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I have taken bold action

Sean Ellingham

Since this episode is essentially just about letting Fitz and Jemma work out their respective issues, they had to bring Leopold back - now that they have acknowledged and accepted that those issues are part of who they are, there's no reason for him to come back again.

Sean Ellingham

There's a lot of detail in Zombie!Jemma - the gold paint on her forehead to represent her enslavement by Kasius and the ragged clothes from Maveth are the obvious ones, but there is more if you examine her closely.


My favorite episode of the show! I don't know if you remember this but Fitzsimmons met when they were 16 so about 10 years before the show even started.


Been waiting for this one! Anxiously hoping you like it, but this is a top 3 AOS episode for me. Can't wait to watch :)

Christopher simeon

The whole point of having Leopold there was to fix that problem Fitz had stemming from being in the framework. We shouldn’t see leopold again at least in that sense. The main issue other Fitz had was trying to repress leopold which lead to his break. Our Fitz now has fully embraced that part of himself because he is not alone and sees that Simmons has her own demons. That kissing scene is played as a joke but there is a deeper meaning to it. They are both now those people. Its a part of them. They have embraced each other’s darkest selves. FitzSimmons could never really be together successfully until they stopped hiding parts of themselves from each other or themselves.

Jared Scoggin

I love this episode. It's probably in my top 10 of the whole series. I think it was necessary to bring back Leopold so that Fitz could deal with his trauma over the Framework and his inner turmoil about causing all the bad things that happened to the team there, along with killing Mace. If he didn't deal with that he could have had a mental break like the other Fitz last season. And I think making Leopold into a joke at the end is kind of the writers' way of telling us that Fitz has the issue under control; he's not afraid of Leopold anymore. The same with Jemma and her rage monster.


Sorry, disagree with you completely on Evil Fitz. It was important to bring him back in this episode because this Good Fitz didn't go through the brain-break in 5x14. I would have been more upset if they hadn't addressed that in season 6 since it was such a huge thing in season 5. Plus that wasn't even a "real" Evil Fitz - it was their own minds creating a version of him. Anyways, lots going on in this episode that's worth several re-watches.

Clara V.


Christopher simeon

Gold paint and robes from kasius , being dead from being buried in the framework, knife and clothes from maveth, wet from the bottom of the ocean.

raymond julien

Ah...when your neurosis loves their neurosis.

Nanci Fenstermaker

Worst episode of the series for me. I despise bottle episodes and this one had one of my least fav characters in it . I have never rewatched it and probably never will. Just like Season 3 episode 5.

MittenCrab (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:24:58 Shipping Leopold and Zombie Jemma harder than any couple since Cordelia & Connor.
2020-03-11 01:50:17 Shipping Leopold and Zombie Jemma harder than any couple since Cordelia & Connor.

Shipping Leopold and Zombie Jemma harder than any couple since Cordelia & Connor.


I hate you for making me remember Conndelia.

Clara V.

Literally don't understand what you're still watching the show for then. Not like it even was a bottle episode, all the characters were actually in it and the sets and designs were very varied, it's just called narrative focus.

Nanci Fenstermaker

I watch the show because i love Melinda May and Daisy Johnson and Fitz and Coulson and Mack. Not everyone has to like all the characters to like a show. Simmons is my very least fav and I don;t like the arc her character has taken. I also do not like the co -dependency of Fitzsimmons relationship - it's not healthy. narrative focus on a unhealthy relationship and a non likable character is not my cup of tea. I rather they focus on healthy relationships and the characters with good growth arcs that are more believable. The Will/Jemma story arc was stupid. It's simply my take. I also hate the Fitz as the doctor and feel they treat mental illness as a joke on the show at times.


I hate you for making me aware there is a ship name for them.