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I have not recorded these two episodes yet which is why the titles of the episodes are not on the schedule as I don't know them. I'll be recording this after this post :)

Daredevil & Jessica Jones:

I'm up to 1x08 - WWJD. I'll hopefully be finishing season 1 of Jessica Jones this week. Pray for me! :P (Sorry this is taking so long, but as you guys know - it's a binge and release show, a show to binge in my own free time. I'd like to not have to stress about it as it's an extra if you know what I mean?)


Two episodes of Revenge this week!

Once Upon A Time:

I sadly haven't even begun season 4 of Once Upon A Time. I would like to state what I said on Jessica Jones and that is that this is a binge and release show. A show I react to in my spare time and release when it's ready. The past few seasons, I've been stressing about getting these done and It's taken a bit of a toll. I'd like to not stress about it and get back to basics. I'll give season 4 a go this week, but I will not be finishing season 4 this week. Maybe the coming weeks, not sure. Season 4 is coming, I can promise. When? Time will tell. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for the long wait.


Supergirl, Flash & Legends this week!



Two episodes of Legacies this week! We'll be almost done with season 2 soon! Season 3 starts very soon as well, not sure if I'll be caught up on YouTube when episode 1 of season 3 airs but I will be up to date on Patreon. 

Daredevil & Jessica Jones:

I'm up to 1x08 - WWJD. I'll hopefully be finishing season 1 of Jessica Jones this week. Pray for me! :P (Sorry this is taking so long, but as you guys know - it's a binge and release show, a show to binge in my own free time. I'd like to not have to stress about it as it's an extra if you know what I mean?)


More season 12 this week! The list of season 12 episodes to be edited are: 12x09, 12x10, 12x11, 12x14, 12x16, 12x17, 12x20, 12x21, 12x22 & 12x23.

I finished season 15 of Supernatural a few weeks back and if you want to watch the full reaction to the finale and all the other content on the channel in full, it's a simple $7, no pressure at all but it's linked here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/supernatural-on-44114518

Once Upon A Time:

I sadly haven't even begun season 4 of Once Upon A Time. I would like to state what I said on Jessica Jones and that is that this is a binge and release show. A show I react to in my spare time and release when it's ready. The past few seasons, I've been stressing about getting these done and It's taken a bit of a toll. I'd like to not stress about it and get back to basics. I'll give season 4 a go this week, but I will not be finishing season 4 this week. Maybe the coming weeks, not sure. Season 4 is coming, I can promise. When? Time will tell. Thank you for your patience and I apologize for the long wait.


Three good Legends episodes this week and Supergirl!

Patreon Pilots:

Pilots should be posted this week. 



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