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In this post is a gif for the schedule, there are also separate images for the schedules if you wanted to specifically look at those.

Legacies -

YOUTUBE: No Legacies this week.

PATREON: 3x11 today!

Charmed Reboot -

YOUTUBE: No Charmed this week.

PATREON: 3x11 today!

Jessica Jones -

YOUTUBE: On break.

PATREON: On break.

Daredevil -

YOUTUBE: 2x03 this Tuesday!

PATREON: 2x07 and 2x08 this Tuesday!

Supernatural -

YOUTUBE: 13x22 will be posted on Wednesday. (We've bumped down to 1 episode a week as editing is very time consuming). I've been organizing something special for the end of Supernatural. Stay tuned for that :)

The list of episode for season 13 will be: 13x23.

I finished season 15 of Supernatural a few weeks back and if you want to watch the full reaction to the finale and all the other content on the channel in full, it's a simple $7, no pressure at all but it's linked here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/supernatural-on-44114518

We've been working on the edit for the series finale and it's going to look amazing. I hope you guys are into watching it when it comes out because it's really special. 

Revenge -

PATREON: 2x17 & 2x18 will be reacted to on Wednesday!

Once Upon A Time -

YOUTUBE: 4x10 will be posted on Thursday.

PATREON: 4x20 & 4x21 will be posted on Thursday. Also, this week I'll be starting season 5!

Arrowverse -

YOUTUBE: Flash 4x23 is blocked currently and so is 6x20. This upcoming week should have Arrow 6x21 and 6x22.

PATREON: Arrow 7x07, Legends 4x06, Flash 5x07 and The Flash (1990) 1x12 this week! 

WandaVision/Falcon & The Winter Soldier -

YOUTUBE: I've edited and uploaded all of WandaVision to YouTube and they're all blocked. I've been working on getting them unblocked for a while now, 1x01, 1x02 & 1x03 are unblocked and 1x04 & 1x05 are in dispute now. They seem to take all month to process the unblock so, it's still gonna be a while sorry.

PATREON: No Disney+ Marvel to be had this week. I think Loki is next?

Mondays -

Monday tease... Two new shows are coming... I'm midway through both the seasons. Enjoy theorizing :)

Update on me -

I went to my doctors appointment and the doctor gave me a tonn of medications to use. Currently feeling no difference but that could change. Hopefully I am fixed soon! I told my doctor that I was bad at taking tablets (more that I suck at taking them regularly) and he perscribed me alternative medication where it's like granules and I spoon it into a drink, it's interesting. 




I've gotten better at taking tablets, but they still make me gag sometimes. Cool that you got an alternative. Hope it goes well for you. Some meds take a while to kick in, so I wouldn't worry about them not working immediately.


I hope the prescriptions make a world of difference and that you feel better soon!