon-time-hot-seat-spoilers/ It was an interview from when 4A was airing