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Thank you for your support B-Dawg & Tony!

OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/lqith3xl

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/iet89yxagrtf7ql/Stranger%20Things%20S03E08%20-%20The%20Battle%20Of%20Starcourt%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!

I am now officially up to date on this yay!

I really grew to love this show. thank you




You are most welcome :)


I think this episode confirms that every season, a character on this show whose names start with b has to die


I sort of agree with you. I feel like there was something special about the first season; however, Season 3 was definitely the best season.

Brandon Wiesner

I haven't watched the reactions to the penultimate and finale yet but I'm glad that you have enjoyed this show that I helped you get started on. Now we have awhile it seems before S4. What to pick in the meantime...


I have a couple ideas, i just dont have enough spare money to pick the pilot tier and it seems impossible to get it, every time i look its sold out.


I'm the same as you Shan. Season 3 is the best season for me too, and when I finally could say I really liked - almost loved - the show. That gooey monster was keeping it from being a love for me. Why do they always have to have gross, gooey, monsters on these shows. Can't there ever be a monster that doesn't have mucous coming out from everywhere?


You're not *quite* caught up - there's two trailers for season 4... ;)

Luis Garcia

I think it's best that she doesn't watch the trailers so she can react to the show as blind as possible.


If these were your standard "montage of what's coming next season" type trailers I'd agree, but I think these are meant to be like tiny 1-minute long episodes that give us a glimpse of what's been happening between the seasons. I think they're part of the narrative and I wouldn't mind seeing a reaction to them too. Just my 2 cents.

Elder (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 10:45:53 thank you B-Dawg & Tony!, this was my favorite season too! can't wait for the next season.
2021-05-12 21:04:44 thank you B-Dawg & Tony!, this was my favorite season too! can't wait for the next season.

thank you B-Dawg & Tony!, this was my favorite season too! can't wait for the next season.