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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3umwdfezfepqnj4/Batwoman%20S01E01%20-%20Pilot%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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It looks like Shan missed it, but when Luke was calling security to remove Kate from Wayne Towers, it's mentioned that his last name is Fox


I feel like that one line could've been changed to " the suit would be perfect if it fit me", because you know, she's here and he's not. But I also think every Arrowverse show had some cringy lines every now and then lol It's interesting that the big villian reveal happens in the first episode, as opposed to the disaster that was Savitar's identity in the Flash. The show definetely got review bombed by people who didn't appreciate a lesbian being the main character. I'm obviously not saying that there's no valid criticism that can be made, but I'm glad you enjoyed it and didn't get discouraged by the expectation spoilers. There will be a conversation in a future episode that puts the Arkham breakout from Elseworlds in the timeline, you can't really miss it unless you don't pay attention to a scene (if this is too much of a spoiler let me know and I'll edit this out)


yeah I enjoyed this episode when I saw it the first time. I like the music in the show too. oh and even if Batman isn't there I enjoy all the Batman and Alice in Wonderland references :) Since you brought up the concept of arrowverse tropes and have seen 7 years of arrowverse now what "arrowverse tropes" tend to happen in the shows? :) Just curious about what patterns you have seen :)


Voiceover. Every CW show I have seen starts with Voiceover. Even if they don’t have voiceover for the rest of the series, it always starts with voiceover


I know the actress who plays Alice from the show Lost Girl...which by the way, is a great show to watch...maybe consider it for a show to react to...just fair warning, though there isn't any actual nudity on the show (talking about Lost Girl here), there is a LOT (like LOTS) of bare skin...pretty much as much bare skin from all angles and such, as much as you can get, without anything that would qualify as actual nudity! But the show itself is pretty good!


I really blame old The WB shows for this. Like Felicity and such. They sent the template of the “voiceover” that EVERY CW show seems to have. You can’t be a CW show without one. Though there’s been a few exceptions.


In case you don't know it but Shan has reacted to the pilot of Lost Girl: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lost-girl-s01e01-20673547


The Crows aren’t the GCPD. They are a security force brought in to help control crime in Gotham

Mark Chrisco

Yeah, that one line put the show in a bad light that really brought out the haters.


ooohh...I missed that. I did see that it's on the list of shows to vote for, but I missed her reaction to the pilot. I'll have to take a look at that


Liked the reaction. Glad you enjoyed the show. With the spoiler free rule you have that includes not watching trailers saved you from watching the infamous trailer for Batwoman that was supposed to get people interested in the show. I think you won’t have as negative reaction as others due to not seeing the trailer and also a lot of backlash with these same people to the last couple of seasons of Supergirl. The line about the suit sounded cringey because it was mainly there to be in the trailer. Unfortunately it was not a good line and caused more people to turn against the show even before it began than would have already done so. Now people were just looking for any and everything to pick the show apart because they already made up their mind about the show after seeing the trailer. After the first season I think it would be interesting to see you watch the trailer and see what you think of it.


CW show trailers are complete garbage. I don’t know why people take any of them at face value. They almost never draw you into the show and the quality difference between trailer vs. show is just so stark I don’t know how anybody can take the trailers as indication of quality.


That was not a normal school but a military academy. Which prepares candidates for service in the officer corps. And until 2011 you where not allowed to be openly gay in the USAs military.


I'm glad u said this cause i was just about to write the exact same thing! and the reason why Kate was so hurt is because Sophie is hiding who she TRULY is and to Kate its coming off as Kate isn't good enough for Sophie to come out.


it was really nice seeing you not be negative about the show. the alice is beth twist is an open secret in the comics so im not surprised they revealed it immediately.


That "boring" movie was The Mark of Zorro, the same movie the Waynes were watching before they got shot in the Crime Alley) Vesper Fairchild (the lady on the radio who says "talk to me Gotham") was mentioned by Oliver in the Elseworlds, he mentioned that they had an affair. I'm glad they didn't waste time keeping a mystery of Alice's identity. Yes you usually get those reveals in season finales or midseason finales, but we gotta catchup to Elseworlds and then to the rest of the Arrowverse before Crisis, who's like almost a year ahead, so we gotta move, baby) "When it's fits a woman" was cringe and just for the trailer, but it was overblown by the internet. Titans "fuck Batman" at least made sense in the context of that scene(and I actually liked it)))


I gotta say, this is the first time I’ve seen the first episode since it aired and I actually liked it a lot more the second time around. It’s still no Arrow pilot, but it’s not as bad as I remember it. Also Vesper Fairchild is an actual former radio host turned popular news anchor. She has done a couple other show like House of Cards, but this is her first time playing a character and not as herself


I haven’t seen anyone mention it yet so I’ll be the first to point it out. Kate’s Dad is Dougray Scott. He was cast as Wolverine. That’s right. CAST. Not auditioned. He was cast as Wolverine. Due to his commitments to Mission Impossible 2 he had to drop out and they went back to the drawing board. And that was how Hugh Jackman became Wolverine. In a different universe if X-Men shot just a little later, or if Mission Impossible 2 was on schedule. And he didn’t get injured, he would have been Wolverine and Hugh Jackman would probably still be doing bit roles in Australia. Funny how the world works sometimes. There’s a meme about it that makes fun of his personality on the show but it’s kinda spoilery so I won’t post it.

Mark Chrisco

IIRC Jackman was cast the weekend before filming.


This is maybe more of a Hero/Superhero trope in General but they all have a family member or friend or mentor that has died (or assumed dead) usually one or more before the show and then a couple in the first couple seasons and some in flashbacks. Examples of Pre-series ones... Oliver's Dad, Barry's Mom, Kara's Kryptonian Parents and Aunt and Uncle/ Krypton and Jeremiah(thinks so at first at least), Rip's Wife and son, Jefferson's Dad, Kate's sister and Mother. Also it follows along the last thing. Love interests getting killed. Having a team. Team Arrow, Team Flash, Legends, Superfriends, Black lightnings family, Team Batwoman (or new bat family). Flashbacks Working with a Law enforcement agency.