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So, I said I'd hopefully record and post it on Saturday. It's not Sunday and I have yet to do so.

My eye is still a bit agitated, I was going to go to the doctors about it but it feels less sore today and so I'm gonna wait until a bit later to decide whether to put eyeliner on and record or to just do it without (which is hard for me because I view myself a certain way and I feel naked without it on tbh).

If it's not posted today, It will 100% be posted tomorrow with Legacies & Charmed.

I apologize :(


Luis Garcia

I hope your eye feels better soon!


Take care of yourself first. We can wait.


You shouldn't do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I can imagine how important it is to you to look a certain way. And I hope your eye feels better soon.

Patrick - Excelsior

No problem Shan, take care of yourself first. Bad enough you have to stare at those lights. Doing that with a irritated eye must be horrible. As for no eyeliner, you need to be comfortable doing your reactions, otherwise it may affect your reactions and we want you at your best. Wait until you are ready.

King Author

Or ... you could wear an eye patch and start watching a Pirate TV series like Black Sails or something. :) Kidding. Not kidding. No really, just take care of yourself, that's the most import thing - you're allowed to take a break now and again. Thanks a lot for all of your hard work and faithful efforts in keeping quality content coming in - I know it's not easy. Get better soon, we can wait. Arrrgh matey.