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"My powers aren't dependent on something as trivial as a sun" Reign said it in the Fort Rozz episode. Supergirl and Superman can't see thru lead, if I'm not mistaken. Why pay guest actors when you can combine Worldkillers into your series regular Reign lol. But, in all honesty, Julia and Grace were not very impessive, and let's be real, Reign is the big bad, it's her and Sam's story being told, it makes sense to cut the dead weight. Maybe they could have given us a couple more episodes with them as a trinity, but I didn't mind......And buffing up Reign closer to the end of the season, when she was already stronger than our heroes, is logical, from the storytelling perspective, so it's even harder to overcome the odds)


I'm just glad they are actually doing something with James' character, I really want to like him

David Brown

If they were The Unholy Trinity, Reign/Sam would be Quinn, Pestilence/Grace would have been Santana, and Purity/Julia would have been Brittany.

Frank Tremel

I really didn't like Lena during this arc. Reign put Kara in a coma, nearly killed her. She lies that she's kept Kryptonite from Lex's golden days. Yet, she is upset that Surpergirl is mad about all of that. Like Kara said, she's had her back countless times, trusted her. But, she felt like she couldn't trust Supergirl about Reign. And then she uses her identity as a way to condone her actions. There's a huge difference there. Supergirl keeps her secret to protect the people she loves from becoming targets, not because she doesn't trust people to keep her identity a secret. It took me till the end of season 4 to really enjoy Lena's character again.

John Boehmer

To be honest, neither James, Lena nor Kara were in the right. They all made a bunch of bad choices. It will be interesting to see what, if any, repercussions they will suffer as a result of their actions. And James’ part in this story really make it clear just how different this version of the character is from his comic book counterpart. Comic book Jimmy would’ve already cracked the vault and been back with the evidence before Kara even had the idea for him to go do it.

Luis Garcia

I think that Lena, Kara, and James all made poor decisions. They are all going around lying to each other. Lena lied about to Supergirl about how she got the Kryptonite, James lied to Kara through Winn about checking the vault, and Kara kind of apologized to Lena about not trusting her, but only after having James break into her lab. I think they all should have been honest with each other. I tend to lean towards agreeing with Lena here more, but it may be because of a bias. I personally think Superman and Supergirl take someone having Kryptonite way too personally. They have both faced evil Kryptonians before, so it stands to reason that Kryptonite can be used to defend themselves in case of a similar situation occurring again. One of the things that ticks me off everytime it comes to light that someone they trust has Kryptonite. I'm not sure if this maybe something adapted from the comics or previous TV Shows / Movies, but I wish they would be more understanding someone with Kryptonite doesn't have to be holding it to use against them; it can be used against enemies. Their reactions makes me agree with Lena for keeping it a secret.

Kevin Tran

They’re way too defensive about it. Honestly they come off like having a God complex every time they do this story. They’re already the most powerful beings on the planet but the one thing that can stop them and evil versions of them they don’t want their friends to have? Like come on. It’s easy for them to say cause they’re super powerful but the rest of us need to be ready in case an evil Kryptonian shows up and we are in the wrong?!

John Boehmer

I totally understand what you guys are saying and I agree for the most part but sometimes I find it helpful to try to see the problem form Kara and Clark's POV. Imagine there was a substance that existed on Earth thats only purpose was to kill people named Luis Garcia/Kevin Tran. I'm sure neither of you would be all that cool with such a thing existing. And now imagine you find out that your best friend has a stockpile of it. I mean, yes, Kara overreacted and she should know better than to accuse someone she trusts of ill intentions, but at the same time Lena shouldn't have concealed the fact she had Kryptonite.

Luis Garcia

But that's not the case. Although Clark and Kara are the Kryptonians that are around the most (I'm not sure how else to put that), they are not the only being that can be killed by Kryptonite. In season 1, Kara fought off some Kryptonians. This season, Kryptonite has been used against Reign. I also imagine that Clark has at least already fought off against Zod, who I believe is also a Kryptonian. I'm also not to familiar with Superman/Supergirl comics so I don't know if there are other Kryptonians that Clark has maybe faced off against. Besides Kryptonite doesn't have to be used to kill. I imagine it could be used to keep an evil Kryptonian locked up. I think they focus too much on the bad that could come from Kryptonite and not on how it can be used for good.