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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8acig34vhy0r2zg/Supergirl%20S02E11%20-%20The%20Martian%20Chronicles%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!




The club soda drink is not alcoholic. It’s basically carbonated water. People do use club soda to mix with alcohol but the point of that conversation was to show that Mon-El stopped drinking because he wants to be a more serious (and because he likes Kara)

John Boehmer

Thanks for taking the time to address my comment in this reaction. I’m glad you took it in the spirit that it was intended because I don’t want to offend anyone. I’m right there with you on the M’gann and J’onn relationship, although my feelings about it are not as strong because neither of those characters hold the same meaning for me and my fandom that Mon-El does. Think about how you feel about Laurel Lance, that’s how I feel about Mon-El. When I watch these episodes and see how the character is written it just feels so wrong. Even years later, having seen all theses episodes many times, I still find it hard to watch. Having such a long history with these characters is a blessing and a curse because I love seeing them portrayed in non-comic media but sometimes those portrayals let you down. Oh well. On a lighter note, when you made the comment about Mon-El drinking on the job, even though it was a non-alcoholic beverage my thought was “I guess she’s never worked in a bar.” LOL. I’ve worked in a few and a couple had strict policies against it, but in others the owner or general manager would buy shots for the staff. Good times.

Brandon Wiesner

I was able to stream it. Sometimes when you go to watch a vid too soon after it uploads, the system is still processing it and it will only let you download it.

David Brown

Brandon, thanks. Only I tried to watch it after 2 other people had already left comments. So how were they able to watch it? Anyway, it does seem to be working for me now.

Brandon Wiesner

Some people can download it without problems. I haven't had a problem when downloading. But yeah, OneHub can typically have some problems with the file, which seems to be fixed after a bit of time.

David Brown

Shan, "Piper" actually started here as "Vasquez" before Agents of SHIELD. Even going back and forth doing both at the same time. 34:10 Alex got her new gun 2 episodes ago in Supergirl Lives when they saved the humans being sold as slaves. When she found it she called dibs.


Thank you for addressing my comment Shan! Ig James is definitely in more over his head with aliens



Zach Hershman

Most bands only have 1 show per city here in the US. Some of the larger acts will do multiple shows in one city, but for the most part they schedule so many shows around the country that they don't have the time to have 2.


James is also working with a suit and hyped up shield made by Wynn. one powerful enough to block bullets and attacks and knock parasite in monster form across the street into a care. plus the vigilantes on arrow don't usually go against aliens or metahumans but they do sometimes they do and mostly in the crossover stuff which they just did a few episodes ago. how was it any different for oliver, diggle etc to go against aliens in that with guns and arrows when again James has a shield with tech strong enough to knock parasite across the street or take a blast from live wire. and yes james is different in the comics but so was laurel, so is oliver, diggle doesn't exist in the comics neither does thea, or alex, though some may be inspired by characters from the comics, for me i also wasn't sure about the different version of jimmy in s1 at first even normally i'm pretty ok with changes but as much as I like all the other characters in the justice league etc Superman has always been my favorite from when I was a kid. So anything Superman related holds a special place for me. So when Jimmy was big and strong I was kinda so so about it at first but then since they started with him being Guardian I actually started to like him more because it made sense for this version of him and may be not Jimmy but multiple people in the comics have held the title of Guardian so it can work. I guess sometimes it's a mixed bag with having different versions of characters. Some changes can be ok especially with b, c, d level heroes or villians or side characters like jimmy, it's easier sometimes to accept changes with them sometimes then main charcters or scenarios like you've said about Superman except maybe if it's specifically some sorta elseworld story that is meant to be very different. Like why does changing someone like Jimmy or someone else rub us the wrong way but we just except things like everybody on everything show working as these teams that don't exist in the comics which I'm ok because it works. But Flash doesn't work with Killer Frost and Vibe at Star Labs in the comics, Supergirl doesn't work from the DEO, etc. Normally characters working alone and then team up here and there instead of being part of a team but I think both ways are ok and they can tell stories with them doing either. I think it's just hard to gauge sometimes what is an "OK" change and what isn't sometimes.