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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lomzt84dgs9gsf/Daredevil%20S01E04%20-%20In%20The%20Blood%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Well Frank Miller, The writer who made the modern day Daredevil is the same guy who later transformed Batman into the gritty character we know today


I would say we learned a lot about Fisk's character, maybe not a lot of his history, but his character was laid out perfectily in this episode. Those scenes with Vanessa and Wesley throught the episode and that ending, it's just a perfect introduction in my book)


Wine tasting is more Wine Smelling, when you swirl your wine you release the smells which improves the aromatic sensation. Or so I’ve been told, I prefer the 5 dollar pinot’s from 7-11 served in a coffee mug myself.

Patrick - Excelsior

It also aerates the wine to improve taste. You can also check the wines "legs" by looking at the walls of the glass to see it as it runs down. This tells you how viscous (thick) the wine is.