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James jackson

You put out about a dozen videos today i think we will survive. We appreciate you.


It is fun to watch Shan recognize actors on other shows. Imagine if she ends up reacting to Spartacus. That's full of actors she would recognize from both the Arrowverse and the TVDverse

Avalon Perry

The reason they couldn’t say that there was another pen in the underworld like everything else, is because they would be contradicting themselves. It was made clear in season 4 that there is one, and only one authors pen. It is a unique magical object that is the only one like it, and If someone tried to make another (out of the wood from an enchanted tree) that would be a completely different pen which could potentially choose a completely different author. The pen that chose Henry is essentially living in that it is able to do just that, as well as the fact that it basically writes on its own. The author of course is the one who thinks of what to write, but the pen is the one who does the actual writing. When Henry broke the pen, he essentially killed it making it’s magic fizzle out, and it was therefore sent to the underworld with it’s unfinished business being Henry.

Avalon Perry

One thing that I think this show has always done really well is casting characters’ younger versions, In my opinion they always look so much like the main actors. Bailee Madison is the actress who plays young/teen Snow in this episode and in the past, and I think she has a very good resemblance to Ginnifer Goodwin. Then there’s also Abby Ross who plays the teen version of Emma, and although she was made up to look more like Jen Morrison (Hair dye, contacts) I still think they look a lot alike in terms of visible features, facial/bone structure, and general stature. Those are just a couple of examples but there have been others like the little boy who played young David, and the actress who played young Zelena who were great too.


Season 5 has an odd number of episodes, so maybe this is a good thing 🤔

Brandon Wiesner

I think calling Hercules "Herc" is a call back to the Legendary Journeys, as he was often referred to as Herc in that show.

Chris Peacock

Honestly yeah. We talked about having episode 21 be the one by itself, but might as well make it this one instead.

Jordan St. James

You know, I probably should've mentioned this last episode, but all the talk about characters constantly coming back to life and there being no consequences reminds me of an old saying from comic books, because comics loved bringing characters back from the grave: "No one stays dead except Bucky Barnes, Jason Todd and Uncle Ben." And even then, they eventually brought Bucky and Jason back to life anyway. Fiction just loves to think of death as a revolving door.

Jordan St. James

I think the "message" that Hook was referring to was what happened when the heroes tried to find him with that magic potion over the grave thing which didn't really work but they tried to reassure him that they'd find him anyway.

Jordan St. James

Clearly this Hercules is more based on the actual Greek myth than Disney Hercules, which took a lot of liberties with the original story anyway. Disney Hercules really seems more Superman than Hercules, I feel.

Jordan St. James

Sooo, you can accept talking snowmen, little boys turning into teacups and really long hair that men can climb without tearing the girl's scalp off but a magic living pen is too much for you? Picky, picky...

Jordan St. James

Wait, Herc's problem with Cerberus was that he couldn't handle the additional two heads? If he completed the other labours then he would've killed the multi-headed Hydra beast. Plot hole, Once Upon a Time writers, take note. Either that, or this Hercules is even more of a wimpy bitch than you thought, Shan.