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John Boehmer

Oh man, I have A LOT to say about this episode. So, when Mon-El’s pod first crashed at the end of season 1 I was so excited. I knew that the character’s background and origin would have to change a bit since they were going to be tying him to Kara rather than Clark but I figured that as long as the characterization was correct I could accept the changes that would inevitably be made. It was apparent after just this one episode that the writers of this show had messed up big time. This is a character who has always been portrayed as a man of honor, nobility and goodness. A man who when he first appeared in the comics was thought of as a big brother by a young Clark Kent. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/AVuRWCnfwyveUWVvgMfAsQ5CPdMpoiETQXscO_ye56-qlJVw7QBspEwv65vB2t365zTrFa8Rb2U=s0 This version of Mon-El is not that. He is rude, egotistical, sarcastic and basically a gigantic jerk. In the scene set in the observatory, he assaults the man working there without even trying to ask him for help first. When Kara confronts him after capturing him he is standoffish and sarcastic. This is so out of character that even now it hurts to watch these scenes, though I have seen them many times before. And it’s not just Mon-El. The disrespect shown to the whole Daxamite race is equally bad. In the comics Daxamites are basically equal to Kryptonians where their powers are concerned. Why have they never taken over the universe? I mean, there are a few billion of them, all with Kryptonian level powers. Because they are good people who are actually afraid of aliens and off-worlders. A people who mostly choose to stay on their own world and live in peace. Shan, you have said many times in your Arrowverse reactions that comic accuracy is important to you. Just know that this show gets Mon-El and Daxamites in general so wrong. The way you feel about the mishandling of Laurel Lance on Arrow is very similar to how I feel about the mishandling of Mon-El on Supergirl. At least Laurel was portrayed as a heroic figure. On a lighter note, here’s a fun little Easter egg. On one of the walls in the alien bar there is some graffiti written in Interlac, the common language used by people throughout the galaxy in the DC universe. It says “Krypton Sucks” https://twitter.com/syfywire/status/794366858379988993

Brent Justice

I will back up this statement about how Mon-El is portrayed, very different from the comics.


I would say probably delete this because she seems to not know who Mon-El is

James jackson

Look the fact of life is that virtually no one is "qualified"" all of us are out here winging it.


Completely agree. The show's treatment of Mon-El is why I stopped watching Supergirl. I enjoyed season 1, but season 2 was just so wrong I gave up.

Kevin Tran

Dude that’s not relevant at all. You know how Shan feels about Black Canary why are you here trolling and talking about that?

Kevin Tran

“Interesting accent” Lol Irish mixed with American does sound cool

Kevin Tran

Come on Shan! You know and we all know that James only got the promotion because the writers needed something for him to do it. So they’re like “fuck it” let’s make him the head of CatCo

David Brown

James, I think Kevin meant that this is Supergirl not Arrow. Wait to comment about Arrow until Shan posts her next Arrow reaction.

David Brown

Shan, it's Cat's company. She can leave whoever she wants to in charge. If she wants to leave James in charge that's her decision.


it's hard to say this without it being spoilery but the characterization you say about mon-el is what he grows into later in the season and next. it allows for some funny moments and character growth. I was ok with it. I knew mon-el from the comics but wasn't as familiar or connected to him as some other characters i guess so I was more open to a different version. the whole arrowverse is basically a big elseworld story where some characters are pretty similiar some have some differences and some other stories or villians as influenced, homages or loose adaptations of comic stories but with their own spin. I just think depending on the characters and the changes, different people have different levels of problems with versions of things they go with.


i don't know jimmy is a photojournalist and has been for what I assume is at least a decade or more since superman has been superman for over 12 years and jimmy may have been there since the start of that so he's worked doing that and been apart of the reporting and editing process and around lois, clark, perry and cat that whole time so i think cat trusts him in the position.