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This one was much better than the others. I felt like this one seemed the most like a “What if” whereas with episodes one and two just felt like “let’s do a lot of the same scenes but make the main person someone else.” Episode 3 was like this but this was executed so much better


I've never liked Doctor Strange very much, but this episode was interesting. It's a bit cliche to do "good wizard turns bad" but small changes are interesting. Sometimes it makes a small ripple, sometimes a big wave. The Watcher is becoming more and more prominent. I'm expecting them to intervene at some point, and I'm curious to see what happens then.


Definitely my favorite episode of the show so far. And now that the Watcher has interacted with a character in the show I'm hoping he will actually interfere in a future episode.

Jordan St. James

Agreed. This is probably the best, and most unique, episode so far. That being said, there were a few things that bothered me. The concept of Christine's death being treated as such a definite fixed point in time, when we obviously know better, kinda makes this seem less like a "What if...?" scenario and more like a completely different continuity/universe altogether. Like a reboot of a movie. I don't know. The way Christine kept dying in some way or another, I thought it was leading to some plot twist where it turned out that some villain in the future was orchestrating her deaths to ensure that Strange ended up on his dark path. That could've been cool. Who knows? Also, the fact that, despite Christine dying instead of him getting his hands crushed, he still ended up going through the major events of the Strange movie, i.e. The Ancient One dying and Strange defeating Dormammu, just seems very... I don't know, convenient, I guess. I feel like they could've been more imaginative. Changed things up a bit more. Still, as I said, probably the best episode so far. The story was interesting and emotional. The music was great. They really went all out with the visuals. There was nice expansion of the magical domain and worldbuilding of the MCU. And the dark ending was kinda the cherry on top. Pretty ballsy move. The time loop sequence of Strange trying to save Christine was pretty clever, too. It managed to be a callback to the first movie's climax while still being its own unique thing. Honestly, the stuff in this episode almost seems too good considering what we've gotten up till now. It's like, for whatever reason, they decided to pour all the effort and writing into this episode as opposed to the previous ones.

Jordan St. James

If The Ancient One was still supposed to have died in this version of events, how did she end up battling Strange and trying to get him to turn away from his dark course of action? Did she somehow time travel? I wish they had explained that better.

Jordan St. James

I'm assuming you're referring to the scene where she was talking to the "good" Strange in which she essentially said that she was a time ghost. But if that's what she was the whole time, how would she still be able to physically engage the "bad" Strange in combat and cast a spell powerful enough to caused a branched timeline post-death? That just doesn't add up to me.

Devil’s Arrow

That’s probably the ancient one who was alive at the time Strange had his accident since he time travelled to that moment


Honestly I think that would be a little cliché. I hope he doesn’t interfere more than a few conversations

Brandon Wiesner

This one was very good. It shows a very realistic scenario in which Strange can conceivably do all the wrong things for what in his view is a good reason. He didn't stop to think how what he was doing could be affecting the world, or in this case, the universe. It really brought the audience on the journey with him, as opposed to so far, it basically just brought us into the world where everything was already happening and we were supposed to accept it. The 2nd episode was fun considering that but this episode really displayed the consequences of a series of choices, particularly someone wielding the kind of power that he had. It's not just the fact that it was dark. It did a good job of explaining how they got to the point at the end. Better than any of the other episodes so far.

Andreas Froby

"Marvel's The Avengers Prelude: Fury's Big Week, or simply Fury's Big Week, is a limited series comic book published by Marvel Comics as an official tie-in comic to the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), specifically the 2012 film Marvel's The Avengers. The comic was written by Eric Pearson from stories by himself and Chris Yost, with art by various pencillers. Fury's Big Week follows Nick Fury and several agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. as they deal with the various events of the MCU films leading up to The Avengers" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fury%27s_Big_Week?wprov=sfla1


As much as I enjoyed this episode (and I did, it's definitely my favorite out of the 4), I thought it was very predictable. The first part, until he went to the Library (more or less) his pretty much a carbon copy of the movie "The Time Machine" and the rest you can see coming a mile away. But like I said, I still loved it. Predictable doesn't mean horrible.


I also quickly want to add for last week's episode. Fury's big week is actually true and not at all talked or confirmed after the facts. It's actually on screen. Coulson mentions to Tony that he has to go to New Mexico (because they found the hammer). And when Fury present Tony with the idea of the Avengers Initiative at the end of the movie, if you look closely at the screens, you can see the Hulk incident on the News (meaning it just happened). Odin wasn't the one to bring Thor back, the hammer was. It gave him his powers back. And it happened because he proved himself to be worthy. That wasn't the case here. This is still at the beginning of his journey, it's the fact that he couldn't lift Mjolnir anymore that started the change. In this timeline, he died beforehand. And he could die because at that point, he was mortal.


I get that but Uatu is notorious for interfering if he feels he needs to in the comics and if they do it in an interesting way it could be less cliché than how either of us probably expect it to be.


1. It isn't just you.. I'm cautiously optimistic about both Spiderman and the Doctor Strange movie... I don't care about the Karate dude movie at all.. I'm not sure about The Eternals.. I mean they're supposed to be the most powerful Marvel comic book characters??? We'll see.. It's all gone a bit downhill since Endgame 2. I'm not so sure about how these movies took place during the same week.. It MIGHT be true.. But it was never actually stated in the movies I think... Coulson found the hammer crashsite in the end credits of Iron Man 2? I think.. And that led to Thor and them having a camp around it... Maaaaaybe they could've put all that up in a week.. But I think it'd actually have been several weeks since finding Mjew Mjew... As for The Hulk... That movie wasn't decided to be part of things until much later I think... Maybe.. When General Ross showed up in another end credit scene... Soooooo.. No on that one 3. I put Iron Man 1 on my list cause it just popped up in my head.. I liked how they showed Tony making the suit.. And I have a painting on my kitchen wall of the scene where Iron Man walks away from an explosion... And I think I just happened to be looking at that for some reason... But I think both Infinity War and Endgame are definitely my favourites 4. Poor Froots.. Severe case of the hay fever hey? ..The jumper looks hella cute! And I'm doing alright I suppose.. Thanks for asking 5. Having seen the title.. I presume that it means he gets an ARC reactor in his chest after the accident.. But.. Who knows? ...You do.. I don't.. Yet ...added later... Ah ok.. Yeah that makes sense too 6. It's an absolute point in time.. That shit don't make no sense... We've seen the movie.. Rachel lives.. THIS.. This is making up some bullshit plot story to have your episode happen.. No.. I don't buy this.. DO BETTER! 7. HA! Kida reference!! I LOVE IT.. Honestly one of the best scenes from the movie.. The music behind it when she goes towards the water and tells Milo not to be afraid.. EPIC! I've re-watched that scene MANY times 8. I mean.. The episode was one of the better ones.. But "an absolute point in time" ..Nope.. They should've come up with something believable

Patrick - Excelsior

When the Ancient One confronted "Bad Strange", he was back in time to when his love died. The Ancient One was alive at this time and was able to fight him. When she later talked to Good Strange it was after she had died.