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I'm not a fan of the show, or a regular watcher, and even i was kinda pissed off at their decisions regarding the character. The whole direction with Black Canary is an embarassing mess.

Lina Krouford

And the showrunner STILL don't want to admit his mistake. Like... dude, you fucked up, everyone know this, come on!


and thus is why people have grown to HATE this show. between what they did with Felicity, and killing of Laurel, and what she actually meant to views... they really dropped the ball.


they should have killed of Felicity not black canary


At the time, I couldn’t believe it and after this episode even though I didn’t like Laurel, I thought it was the worst decision this show has ever made. Now... if anyone wants to hear what i think now, just message me


Just know that season 5 will make you forget about all of this.

Lina Krouford

Finally watched your reaction. And here is the thing. That happened because the showrunner is an idiot. I don't even sorry. Recently he said that the only comic book romance that matters is romance of Clark and Lois. I'm not even kidding. He said this as "a lifelong comic book fan". There is more background - Marc Guggenheim(that showrunner)LOVES Felicity. She is his favorite. I don't say it's a bad thing. But that thing explains a lot actually. Explains Felicity as a leading lady, explains olicity and some other stuff. And also he said some stuff like "everyone told me you can't kill Black Canary, and I was like why not". Like... this man was a showrunner for the Arrow. And he was so awful to its real leading lady. To the Black Canary. Also he is the one who wrote 4x18 aka the worst episode on tv. I don't care that this is a little bit dramatic, I'm just pissed as much as Shan lol.


As pissed off as I was about Laurels death I still loved how this episode showed each of the cast members going through the different stages of grief.

Zach Hershman

This was a horrible season. There is no doubt about that. I, personally, was fine with them killing Laurel though. That said, people who grew to hate this show like you said also missed out on some great tv in future seasons. I also think this death led to the rise of a much better character in the future.

Zach Hershman

I'll never understand people who say "you can't kill Black Canary" (or any other character. She may be a real important character in the comics but she just wasn't all that special in the Arrowverse. Whether that was because of acting, writing, or both it doesn't really matter anymore. The BC in the Arrowverse was an easy character to kill. Killing Sara was a worse decision. Her character, even as a part time character, felt more important.


unpopular opinion, but Laurel had to go, to right the wrong of making her the black canary in the first place. The writers did an amazing job making people this upset about her death, considering just a few episodes back everyone was tired of Laurels shit and secret keeping...to all of a sudden being the best part of the show....nah, she wasn't a convincing black canary...and sure enough, they right some of these previous wrongs in this bad season and the show improved dramatically.

Lina Krouford

Black Canary should have been important to the show. She was so "easy to kill" BECAUSE of how Marc treated her. HE decided that Laurel was not important and stopped writing good stories for her. If the showrunner was someone else things would have been different. And stop this bullshit about chemistry. Stephen and Katy have a good chemistry. And they should have a good chemistry. I mean, Candice was casted as Iris BECAUSE of her chemistry with Grant. "Their chemistry was magical" said casting director. So what, Stephen and Katy didn't have a chemistry test? Why? How can you cast someone as BLACK CANARY, the main love interest of Oliver Queen, and didn't do a chemistry test? So yes, Marc is an idiot. I'm thanks for some things that he did for Arroverse, but those things doesn't change anything. He is a bad showrunner.

Andreas Froby

don’t agree with chemistry and never done it. I shipped Oliver and Laurel long before know about the comic history, this show made me to Green Arrow and Black Canary shipper. Arrow would probably survied more season without Marc


The way Laurel's character was handled on this show is the second greatest travesty of writing in the Arrowverse, IMO. Black Canary is a fantastic character but this version never lived up to it's potential, never even came close. At least she died a hero.


No Felicity had to go. It's basically writers spitting in our faces saying "Sorry guys we had to kill someone but we couldn't kill Felicity because we like her more, So she has the biggest plot armor out there because they like her. OK then. Even though Felicity character didn't exist in the comics until recently. Yeah killing black canary in arrow tv series was a big mistake the writers realized too late and almost got stoned to death for it. Yeah in some sense the story gets better, but It's bacically good season, bad season after another. Don't want to spoil things for you so you have to watch it for yourself.


Totally agree with you on this eps. What the hell was the writers thinking when they did this, I'm so piss off.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I get the feeling a lot of the ppl commenting may not have watched past this season... I mean, I'm more than likely super wrong, but I feel like the future seasons kinda make up for the dumb decision of this one. It's a little more... interesting.


Actually it is a pretty much well known fact that Katie and Stephen didn't have a chemistry test/read before they were cast. Stephen didn't really test with any of the initial cast members when he auditioned. I believe Katie did chem test with Colin and that was part of why they were cast because initially the show was supposed to be more heavily focused on the three of them and building the love triangle and be like a superhero Vampire Diaries but was later changed to be more focused on Oliver.

Lina Krouford

Interesting! Thanks for this info. Imo actors have to do a chemistry test. It is sad that Arrow didn't have this one.


I get it guys, Felicity didn't exist in the comics....but guess what. Laurel Lance daughter of captain Lance did not exist in the comics as black canary either, that is such bad argument to make against Felicity but ignore it vs Laurel.


I'd rather they all die drowning in feces than watch another vampire diaries love triangle garbage.


I definately think this decision pays off in the future in a number of substantial ways, I won't elaborate as I don't want to spoil it


Dinah Laurel Lance was in some of the comics as Black Canary!


Yes?, Dinah Drake and Dinah Laurel Lance are the real Black Canary who also have a metahuman power....not Laurel Lance who was a jaded lover who all of a sudden could defeat league of assasin members because she took 3 boxing lessons.


Laurel Lance full name in Arrow was Dinah Laurel Lance, her origin was different but that was her full name.


Like I said....she had the name....that's it, that's all she had, everything else was not the black canary. Are you watching it for the first time up to this point?


I don't disagree, they could of done her different and a lot better but she does have a basis in the comics where as Felicity has none what so ever.


That's all i'm saying, for example what would be worse, if they remade starwars and they messed up Luke's backstory and was now a droid and they kept forcing that bad decision, or if they just cut their losses killed him off and went a different direction. What would've been a bigger disrespect to the true character?


To be clear, i'm not saying the writers were right for killing her, I'm saying they were right for finally fixing the mistake they made with her backstory. They backed themselves into a corner in the first place, the true crappy writing came with the characters backstory, I could forgive her miscasting for her role as a fighter as Thea is also miscast as a fighter. You can see a huge difference in how Sara is as a fighter vs Thea and Laurel....not just the fighting skill, but the intense expressions in her face.

Jake Hodgson

I agree with you in theory but it is important to note that as phenomenal as Caity is as Sara she wasnt the original actress and maybe I'm wrong but it was only by pure luck the original actress wasnt available when it they decided to bring the character back.


Arrow was the last of the Arrowverse shows I watched when I first got into them a few years ago, so I was spoiled about Laurel's death. Because of that, I was able to look at the decision from a story/writing/critical point of view rather than a fan point of view. Honestly, IMO, the death makes absolute sense with where the story of the season was going. Something bad happening to a character you enjoy doesn't equal bad writing. Darhk has said all season long to Quentin that he'll kill Laurel if he betrays him. Quentin acts as an inside man for Oliver, Laurel goes right in the front lines against Darhk and is killed, Darhk keeping true to his threat. Its' no different from S2. Slade tells Oliver all season he's going to make him suffer, which he does by killing Moira in front of him. Killing Laurel also sets Oliver on the path to go against the "No Killing" rule from after S1. It also shows that Team Arrow isn't invincible. You put yourself out there, you can die. People always respond to opinions like this by saying "but...comics". Arrowverse does not equal comics. Comic Laurel and Arrow Laurel aren't the same character. Comic Laurel is a meta human vigilante. Arrow Laurel had a few boxing lessons and a sonic device from her sister. Can any Comic Laurel fan show me a comic story where Oliver cheats on Laurel with her sister and they still live happily ever after afterwards? Despite what another comment thread said here, Felicity Smoak did appear in the comics before the show. It was in name only, but apparently that counts. The shows are an adaptation of characters from the comics, not a direct copy. Arrow has lost a Regular at the end of each season at this point, S1: Tommy, S2: Moira, S3: Roy, and S4: Laurel.


Yes the way it was handled was terrible; however, In retrospect, killing Laurel was the best decision the show made


i really like BC from comics and I enjoyed her on the show but I do also think they underutilized her on the show prior to this. I orginally thought she should be more comic like and with Oliver but over time I can to accept and appreciate this as more of an elseworlds version of Laurel and other things. Also with it came alot of compelling storytelling with how the lose affecting everyone and how their decisions led to this happening like with diggle etc. Also without spoiling too plus I think she is ahead of some of this this opened up some storytelling options on Flash, Arrow and more. Sometimes it can be hard to see a character die which is what it is suppose to feel like it. It's also a comic story which some may not realize until you think about it but comics and comic shows are similar to soap operas in a lot ways(which is not bad imo). Lots of drama and love stuff, people dying for dramatic effect. Sometimes for good sometimes they come back after a period of time. In Soaps they sometimes never died at all and just show up later (like Oliver and Sara) sometimes come back with a different face or body(doppelgangers or shape shifters) sometimes they come back with a serum or something(like Lazarus pit, magic or sci fi comic science). All I'm saying is comic characters die all the time. I can see sometimes people don't like it but I think sometimes feelings of liking a character and not wanting to see them go gets mixed up with thinking its bad writing when it's stirring up emotions on purpose because it's suppose to hit you hard that someone died just like it does the other characters which can make a compelling story going foward. plus you see here how the flashbacks illustrate how oliver feels he failed both tommy and laurel. Also how possibly in another timeline or different circumstance maybe ollie and laurel could have ended up together if things were a little different. it's hard and a tragedy but that's what make it interesting and compelling in its own way.