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Gary's been manipulated, or I guess I should say "ma-nipple-ated"

Mark Chrisco

Suppose Mick and Charlie had been on an undercover assignment? Mona's behavior here only solidified my dislike of her character

Chris Peacock

I don't want to answer your question. It's mean of you to ask it. lol But I will. Hottest Arrowvese character. Main characters. Caitlin followed closely by Kara. I like Kara better if we include personality although I do like Caitlin's personality as well. Seasonal Main character. Samantha (but not Reign because of the mask. Hate the mask) followed closely by a spoiler. lol Minor character. Linda Park Overall. Linda Park by a MILE. Of course it's Malese. I've said in DM before I had a crush on her. Now I guess I'm telling everyone else. lol

Brandon Wiesner

For me, it would be Melissa Benoist. But I don't guess I'm alone there, lol.

Taylor Richburg

For a girl Sara Lance, For a guy Barry Allen😌

Andrew Polinski

Nia and Zari, Sarah very close 3rd

David Brown

The way you pose the question seems to be about physical appearance. So real names take priority. The most beautiful for me is Tala Ashe (Zari). Then Melissa Benoist (Kara). I've loved Chyler Leigh (Alex) since Not Another Teen Movie and That 80s Show. Then Jessica Parker Kennedy (Nora West-Allen). Then Katrina Law (Nyssa). Then Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin). Then Katie Cassidy (Laurel). Then Caity Lotz (Sara). I think I'll stop there. I don't want to rank everyone, 'cause this doesn't seem right. But I do agree with the person who said Ava is attractive that started this whole conversation. I wouldn't kick HER out of bed. Unless by accident, and things were getting really wild, in which case I would then join her on the floor. And that was just the Arrowverse. The top of my list for everything would be Hayley Atwell (Peggy Carter). Hum mana hum mana hum mana. Have Mercy! The season before being cast as Ava, Jes Macallan originally auditioned for Dinah on Arrow. Just imagine all the ups and downs (the really downs) we've had with Dinah, but with the actress for Ava in the role. Just imagine it in your head.


Hey that doesnt make sense. They showed a scene with Gary in that time loop episode but how can Gary remember this? That wasnt real it was in Zaris head

Jordan St. James

Seems very cliched but I really do think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So no need to feel bad if you find someone unattractive that a lot of other people do or vice versa, Shan. I do think that there are a lot of attractive women in the Arrowverse but that's kinda always been what the CW did, cast a lot of pretty people (guys and girls) in their shows. It was the same with, say, Smallville. Because of that, and because of all the comments already been made, I'm not gonna try to rank them. (Like I said, there's a lotta beauties in this universe and plenty has been said about them already so no need to repeat) But I will throw in a couple of names that nobody's mentioned. I always thought that Violett Beane (Jesse Wells) was pretty. The clear blue-eyed brunette thing just really does it for me, I guess. Willa Holland (Thea) was always attractive to me too, even before I watched Arrow.


OMG, you reminded me of how I fell in love with Chyler after I saw her in Marilyn Manson's Tainted Love music video that was Not Another Teen Movie co-promotion.....she was so goth, and so hot, oh man.......I need a cold shower now)

Jordan St. James

Comparing Ava with Ralph is an interesting choice. I guess Ralph is easier to like because he's actually grown and changed quite a bit since his introduction. His heart's really grown, or should I say... "stretched"? (Don't judge me) Plus, he's just funny. Even when he was being a sleaze. Whereas Ava is... well, for lack of a better way to put it, a stick-in-the-mud. She's the drill sergeant. The stickler for the rules, but not in the dorky way that Ray is. And that hasn't really changed. She's become more "tolerant" of rule-bending and the unorthodox, but not much. And she can get some comedic moments, but usually as the "straight man", no irony intended.

Jordan St. James

"Relationship expert", said the woman who slept with her sister's boyfriend, then got engaged to an immortal tyrant's daughter, only to leave her and eventually get back together with the sister's boyfriend before breaking up with him too, and then jumped on a spaceship, where she flirted with a not-so-cold-hearted criminal (who later blew up) and slept with a bunch of women and men across space-time before finally settling for someone. Truly glowing resume, Ms Lance.

Jordan St. James

If you wanted to see Brandon Routh play something other than a goody two-shoes, I would've gladly pointed you to Scott Pilgrim vs. the World, an eternally underrated classic, and not just because Routh plays an asshole guitarist with psychic powers who's dating Captain Marvel.


About who's "drop dead gorgeous": Zari(Tala Ashe), Reign(Odette Annable), Maggie Sawyer(Floriana Lima) are probably my top picks. Melissa Benoist, Chyler Leigh, Danielle Panabaker, Katie Cassidy, Caity Lotz are probably most people's top choices, and I can't really disagree, they are all hotties. I especially like Danielle with her Killer Frost make up on, I'm a bit freaky like that)) Booty Spivot.....I mean Patty Spivot(Shantel VanSanten)! Bitsie Tulloch(Lois Lane), she's kinda a milf now, but I've been crushing on her since Grimm) Willa Holland(Thea) was always my top choice from Arrow, up there with her is Katrina Law(Nyssa). There is someone from the Batwoman cast that you haven't met yet, so I can't say who, maybe we'll discuss that later))) Amy Pemberton, she voices and rarely plays physical appearance of Gideon on Legends, wish we got to see more of her in the show. Morena Baccarin voices Gideon on The Flash.......I've been in love with her since Firefly) Oh man, I'm in love with so many women in this universe, but I do have a gripe. Where are all the redheads, I ask you Arrowverse?!

Jordan St. James

I got Eddie Brock/Venom Symbiote vibes from Ray's situation with Neron.

Jordan St. James

I feel like Nate was made to be the one to manoeuvre around the trap wires instead of Zari despite her much slender figure as a subversion of the trope where the woman has to avoid similar traps and we get all those scintillating fanservice body shots. For example, I think that moment where Nate's ass is in full view as he tries to bend over the wires is a callback to Catherine Zeta Jones from the movie Entrapment. Also, it would've been really funny if Nate was in costume for that moment because then we could've made a joke about, "That's America's Ass." Because his super suit is clearly reminiscent of a certain red, white and blue boy scout.

Jordan St. James

I weirdly relate tp Mick's storyline in this episode. Very recently, a friend offered me to apply for a paid writing gig where I would ghostwrite chapters for some romance webnovel. I had to write a first chapter for consideration and they actually like it enough that they asked me to write more. But, in the end, their client rejected me because they didn't want a guy writing for a female-centric story. Go figure...


I like Nate and Zari actually, I think they are sweet, they are both awkward and nerdy, so of couse their romantic scenes are awkward and nerdy, I think all of that was the point and it was executed to perfection. If i remember correctly my 2019(God it feels like such a long time ago). A lot of fans were shipping Zari and Charlie, and were very upset with Nate and Zari's pairing. Avalance were great again. Them joking about whip skills and date night was fantastic. I kinda wanna see that, maybe if this aired on HBO))) Neron needed Ray to kill a loved one. And his loved ones are Nora and Nate. That is so wholesome. Love that Ray gave himself up to save his best friend, love their relationship. Gary's got a storyline!!! Isn't that nice. Never thought he's even gonna be more than just a joke, but they actually adressed that in this episode and treated him like a character. Definitely subverted my expectations, I liked the twist with him being seduced by Neron(and the nipple from hell)))

Jordan St. James

It's really hit me this episode that Mona has contributed nothing to the Legends or the Time Bureau since she was recruited. Remember when it seemed like she was gonna be useful to them because of her knowledge of magical creatures? They seem to have just completely abandoned that idea. And now she's a werewolf but she hasn't even helped the Legends at all by maybe fighting villains in that form. If anything, she's just caused more problems since becoming a werewolf. At least Gary was funny in addition to being annoying (and purposely so, to be fair). Mona's just annoying. She's Gary minus the comedy.

Jordan St. James

Also, it just occurred to me, Nate's got all those cuts on his face from Ray's beating, but what happened to him being a hemophiliac?

Jordan St. James

That whole moment with Zari asking Nate where it doesn't hurt followed by make out session is another Indiana Jones callback.

Jordan St. James

Somewhere in the multiverse, Daenerys Stormborn Targaryen is screaming, "Where is my dragon?!"

Luis Garcia

The serum they gave him that gives him his powers fixed the hemophilia problem.

Chris Peacock

GoT is no longer welcome here. 😝 Shan mentioning it before is getting cut. 🤣

David Brown

Chris, the people in the youtube comments are gonna go nuts! Like "Why didn't she think of something GoT witty to say?" LOL