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Thanks for everything.. It was epic :)


You've finished 1 book in the TVDverse, but your journeys not over.


I think if there were any issues I had with the finale, I was that a) the pacing felt very unbalanced if not rushed and b) Katherine did feel a little meh this episode considering she was supposed to be the final big bad, though I guess it was because Nina hadn't played her in a few years so she was probably a little off her game


Fun note, This Vampire Diaries series finale aired exactly 20 years later to the date of the series premiere of Buffy the Vampire Slayer!


Even within the story, you can explain Katherine seeming "off" by the fact that she's spent the last 5 years in hell.


This was a great reaction "Because I AM the big brother..." That line broke me watching this... And overall I like the theme of "finding peace" the push this episode after all the "HELL" and "FORSAKEN" chat of the last season. It's a comforting thought of finding peace after life. And of course it had to end on "Hello brother..."


I have many thoughts about the finale, many positive, some negative, but I'm not going to go into a big essay about it. So I just wanna say 2 things: 1. "Caroline Forbes of all people is not going to make it as a vampire" and after the finale, Caroline Forbes is literally the only one of the main characters who is still a vampire and thriving! 2. It has been such a journey to watch this show with you and I can't believe it's over. I didn't always agree with you and sometimes I got annoyed, but I was nonetheless always entertained! This is the third show I had the privilege of watching again with you and just like with Buffy and Angel, I'm both happy and sad at the same time. Hopefully, you'll eventually watch another show that I can rewatch with you! :)


omg I forgot how bad Nina's wig was and that they didn't give her A WIG CAP!!!! you can just see her short hair falling out of her wig.


oh my.. I actually hate this episode so much I nearly couldnt bring myself to watch the reaction (in my opinion there are like 6 plot holes) I mean I liked the emotional stuff, but it kinda falls flat when in order to get these emotions, the plot doesnt make sense. But I watched the last 10 minutes of the episode just to see if Shan would also ask the question thats been plaguing me since this episode first aired: why the HELL couldnt he just push Katherine?? It doesnt make any sense, worse than the GoT finale imho, which was why I actually never wanted to rewatch TvD but then I loved Shans reactions so much that I ended up rewatching it through her, which kinda made me like TvD again. So thanks for that Shan and for taking us on this Journey with you!

james hghg

the one thing i hated about this season is the fact that the 2 most selfless characters that have given so much and not asked much in return have to lose again. i don't care much for the ships but bonnie and stefan deserved their love and once again they are getting the the short end of the stick. although i enjoyed this season those two events really left a sour taste in my mouth.


There is something profoundly human about how this whole series ends which I respect so much... No matter the magical loopholes and BS that has gone before , there is something so real and comforting as a theme, of the people we love and lose finding peace and the comfort of knowing you will meet them again, and I'm not talking religiously or literally... Just conceptually it is a comfort, so well done TVD


Thank you so much for the full reaction 🥰