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Woo this is a nice surprise. I thought this was going to be weeks or months away, and at a stressful time, I know Im going to enjoy this.


Officially the first movie trilogy finished as pilot picks! This is the one I saw in cinemas when it first came out.


Great stuff! Always fun to rewatch. So, Clara was in quarantine for 3 months haha. Those were the times, huh? And you're right, in the first movie another actress plays the role of Jennifer


He said Shoeing horses not shooting horses

David Brown

6:57 Shan, Doc said "Sunday" not "sunny". 9:36 He said "shoeing horses" not "shooting horses". 1:01:33 Yellow or yellow-belly was slang for coward in the Old West, which evolved into "chicken". 1:48:02 This is the following morning after the night Marty left her there. The original actress was unavailable for the sequels, but this is the same actress from Part 2. After the movie, Doc, Clara, and their kids stay in the present in the spinoff cartoon. There were nods to this movie in the last episode of Legends of Tomorrow that you watched.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for your final reaction within the Back to the Future Trilogy!! I really love this movie, as much as I love the first two. Back to the Future Part III is definitely much different from the other two, given its setting takes place within the old west. And yet, this movie also keeps to what we love about the first two too. We continue to see the clips from the past movies, their characters brought back as they play different versions of themselves upon playing the characters' ancestors, and there are so many great callbacks to the other two movies as well. I love seeing Marty and Doc fight to survive the Wild West in 1885, against Mad Dog Tannen, or Biff's great, great grandfather and his gang, against Doc falling in love with Clara, and in their many struggles with finding their way back home to the future under a serious time crunch before Doc or Marty are killed. This movie is just so much fun. I love Seamus McFly also played by Michael J. Fox. He's just a good man who helps give Marty the strength to finally resist getting into a fight simply for being called a chicken. In regards to Lea Thompson, who plays Marty's mother Lorraine, playing Seamus' wife in 1885 and being married to Michael J. Fox's character, rather than to an ancestor of George's... I think it would have been great if it was George's actor Crispin Glover who played Seamus instead, because it would most certainly make sense for Lorraine and George to be together in the past as well. Unfortunately... it's simply because Crispin Glover (George McFly) didn't want to come back for the sequels that she wasn't married to a George like character too. So instead... Michael J. Fox took up the role as Seamus, just like he took up playing the role of both of his children in the future within Back to the Future Part II too. I love Clara, played by Mary Steenburgen, and I love hers and Doc's love story throughout this movie. They fall in love quickly, but their romance for me really works, just like it did for you too. I think they're adorable together. And I love that Clara comes after Doc upon hearing that he truly does love her, then later saw the models of the time machine and train, which clarifies for her that his story had been true all along. That he didn't actually lie to her, or mock her for her love for Jules Verne like she believed he had. Everything strange Doc ever let slip to her... about having read Jules Verne when he was just a boy, and among other things, suddenly made sense to her. And I love it. Also... I love the fight between Marty and Bufford Tannen in the square, which once again brilliantly ends with Biff once again being covered in manure and saying his famous line... "I hate manure." Absolutely fantastic!! And I love that this fight happens because Marty is actually fighting to protect Doc, rather than falling once more for Biff's taunt about being a chicken, or yellow. One of my favorite callbacks in this movie that I don't know if you caught... During this fight, Marty straps the stove cover to his chest to protect himself from being shot by Mad Dog, then proceeds to beat Bufford until he wins and Bufford is defeated. If you think back to Back to the Future Part II, to the scene when Marty comes to Biff inside his pent house apartment to ask him about the almanac so he can find out when he and Doc need to return to in order to stop Biff... Biff is in his hot tub with two ladies watching a classic Clint Eastwood movie on TV titled, A Fistful of Dollars. The scene he's watching is when Clint Eastwood uses a metal plate to protect himself from the villain he's facing off against and pretends to be killed after getting shot, until he stands back up and defeats the villain in a fight. Marty then turns the TV off, and proceeds to confront Biff in Part II. This moment is what gives Marty the idea to do the same thing in standing up against Bufford Tannen during this fight in Part III. Marty had obviously watched this scene on the film before turning off the TV, then remembered it again upon being put into a very similar situation for real. And it's great, because Biff had been watching a Clint Eastwood movie, which is another reason for Marty taking on his name upon coming into the Wild West. It's brilliant and I absolutely love this!! Also... I really love the entire train robbery beginning with Marty and Doc scrambling to catch the train and jump onto it, ending with seeing the train crash and blow up within the ravine. Seeing Doc and Clara finally get together as they fly off on Marty's hoverboard is beautiful, and seeing Marty reach 88 miles per hour at last just in time as he travels through time to return home to 1985. And then... the DeLorean in the end is destroyed, just like Doc wanted. However, Doc spends the next several years within the old west along with Clara and what we later see... with their two children as well, building a new time machine from a train that is powered by steam. Not just so he can return to the future to pick up his dog Einstein, but also so he can find Marty and Jennifer in order to assure his best friend that he is alive and well, and happily married. I love the introduction of their two children and seeing that Doc an Clara named them Jules and Verne after the famous Author who made them both fall in love with science. I love, love, love Marty's and Doc's deep friendship throughout these three movies. Both of these men have shown that they are more than willing to die for one another. They couldn't be more different, but their friendship works and they have a lot in common after their many adventures together. I would have absolutely loved to see more movies made because these movies are so much fun to watch. However, I love this Trilogy just as it is and it makes complete sense that Doc's and Marty's story ends after three movies. It's perfect! And both Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd were born to play these roles within one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time. :) Thank you so much!! I can't wait for many more movie reactions from you to come!! Until next time, my friend... Thank you so much!! Sincerely, Heidi


The bulletproof vest Marty makes is taken from a scene from a Clint Eastwood movie, it's the one that Biff was watching in the hottub in the alternate 1985, so it's possible that in the Back to the future universe that clint Eastwood heard about the fight with Buford and thought it was a cool idea that a real cowboy named Clint Eastwood did it and so decided to included it in one of his movies, which gave Marty the idea... which then gave Clint the idea and so on in an endless loop....

Dave M.

Strickland is the PRINCIPAL at the high school. Close enough. I loved watching these reactions. And I love these movies. I hate to say it but I am older than all 3 of these films. I was born in the year the first one came out. :( hahaha


The actress that plays Clara is the real life wife of Ted Danson, Michael on TGP!

Victor M

Sunday not Sunny lol


Good reactions to this trilogy. Have you ever seen The Addams Family movies? If not they would be good ones for someone to sponsor.

Victor M

FYI the band in the old west is actually ZZ Top.

Patrick - Excelsior

Godspeed, meaning "a prosperous journey," comes from the Middle English phrase God spede you ("God prosper you")

Ross Nolan

I love these reactions! The 'Back to the Future' films (especially the first are some of my favourites) and I'm glad you enjoyed them. The actress who played Jennifer in Parts II and III is Elizabeth Shue and she was the lead in a fun 1980s comedy-adventure movie called 'Adventures in Babysitting'. It isn't a classic like these films but its fun movie that is very, very, very Eighties.

Ron Fehr

Apparently the idea for Part III was thought up when Michael J Fox was asked where he would like to visit in the past. He had responded the wild west.