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Frank Tremel

Davis fell head first onto a hard surface. His head cracked on the floor.

Christopher simeon

Shannon when you fall head first from a ladder or roof you can die so what do you think a fall from a balcony would do. They made a point to show you exactly how he fell and your head getting the full gravity of your body behind it hitting a concrete floor is not very survivable. His head could be cracked or his neck could have broken severing his spine. It is a very realistic death. Humans are not as strong as you think.


Ok I feel like you might not know this so instead of joking around I'll give you some advice. It's Shannan with an A... It's a major pet peeve of hers if people spell her name wrong. That been said. I'm not a doctor. But.. Dude could've ended up in a coma too. Just saying But for drama sake... Let's kill him off

Christopher simeon

They have to up the stakes Tony. Someone had to die. They wouldn’t know that he’s in a coma right then and there. How would you know if izel is willing to kill if she doesn’t actually kill? Everything is for drama most of the time. That’s not a bad thing. Not every death has to a spectacle. The deaths on this show are just deaths. Not supernatural or anything crazier like that.


I thought Lincoln's sister was a lame choice too ... unless she's secretly taking care of Lincoln Jr! I think her dad was a successful vet, so he likely had no need of any money from Daisy.

Sean Ellingham

Yeah, SHIELD probably set up Cal after TAHITI-ing him, plus Cal did own that building in Milwaukee, so just transferring the proceeds to his new identity from that would give him quite a bit to live on. Besides from that, the point of the exercise was to tell little known facts, and the entire core team knows Daisy's history, so anything related to him would likely be widely known

Chess Red Eagle

Yeah, that fall definitely would. He was more than a story up and landed on his head/neck on to a steel surface. As people have commented, he fractured his skull or broke his neck, or even both. Normally if a person falls from that distance, they will roll and use their arms to protect themselves but she made it so he would be falling defenseless. As for Lincoln's sister, I always interpreted that scene as Daisy cutting her father off completely from her life. that was the point of completely rewriting his memory, so he could start fresh. Sending him money anonymously would defeat that purpose and could potentially draw him back in to figure out who this person is sending him money.


So you're saying she's dumb, That's just rude and uncalled for.


Nah Christopher is known by some of his condescending outbursts towards Shannan. I'm 100% sure that was exactly what he meant.

Christopher simeon

Not saying she’s dumb at all she just sometimes says things that if she takes a second to think about after it happens it makes sense but since she is reacting she goes from one moment to the next without really thinking through what she said about a previous moment. Like daisy mentioned her dad last season but Shan couldn’t believe that she didn’t send money to him(he is a doctor and wouldn’t need it) and that she sent money to someone she still believes she got killed (Lincoln’s) family member who may actually need it. She dwelled at that fact because she didn’t actually think logically about it.


Alright well then I apologize for reading into it the wrong way and calling you out for it.

Chandler Ennis

I personally found Davis's death to be more frustrating because it seemed very easy to prevent. For some reason this season the writers kept having the characters stand around dumbfounded when another character was about to die for no reason. Davis was walking to the railing for like ten seconds beforehand and there was plenty of time for Mack to run to that side of the room and try to catch him, maybe not keep him from getting injured, but definitely keep him from hitting the ground head first. They should have just had him shoot himself but I think they wanted to keep it ambiguous as to whether or not Izel could survive being in a host when they die.