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It's pronounced "mix-us-piddle-lick"

Devil’s Arrow

From my personal experience it does happen to lgbt groups. My sister is gay and has been harassed/attacked multiple times in her life and it had a big impact on her mentally.

Devil’s Arrow

As for me I’ve dealt with racism quite a bit when I was a kid. People would tell me not to sit next to them directly because of the color of my skin. I was at a school event one time with another black friend and a parent of one of the students said to us that they were surprised they would let “someone like us in”. Another during high school when a classmate said the n word and started making offensive jokes towards black people. And that’s not even getting into the difference of how cops treat me. So yes this does happen.

Andreas Froby

You remember Lex as kid in Smallville had hair right :) and in the comic he sometimes loses as a adult


You do know that Lex had hair when he was younger it wasnt until later on he loses his hair and becomes the Lex we know. As for Lionel having hair they were probably going for a comparison to show the future that lex would grow up into.


As pointed out above, Lex did have hair as a child in Smallville. He was caught in the middle of the first meteor shower that hit Smallville that caused him to lose all his hair.

Jon Dub

Well the good news is Anti-Gay BS happens far less frequently than it used to. But in every walk of life you are still going to get simpletons and hatemongers who will target people that are different. In time hopefully that type of crap will disappear entirely. We are getting there, but we are still not quite where it needs to be. Sometimes, maybe, shows exaggerate these things a little to make their point, but its not unrealistic by any means.


As a mixed race kid, I’d say that depiction of racism in shows really depends on the show. Some are really accurate and some are overblown at least in my experience. However, whenever a show talks about what it is like being a mixed person, that is always spot on. where you never really feel like you fit in with either race and get excluded from both

Zach Hershman

I've seen someone spit in the food that a lgbt couple. I warned them and got the guy fired.

Zach Hershman

Shan, you're using tv show logic in your thinking. In the real world if all the evidence points at someone then they are most likely guilty. I'm guessing (hoping) the writers want us not to think of the actions like they are happening on a show.


so Jimmy takes one hit and again somehow he's different and can't be a vigilante? He blocked the blasts and was punching and kicking going back and forth with metallo standing toe to toe and then metallo got one lucky shot in. How many times does Kara gets knocked down or hurt by villains, or Oliver or Barry. Just earlier in the episode Kara got taken down by metallo and he got away how is that any different I guess Kara shouldn't be out there either if there are villians with Kryptonite or ones that can punch hard and knock her down.

Tammy L. Faulkner

It's funny. The end of this ep/the next ep with this guy reminds me on the episode of Charmed they basically did the same thing in.


Saying that James has a bias against the Luthors and that he shouldn't is like us telling you that you have a bias against anyone not Laurel Lance....