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Carl Lumbly, the guy who plays Martian Manhunter's dad, actually played Martian Manhunter in Justice League and Justice League Unlimited


It's 5pm, end of the work week in the UK, and i could use a good cry being nostalgic about Supergirl.


I think all Martians just take the form of black humans why ? idk was thinking for a reason too.Llike J'onn took the physical appearance of Hank Henshaw so he could be in the DEO ... They could litterally become anyone. I don't think that they have a "true" human form (than J'onn wouldn't have said he chose to be a black man). The only thing that would explain it is what his dad said with taking the form of the guest. But than Megan was black when J'onn first met her Your dad is german ? Greetings from Germany :)


It's hard seeing Carlos Bernard who plays Maggie's Dad in this one and being such a jerk because he plays a character Tony on 24 that I really like.


Ah yes, the episode where Kara kills a bunch of white martians.

Chess Red Eagle

It's just a combination of culture/homophobia. It sounds like you haven't seen a lot of it, which is good, but it's definitely a thing. As dumb as it sounds, having a gay child for some people/families is about the worst thing that can happen.


Yea people can be a bit much can’t they? I dunno I get his perspective, but fuck white respect. He shouldn’t care what people think of him and should be who he wants to be. Cool story about Shan’s dad. I think Master of None tackles this storyline a lot better than Supergirl did but that’s not fair comparing an Emmy winning series to Supergirl. High bar to climb

Jake Hodgson

Seeing Carl cast as J'onns father made me incredibly happy. I know stunt casting doesn't always have the best result, no offence to Helen Slater I'm sure she's a wonderful person but her acting can be a tad stiff at times. But this casting was wonderful and I will always be happy to welcome cameos like this with open arms no mater the result of the performance.


storyline with maggies dad was poorly done. Mexico has far less homosexual persecution than most countries in the world throughout its history, dating all the way back to Mayan times. It recognized gay marriage before most of europe, and almost a decade before the US and Australia. Just a poorly done stereotype of hispanic machismo, which tried to portray them as anti gay....the lesbian disownment was already a stretch to begin with, far more believable if it were gay boy. This show could learn from "less is more" sometimes.