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Yeah I figured it out or at least strongly suspected about who Blackstar was at the end of the last episode because they had a shot of Oliver's eyes reflecting into hers and it just seemed too personal for a random character who was unrelated to Oliver so i Had my suspicions. Also, since she was hanging out with Diggle's son, it seemed even more likely (plus Kat McNamara going blonde to look more like Felicity). But tons of people were shocked by that reveal so it really depended.


When they showed Mia the first time (where she had her fight) I already thought she was their daughter because blond hair, strong fighter, they wouldnt show a random young woman if she hadnt a big connection to them and I always thought that Oliver and Felicity would have a child at some point. But I also thought that she and William are the new Green Arrow because before they showed Emiko sometimes it looked like a woman is the new Green Arrow but sometimes it also looked like a men is the new Green Arrow so I thought they went back to the past to change the future and they both are the Green Arrow and Roy would have trained them or at least trained William. I know changing the timeline is more a Flash thing but I thought thats the reason why they are showing us the future.


If I remember correctly Echo Kellum's exit from the show was not reported or leaked beforhand, I think the news came out after the episode aired, so that was a bit of a shocker. I pretty sure he wanted to be with his kids more and shooting in Canada for the majority of the year, away from family, so I think he wanted to leave the show himself. The guy who played Stanley actually really good at this crazy\unhinged stuff and he has a lot of roles of maniacs and killers! About William, he's in Central City, they probably gave him a Flash emergency button or ARGUS is always watching him, so he's gonna be fine. And you know he's fine 'cause you see older version of him alive and well. Also Oliver was in prison the first time they wrote him out, so they needed an onscreen goodbuy. And they already set up a storyline with future William, where he wasn't raised by Fel and Ollie, and abandonment issues. And he needed to leave before learning about Felicity's pregnancy, so he wouldn't know about his sister, or the twist at the end would not be so dramatic and shocking or whatever. Also child actors are probably a pain in the ass with limited hours and other labour laws, and they already have Zoey to deal with))) And yes, they indeed got that actor from Legends season 1 episode Star City 2046 - Joseph David-Jones. That was the person who you were supposed to recognize. I kinda figured out who Mia was but I wouldn't say it was super obvious, and I wasn't certain up until the actual reveal, so you're fine)

Chris Peacock

William is one of the best condom commercials I've ever seen.

Jordan St. James

Stanley Dover was actually a character from the comics. But that character and his whole story was much... stranger and really messed up actually. He was an old man and an occultist who spent years trying to hunt and trap a powerful demon so that he could possess it and gain eternal life. Then, one day, he learned that his own grandson had bonded with the demon. So he did what any respectable grandfather would do, he locked up his grandson in a dungeon and fed him the blood of children that he abducted and slaughtered, hoping that the boy's distress would lure out the demon. All the child-killing was how he got the name, "The Star City Slayer". That whole story was wrapped up in a larger story involving Oliver Queen coming back from the dead (as most superheroes have done, of course). Stanley became his benefactor and Oliver had no idea who he was until the climax of the story. Stanley's plan was to use Oliver's now-soulless body (that's a whole other part of the story) to extend his life and expand his resources until he could finally track down the demon. I promise you, I'm not making any of this up.

Jordan St. James

While we're on the subject, Connor Hawke was also a much different character in the comics. In the comics, he was actually Oliver's illegitimate son, who did take on the mantle of the Green Arrow for a while after his father "died". So I guess you could say that they split the character into two for the show, Connor and William. I don't know why Diggle's son took on the name Connor Hawke. Maybe I'm missing something, but to me, it just seems like a cheap way to connect the character to the comics.

Jordan St. James

There was a comics character named Mia Dearden, who was actually introduced in the same story involving Oliver, his resurrection and Stanley. She was a former teenage prostitute whom Oliver took in and who eventually became the new Speedy. Actually, the character was also in Smallville. For Arrow though, it seems like, just like Connor, they split her into two different people, Thea and now Oliver and Felicity's daughter.

David Brown

Some reactors at the time speculated that Mia/Blackstar might be Oliver & Felicity's daughter when she first appeared (7x08), or her second episode (7x12 - the previous episode). If she is intended to be a natural blonde, she got it from Oliver, Felicity is a natural brunette who dyes her hair blonde.

Andrew Polinski

Both my parents are brunette but me and my 2 brother were all born blonde, if both parent have a dormant blonde gene then you can have children who are blonde and vice versa

Brandon Wiesner

This is one episode that I wish you knew the title beforehand, because I would've totally been here for Buffy jokes throughout.

David Brown

Okay. And Donna's blonde. I was mostly referring to Sandrinegeller saying it was to make her look more like Felicity, when Felicity herself is not a natural blonde. You don't genetically inherit hair dye.


When Mia first appeared i kinda had a throwaway thought of maybe she is Oliver and Felicity’s kid but it went away. It didn’t come back until she appeared in the 150th at the end. I was like “Why in the 150th episode would they have this random end scene with Diggle’s son and this random girl we have seen like once?” That’s when I was like she has to be Oliver’s kid

David Brown

For all we know, Oliver & Samantha did use a condom. They ARE only 97% effective, just ask Ross & Rachel....Hello Emma.