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Jordan St. James

To be fair, I suppose, this whole thing about Loki being "gender-fluid" doesn't really seem all that surprising considering that he's a shapeshifter. Having said that, you make a great point about the introduction of that concept feeling disingenuous when Loki was never even implied to be such in the MCU until now. I bet anything that people on the Internet blame Marvel/Disney for not having the "courage" to use that idea before and are only "making up" for it now, like Black Widow. And I bet those same people went nuts about the revelation of Loki's "gender" and hailed it as some kind of great accomplishment, even though it was just words on a profile sheet that you'd miss if you blinked.

Jordan St. James

Honestly, this whole "inclusivity"/"diversity" initiative is really muddying the waters and has been for a little while now at this point, not just with the filmmakers, but also all the online button pushers with some opinion to share who indulge such actions or throw stones when they're not satisfied. Nobody really knows what's going on with X-Men at Marvel. But what I do know is that when Kevin Feige discussed the future of the MCU with X-Men in mind, he didn't use the name "X-Men", he used the word "mutants". Couple that with their apparent "progressive" movement and rumours (just rumours) that they want to change the "X-Men" team name into something more "inclusive" and the math becomes clear. But then, I'm only guessing at this point. Still, if that is true, the Internet is doubtless going to explode with critics and supporters on opposing ends of the online battlefield. History will ultimately reveal who was right and who was wrong. But no matter who wins, there will be blood, on both sides. Such is the world we live in now.


Varients dont have to look exactly the same 1 Loki could be Tom Hiddleston, one could be Female one could be a Frog, one could be Morgan Freeman as long as they have the same purpose of being a Loki of their timeline

Jordan St. James

And your comment about how the male characters are treated in contrast to the females does make sense, to me anyway. They try to fight inequality with a solution that ultimately presents itself as another form of inequality, just with the roles reversed. And the scary thing is that they're not going to see it that way. To them, and all the people who enable them, this "new inequality" is not inequality but justice. They feel entirely justified and think that we should not weep for the "straight, white, cisgender males who already have everything handed to them on a silver platter to go with the silver spoons already in their mouths anyway."

Jordan St. James

Honestly, if they never gave Black Widow her own movie, I might have been fine with it. It's not like they were going to give Hawkeye the same courtesy anyway. Natasha was introduced in a different hero's movie and ended her run honourably as a major supporting player, similar to how she started. But even I have to admit that that would have been a shame and maybe even a waste. She had a great background and backstory that would have lent itself to a really cool action spy thriller. But from that thought, there are many questions to ask ourselves: Did people really want to see her potentially rich backstory told or was that simply an excuse to put a strong woman at the forefront of conversation? If Natasha was male, would the interest have been as strong? If Hawkeye started out as female, would people have considered that character to be more underrated than they were already made out to be originally? If it had been Clint and not Natasha who fell off the cliff, or if the moment was kept the same but they were gender-swapped, would the subsequent outcry about the death have been as loud? In choosing and accepting the slate of heroes who would commandeer the ship of the MCU into the future out of the hundreds of potential characters in the Marvel Universe, which was more important to the filmmakers, the fans and the Internet? Story potential or representation? I'm not saying they couldn't have both, but in choosing a character and story, another one was going to miss out, so which was going to be the deciding factor? And SHOULD that factor be the deciding one?

Jordan St. James

To be fair, "minutemen" is a term that could be used to refer to a body of officers or specialists or soldiers. Then again, the Minutemen movie you spoke of was also about time travelers. So maybe it was just a pun.

Jordan St. James

You know, in the Arrowverse, Diggle's child was originally "Sara", a girl. And then Flashpoint happened and in the new reset timeline, his kid became "Diggle Jr.", a boy. So who's to say that Sylvie isn't a Loki who was born a girl instead of a boy due to a "variation" in the timeline? Maybe her blonde hair came from the genes of a different parent? Or the genes of the same parents mixed differently to create a different outcome? Just saying... I know something about weird genetics. When I was born, my hair was red. Then it turned blonde. Now it's brown with maybe some red mixed in. Yeah... my family gene pool was really weird when it spat out my brother and I. He was straight-haired and mine was curly. His skin is dark and mine's white. Both of our parents are Chinese. Weird...

Toasty Overlord

Initially, they were going to the Ark to just use the power from it (as Sylvie knew the Ark would be destroyed. She mentions that after falling off train. When they couldn't get there because they fell/jumped off the train and "destroyed" the transport device pad thingy they then decided to try and steal the Ark instead to get off the planet. I agree with you about the transport device being fake.

Jordan St. James

Hedonistic means... well, it basically means you love doing things that make you feel good, to an excessive degree.

Jordan St. James

What they were trying to do was use the ark's power source to recharge the temp pad. But then it broke and so the new plan was to just take the ark and use it to escape the doomed planet. The reason that they didn't think to do that before was because they didn't think there was any point since the ark's departure was destined to fail according to the original timeline.


Aww poor Shan. I feel bad for making her read that much. Seems like they merge Lady Loki and Enchantress.


When it comes to diversity, most times it honestly looks like gender/race bending. Which is something I don't agree with. Because as bad as it is, depending on what gender or colour your skin is, your life is different. (It's bad, but true.) For instance in Supergirl, James Olsen was race bent, into a black man. I have nothing against the actor, he does a fine job, but due to his race bending, he has storylines surrounding racism. Which the original white, ginger Jimmy Olsen wouldn't have faced. Which makes the character completely different from the original source, and eliminates the point of race-bending, as you may as well just create a new character. (He's just one example.) And as in this case with Hawkeye, Loki, Thor etc. it seems they can only have female/different race, when they replace the white male. Which IMO is more racist & sexist than not having the character. I'm all for diversity, but as you have pointed out, the MCU seems to be replacing most men with women. (But then again I'd rather have that, than the poor Female empowerment in Endgame.) And as for the amount of men-women & black-white etc. it's all rather sexist & racist anyway. Because to my knowledge most shows and movies have an all white cast with one or two black characters. Or an all black cast with one or two white guys, who are generally racists dickheads. You rarely get a full diverse cast. (The only one I can think of is the show Glee.)

Kevin Tran

When you have everything handed to you having to share will often seem like oppression and enabling a “new inequality” My thoughts are must deeper than this but I’ll just say that asking for inclusion or encouraging more female heroes isn’t taking away anything from the male characters that already exist. Obviously gender flipping and race bending has its own issues entirely. But if we are going to be spending our entire time arguing at “What about the men?” We forget about the real issue at hand.

Kevin Tran

From my eyes it doesn’t even matter. People are going to complain anyway. There’s no way for diversity and inclusion to “organically” exist. Because if we focused on progress that suits the people that complain we’ll go another 50 years not having any. It doesn’t matter if there’s story potential or actively trying to encourage representation the goal posts keep getting moved. “Don’t race bend” here’s Shang-Chi. “Why you replacing our white heroes with POC? Feels forced” it’s a lose-lose situation. The MCU CAN go into a new story Avenue by highlighting POC and Female characters but ultimately like you said someone is gonna miss out and so those people are gonna complain. Oh but don’t worry after all the complaining dies down white folks and men won’t lose this “battle” that’s simply not how white supremacy or the patriarchy works. And I don’t even think it needs to be seen as a battle but I digress

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Is it really gender-swapping if the female version of the characters actually exist and have full backstories and arcs in the comics. MCU aren’t just randomly changing Clint onto a girl named Kate, Hawkeye is a code name/mantle that is passed down and as a fan of Young Avengers, I’m excited to see it. With Thor, in the comics he lost his “worthiness” to wield the hammer, in the MCU there isn’t even currently a hammer, unless Steve did some more stupid shit, so it’s entirely possible that there could be 2 people with Thor’s powers, and not just Jane “replacing” Thor. But even if she was, that’s an actual storyline from the comics, so it’s not like Disney are pulling it from nowhere to placate the masses.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Shuri won’t be replacing a white male if they decide to go that route. And the only reason that white males seem like they’re being “replaced” is because they take up about 80%-90% of the places that could be.


idk why you guys are complaining like the lady is hot as hell tho? whats not to like there. just insane

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

It’s amazing to me that people are having to be told that Loki is gender fluid. As a shapeshifter, a trickster and being thousands of years old, it always seemed really obvious that he would have spent time as a woman.


Jezabel, no Shuri wouldn't be replacing a white man, she'd be replacing a black man. Which is more or less the same. But as for white men taking up more places, I absolutely agree, it's been like that for hundreds of years. But from what I see, the only way women can be introduced, is by being somewhat exactly like the original male character counter-part. For example, Ironman & Rescue: they're both incredible intelligent, and rich and literally the same hero. Except Rescue has a different name, a paintjob, and is a woman. (It's like the Simpsons where the parents look like siblings. Because the character is gender-swapped.) I'm all for having more women & ethnicity, but the fact that they need to replace white men (not just the actor, but the actual character) and change it with someone who is literally the same character, is rather pointless. It's like being back in the old days, where men wore dresses instead of having women on stage. I want more women & races on screen, I just don't want it to be the case where they fight inequality with more inequality. And if a show/movie wants to be diverse it really isn't difficult. You just create a new character, or use and already existing character that fits them. I do know that these characters are all based of the comics, which is more or less another point. A lot of these characters where created during racists & sexist times. And even more so the fact that it has only be recently that we have had more diversity (For instance Kamala Khan - Ms Marvel). But looking through the MCU, most of the females are just the male counterpart. Antman & the Wasp; Captain America & Peggy Carter (Who is Captain America in What If...); Ironman & Rescue; Starlord & Gamora. Now sure these do have different stories & backstory, but on sheet they are more or less the same character, just gender swapped. Like Starlord & Gamora: They both have awful, abusive fathers; they were both kidnapped from their home world & family; they're mothers are dead; they travel the universe killing & ravaging before meeting one another; and both are more or less great at fighting: and both almost ended the universe & then saved it. That's my main problem, if you want to be diverse then be diverse. Make the female/black character their own character. Don't just race/gender-bend. Because if you have to bend, to introduce a woman or person of colour then clearly there is more racism & sexism than there should ever be.


And as for Shuri it's different. She is in the royal family of Wakanda, which means she would ascend her family legacy. Becoming the Black panther, which is her right, and blood right. She is after all next in line, (I think) Not unlike where in Spiderman Far From Home, they're talking about replacing Ironman. Or in TFATWS, where they are trying to replace Captain America, which is another topic entirely.

Brandon Wiesner

Using the word mutants though is actually pretty exciting, because they couldn't use that term to describe any of the heroes before, or terms like adamantium. They even had to retcon Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver to not include anything from the other franchise.


It looks like Enchantress is doing all this for a reason.. maybe the TVA is not as good as everyone thinks Well something is wrong with the TVA and the only one who knows whats going on is the judge.. They mentioned that they want order and Loki said that no one has a free will then. I think this show leads to Kang the Conquerer but maybe he is already leading the TVA and the judge is working for him. And the reason he is leading the TVA is because he wants order and no free will so he can rule over time. Maybe he is the one who allowed the Avengers and Thanos to time travel. Maybe he wanted Endgame to happen for a reason. I would like that because we all thought after the first episode that they have no good explanation why the Avengers were allowed to do that but maybe they just didnt give us the explanation yet.

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:40:54 So many wild theories about who’s going to show up AGAIN. None of these shows are going to do anything outrageous. It’s already been said by both the Disney & marvel people that these shows are just backstory/filler. They make their money off the movies. They might put Easter eggs and little tidbits in the shows but they want it so that if you see the movies but didn’t see the shows you didn’t miss anything.
2021-06-27 20:35:53 So many wild theories about who’s going to show up AGAIN. None of these shows are going to do anything outrageous. It’s already been said by both the Disney & marvel people that these shows are just backstory/filler. They make their money off the movies. They might put Easter eggs and little tidbits in the shows but they want it so that if you see the movies but didn’t see the shows you didn’t miss anything.

So many wild theories about who’s going to show up AGAIN. None of these shows are going to do anything outrageous. It’s already been said by both the Disney & marvel people that these shows are just backstory/filler. They make their money off the movies. They might put Easter eggs and little tidbits in the shows but they want it so that if you see the movies but didn’t see the shows you didn’t miss anything.


But Loki and the messed up timeline probably leads to the Dr Strange movie so if someone didnt watch Loki he missed something and wasnt it confirmed that Dr Strange was suppposed to appear in Wandavision and that the ads are from him but they changed it

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

Loki breaking the timeline isn’t going to affect the movie watchers because before Ep1 of Loki we all assumed that there were already multiple timelines. Yeah I think they rewrote WandaVision and Dr Strange 2, so Wandas story could be Wandas story and not have Dr Strange appearance take away from that. They might have to have some exposition about the new outfit, and the kids lol, but generally you wouldn’t HAVE to have seen the show to understand the film. They did it with FATWS, it’s a very self contained story, when the new CA film comes out, if you haven’t seen the show, then Sam just got a new suit after Endgame, that’s it. The shows just add to the characters backstories and character growth, but they’re not meant to be essential to the MCU films.