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its been storming quite a bit today and im really paranoid ill be in the middle of recording a reaction and the power will go out (the power went out yesterday) 

id rather be safe then sorry, so itll be delayed for now. Today and tomorrow are the same in terms of weather, but tomorrow might be different when we get there, so what im saying is, if tomorrow the weather is fine, i'll record them and post them tomorrow but if not, the latest theyll be recorded and posted will be on sunday.

Sorry for the delay :( 



if you are so concerned about a possible power outage, then perhaps the best solution is to scrap the Arrowverse for this week. No need to put unnecessary pressure on yourself or to work to much during your weekend. You are entitled to free time and rest. So only do what you really want to do yourself and know this community will always support you.


Maybe time to get a UPS? It's just a huge battery that your computer plugs into. When a power outage occurs, your computer stays on. Basically gives you enough time to save everything and power down safely before the battery dies. Either way, no worries on any delays. You put out a huge amount of content already, so a little wait for more isn't the end of the world :)

Brandon Wiesner

I'm sure she appreciates the idea but knowing her, she wouldn't do that. Not unless an emergency came up and she wasn't able to until next week. Personally, I'm ok with them coming out late, because I already have Wandavision to watch later and I have a pretty busy weekend ahead.


I'm also ok with them coming out later and I know she will probably just post the reactions saturday or sunday. But sometimes I feel like she is putting more pressure on herself than necessary. This community has supported and will always support her. So I doubt anyone would by angry if she skipped the Arrowverse for a week. The most important thing for me is that she is happy. And that she will stop as soon as she is no longer.

Luis Garcia

Smart thinking ahead! Don't worry about us. We can wait a couple days for the reactions. Thanks for letting us know!


I don't think this is the right place, but please react to Jenny's latest video, it is about TVD.


If it's about TVD and it doesn't contain any spoilers about any upcoming TVDverse related subjects, You are welcome to post the video in the non-spoilers-tvdverse room on Discord. There won't be a recording of the reaction but perhaps she might see it there and respond if she has time. 🙂✌

Jason Veevaert

It's been really stormy over here too