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James jackson

This season dropped an episode and season eight is 10 episodes because Stephen Amell was just done, exhausted physically and mentally. It took a lot of money and a short season for him to agree to do it at all. He did an interview with michael rosenbaum about it.


I don't know if Dinah telling Roy she killed people would help - her kill (the only confirmed) was Sean Sonus, a gangster and a criminal. Roy killed an innocent policeman back in S2 and now a bunch of security guards. I also don't think Dinah really regrets killing that guy (even though Vinnie was revealed to be alive)

Luis Garcia

I also wasn't really a fan of Tommy during season 1, but I have enjoyed having the actor back throughout the seasons. I think that if the villain has gone too far and you can't capture them and keep them securely locked up, killing them to protect lives is acceptable. Oliver might have stopped killing regularly after Tommy's death, but he did kill Ra's al Ghul and Damien Darhk to stop them from killing more people. Emiko being his half sister doesn't lessen her crimes. She is the leader of a terrorist organization, just like Damien, and she plans on using a weapon to kill everyone in Star City, just likes Ra's al Ghul.


That's true, but the main reason for him to quit was that he wanted to spend more time with his family. Now at the start of his arrow career, he became a father and filming the show required him to be in Canada for a significant portion of the year. And it got harder and harder for him to be separated from his wife and daughter every year for so long. To clarify this, here are two paragraphs from an article around the time it was announced that Arrow's 8th season would be its last: In his emotional explanation, the Canadian-born actor that has been playing the titular role since 2012, said that being away from his Los Angeles- based family played a major factor in his difficult decision. “A large part of this decision is because I’m now a father and a husband and a lot of my life and interests don’t really reside in Vancouver anymore and thinking that’s the best thing for me personally and professionally,” Amell, 37, explained as he fought back tears.

Jordan St. James

I may be mistaken, but I think that whole Zeta robot project is a reference to that short-lived Batman Beyond spinoff.


No one has forgotten that Dinah killed someone too, the difference is that this episode was focused on forgiveness/redemption/ letting the PAST go and moving on so oliver doesn't lead his future/kids down the same vengeful path that leads to payback instead of trying to make the world a better place. PLUS Roy killed 2 COPS which makes it worse. not saying other peoples lives don't matter but when cops die its always horrible when they are there to just do their job and protect others. I understand its fun to always want to watch the hero of the show kill the bad guy/girl or get him/her in the end BUT what i love about Arrow and Oliver is that he is learning/knows that to be the real hero that everyone looks up to, then that hero needs to remember to be the bigger person and let go of the pain, hurt and the past. which includes NOT killing Emiko. That's the difference between a regulars person thinking and a heroes thinking.. no one is EVER too far gone! and oliver needed this vision of tommy to tell him cause he wouldn't have listened to anyone else cause tommy had been through the same trauma/childhood that Oliver went through. and unless someone has walked in your shoes they will never understand how it feels, so it needed to be Tommy. And as far as Felicity's decisions, i think she made all the right ones when it came to raising the kids but the only thing i think she could of done better was let Mia grow up with William. BUT at the same time if Williams grandparents had legal custody they probably didn't let him leave legally until he was 18 and by that time he was so pissed at his parents he didn't want to find them until now. Also I would like to point out that almost 99% of people who want to hurt a lot people are not evil psychopaths', they are normal humans who have feelings and have been hurt so much in their lives over and over and over again to the point where vengeance/payback is all they know/want.. aka why Tommy was in the episode and why he was trying to get Oliver to remember what pain and rejection can do to someone.. misery loves company.. hurt people want to hurt people. people in pain and who are hurt just want to see others hurt and be in pain too. Rewatch some of the scenes with Oliver and Emiko and watch her facial expression and her eyes( give it up the the actress who did great at this!) you can SEE the pain and anger in her eyes when Oliver talks to her about her dad and her mom. She just wants to be accepted and loved. can't wait for the next reaction and for ur reactions to season 8! everyone else wasn't a fan of season 8 but i was!!! And I HOPE you will be too!


Nicole, The last couple of sentences are expectation spoilers.. Please remove. Thanks :)

Andrew Polinski

Also paragraphs would be nice, shift+enter if you don't know how to do new line.


Lmfao 🤦‍♀️


Lol I do know but I didn’t know I was back in school sorry grammar police 🙄


Nicole, Again, Please remove the last few sentences in your comment regarding future seasons. It contains expectation spoilers. I have informed Shannan not to read the comments


I have no problem with the way you wrote your message, Just please remove the spoilers. Thank you :)


Wow Tony you really have an issue if u went out of ur way to message her and tell her not to read the comments just cause I said I THINK she will like season 8 cause I did. I didn’t spoil NOT ONE THING. U need to CALM DOWN my dude.. it’s JUST A tv show😳🙄🤦‍♀️ and I edit it just for u princess! 😘


As a moderator it is my job to protect her from getting spoiled. Shannan has a strict policy when it comes to spoilers. What you've posted about Season 8 is considered a expectation spoiler. Please delete it. Thanks :)


Lmfao no it is not! All I said is I HOPE she likes season 8 as much as I did. It is NO secret that Shannon’s favorite character/actor is Black Canary/Katie Cassidy. 🙄 So no I did NOT spoil anything and u really need to calm down with ur “job” lol don’t take it so seriously Paul Blart! It’s not like ur getting paid and if you are….🤦‍♀️


And I already deleted it if u were being the moderator you say you are you would of seen it😉


You have not deleted it, It's still there. I hope you realise I mean no disrespect, No need to get angry with me, I am just acting out of Shannans best interests here.

Brandon Wiesner

Your definition of what is a spoiler and what isn't is irrelevant. This is Shannan's (that's how her name is spelled BTW and it's a pet peeve of hers when people get it wrong) channel, so her rules. She doesn't want to know how people feel about episodes or seasons, because it would affect her expectations, which is why Tony called what you wrote an expectation spoiler. If, for example she hears that what she's going to watch is either really hyped,, or wasn't popular with the fans, she will go in expecting that, rather than just watching blindly and forming her own, independent opinion. If she reacts to something and isn't surprised, because she "heard it was going to be like this" or something, then it's not a true reaction, which not only hurts her but also those of us who are interested in seeing her react to it knowing nothing beforehand. So, it's your choice. Remove what you said about how other people felt about season 8 and how you felt about it. Then she will know it's safe to read your comment. Or don't and she won't read it. But arguing about what is a spoiler and what isn't won't get you anywhere, because as I said, that is determined by Shan.


Thank you for deleting your comment, You didn't have to delete all of it, Just the bits about Season 8. Please try to be mindful in the future that Shannans policy about spoilers is very strict. What some people might not see as a spoiler, She does. So again thank you for your cooperation. Have a nice day :)

Brandon Wiesner

I didn't rewrite what you wrote, I used examples. But I edited it to make it more vague, since you deleted your OP and she will likely be reading your comments now. You took what we were saying way too personally. No one was attacking you. It was only to explain why what you said is not something Shan wants to see. Not for us but for her.


Yeah I know it can be hard not to do an expectation spoiler because I've wanted to before on certain shows but I just keep in mind like the guys said that I want her and us to have the best unspoiled, unbiased first time reaction to stuff. So when I post stuff I just try double check before hitting enter that everything I'm commenting on either happened in this episode or before and then submit it and I appreciate Tony and other mods because if we do make a mistake they help catch it.

Chris Peacock

Yeah. The only reason Vinnie survived was because he became a meta a split second before he was "killed" so Sean was still guilty of attempting to kill him and even thought he had. So I can see why she wouldn't feel guilty about it.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-26 22:42:32 I honestly get really annoyed when Arrow have episodes trying to stop the him from killing. I mean he's killed so many people in roughly 11 years at this point of being the Hood. And even if he hasn't killed them, he has seriously harmed people to the point where they'd be better of dead. And I'm not condoning killing, killing is bad, but at this point in the show, who cares. Especially when you have people like Emiko who have no regard for life, and want to kill everyone. I mean she literally just killed how many policeman in this episode. But that's alright because with the power of friendship & a hope speech, your countless murders, almost destroying the city, trying to kill his freinds will be forgotten & you can be on your way to becoming a hero in no time. (Sarcasm obviously).
2021-08-10 23:20:43 I honestly get really annoyed when Arrow have episodes trying to stop the him from killing. I mean he's killed so many people in roughly 11 years at this point of being the Hood. And even if he hasn't killed them, he has seriously harmed people to the point where they'd be better of dead. And I'm not condoning killing, killing is bad, but at this point in the show, who cares. Especially when you have people like Emiko who have no regard for life, and want to kill everyone. I mean she literally just killed how many policeman in this episode. But that's alright because with the power of friendship & a hope speech, your countless murders, almost destroying the city, trying to kill his freinds will be forgotten & you can be on your way to becoming a hero in no time. (Sarcasm obviously).

I honestly get really annoyed when Arrow have episodes trying to stop the him from killing. I mean he's killed so many people in roughly 11 years at this point of being the Hood. And even if he hasn't killed them, he has seriously harmed people to the point where they'd be better of dead. And I'm not condoning killing, killing is bad, but at this point in the show, who cares. Especially when you have people like Emiko who have no regard for life, and want to kill everyone. I mean she literally just killed how many policeman in this episode. But that's alright because with the power of friendship & a hope speech, your countless murders, almost destroying the city, trying to kill his freinds will be forgotten & you can be on your way to becoming a hero in no time. (Sarcasm obviously).

John Walker Is That Dude

Dinah killed a drug dealing murderer. This is Roy’s second time killing an innocent.