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I personally think it makes sense, its her own blood and family, even with all her past experience i can see her not wanting to believe it since its her own father that she thought was dead since she was a child.


I like the way they brought back killer frost, it was clever imo


Was Caitlin naive? Yes, but you can't blame her for really wanting to believe that the man they found is her father. But they should all have found it at least a bit suspicious. They for example should have asked themselfs: How did he survive for 20 years on the north pole? Why was he still that mentally stable (I think most people would atleast have partly lost their mind when they would be locked up for 20 years alone). As for Caitlin getting her powers back, I agree it isn't the best way, because as you mentioned she has been in other dangerous situations since KI disappeared. Perhaps the incredibly low temperatures where what was needed. However, even then the version they went with is indeed not satisfying at all. It feels like the writers decided this is the episode where KI partly resurfaces / Caitlin's powers return and they had no good idea for the how. Dad's story was still on going and they decided let's use that. Let's make him evil and put Caitlin in fear of losing her friends due to him. Also the camera turns partly away when Caitlin attacks her Evil Father for the first time and I never understood why that was necessary. This could have been so much more and better written, but instead we got something mediocre.


If i recall correctly the DNA test always showed Killer Frost was still there. the way it was explained is consistent enough for me to give it a pass but as for why that was the moment for her to break past the mental block is meh. if they found someway to say the extreme cold was a requirement then I'd probably be more ok with it. instead they went with a dangerous situation that is less dangerous than her going against Devoe? nope doesn't work at all


During the wait for Titans and Doom Patrol, can you react to Harley Quinn?


ha "whatever you say american pie" best quote of the reaction


We have some stuff planned which has certainly made her schedule even more packed than before. And although I provided her with the episodes for private use a long time ago, Adding an animated show would most decidedly create even more diversity in her ever growing content. Your suggestion is appreciated. 🤔✌

Matthew Swisher

I thought it was a fairly reasonable way for Killer Frost to return. It had been assumed that Frost came about via the accelerator explosion, at least until the reveal at the end of last season. Because Frost was a part of Caitlin since long before the accelerator explosion, her powers don't involve dark matter. Without dark matter, Melting Point's ability couldn't remove her powers, because his whole deal is removing dark matter from one person and giving it to another. Saying DeVoe used Brainwave's ability to put a psychic block on Caitlin that made her truly believe Killer Frost was gone, and couldn't call her out without some extreme measure, makes perfect sense in that context. I think the only real problem is that Icicle is able to freeze the air in Caitlin's lungs and knock her out. If the cold doesn't affect Caitlin due to Killer Frost still being a part of her(like being unaffected in subfreezing temperature), there is no reason to believe freezing the air in Caitlin's lungs would affect her in any way because it shouldn't have affected Killer Frost.

Andrew Polinski

Honestly I didn't care about how they explained us getting Frost back only that we finally are getting Frost back, Killer Frost is my favorite character on the Flash by a mile. But if i was to explain it, I would say like how they say seeing something or experiencing something helps break mental blocks, then the extreme cold combined with her friends being in danger was enough to break the mental block. Still a very weak theory but a theory all the same.

Chris Peacock

Hi. Totally a real CW executive here. I think I can answer your question. The Flash was our number 1 rated show by viewership in the 2018-19 season. So we give it a budget. The new Charmed reboot was just starting out that year so it was a bit more restricted. As for why that hasn't changed for later seasons. It's because Charmed is consistently among our lower rated shows. As for why it hasn't been canceled outright. God only knows because we sure don't know how to run a television network.


Hmmm.. Something about this message is off. You are either not a real CW executive. Or you're about to get fired for posting this message. Either way, I'm sure you're fine with it :P


It hasnt been canceled yet bc the ratings are still good enough to warrant a renewal. They also like to give a heads up when they cancel a show so they can make a final season, unless it gets canceled in season 1 which rarely happens on The CW anymore.

Kevin Tran

The Arrowverse shows actually keep the other CW shows afloat. Outside of a few outliers, most of them get abysmal ratings and streaming numbers aren’t much better. I think shows like All American and maybe Dynasty are the few that actually overperform in streaming numbers in comparison to actual TV ratings


Yes dynasty has lowest ratings in amercia but outside it has a stupidly high stream rate.


Oh man, you nerding out for Victor Fries' name being called, but not even reacting to Louise Lincoln(aka 2nd Killer Frost) mentioned in the same sentence or Cameron Mahkent(aka Icicle Jr.) being brought up in this season premiere, shows how much of a comic book fan you are) No shade tho, just funny how you always about comic book canon and accuracy, yet you seem not know too much about them, unless the knowledge is from a movie or tv adaptation.......just an observation, I'm not trying to be mean.


If I remember right in the season 4 finale Cecile had Killer Frost thoughts or something and she said something about I found Thomas.


Well in try not to be mean, you ended up being mean

David Brown

Honestly, I never really thought about the way they explained getting Killer Frost back. I just sit back, enjoy the ride, and let myself be entertained. But, maybe that's just me.


I agree, i like to just enjoy the show and not think too much, i feel like people sometimes overthink things.

Jake Hodgson

Oh Kyle Secor you handsome SOB good to finally see you.


Not trying to be a bitch is a progress for you, Brandon, but sadly, you didn't make any progress today( See Wyatt, that was mean, what I wrote in the original post wasn't)

Luis Garcia

It might not be mean necessarily, but it does come across as rude. Just because you're a comic book fan doesn't mean that you've read or remember every comic. From what I understand, there is a ridiculously large amount of comics out there, so she could easily have not read or not remember those characters. Besides, maybe she is more interested in Mr. Freeze than the other two, so she remembers his name and not the names of the others.


Pretty sure i was just happy they brought her back because I was pissed they got rid of her