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Tammy L. Faulkner

My first thought of him being Pinocchio was when he was in Grannys and first said he didn't lie... I thought for sure when he look like he got STIFF leg. But obviously is wasn't for sure for sure until this ep.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another phenomenal reaction!!! This is another one of my overall favorite episodes from season one and wow... What a twist with August turning out to really be Pinocchio! They absolutely handled the mystery behind who August is really, really well. I had no idea that he would be Pinocchio. So brilliant and I absolutely love it! And don't be ashamed for not realizing who August was sooner. No one... no one ever puts together that August is Pinocchio any sooner than when this huge revelation is revealed to us. I certainly didn't see this twist coming and neither does anyone else, in spite of the subtle clues given here and there throughout season one. That's phenomenal writing if you ask me. :) As for why August is turning back into wood... It's great you understood this right away, that it has to do with Blue's warning to Pinocchio when she first turned him from a wooden puppet after he sacrificed his life for his father, to a real boy. The Blue Fairy warns Pinocchio to always remain selfless, brave, and true. And like we see in the Disney movie, if he failed to remain selfless, brave, and true, then he would turn back into a puppet. Just like he does in the Disney movie, Pinocchio. And because he is now in a land without magic, he's dying because puppets can't come to life in a land without magic. I love seeing this come about. Very smartly and beautifully written! :) However, it's also because the magic that is on Pinocchio, is him being a real boy, given that he was made from enchanted wood to originally bring him to life. And therefore because he's in the real world without magic, he's becoming wood once again because the magic keeping him human is wearing off. Without August having remained selfless, brave, and true, what little magic that is protecting him from turning back to wood cannot sustain him within a non magical world. My favorite moments within this episode are hands down... between August and Emma in the woods towards the end, as well as the moment in the very end between August and Marco (Geppetto, his father). But I'll get back to these moments later. First... this episode begins with August making a special lock for Mary Margaret's and Emma's loft apartment so that Regina can't break in ever again with her skeleton keys. The lock is made out of wood and August states he learned how to make it in wood shop, which is also most likely a lie. It was most likely taught to him by his father given who they really are. Although... I suppose it is possible August took wood shop in high school in order to remind himself of who he really is and because he has a real talent for making things out of wood. I really like that August making the wooden lock is the second clue... the first clue in this episode that indicates who August really is. The first clue being in earlier episodes when they kept harping on the possibility that August has been lying about who he is and his reasons for being here. Next... Henry calls Emma to Granny's and explains to her how someone had added pages to his storybook. Which we had seen August do earlier on in the previous episode, What Happened to Frederick?. And this brings us to the backstory... that reveals who August is, as we see the ending from the Disney movie as Geppetto and Pinocchio are trying to escape from Monstro the whale, as Pinocchio gives his life so that his father can live. And then we see Blue come down to save Pinocchio upon hearing Geppetto's plea. I love seeing Once Upon a Time's take on the Pinocchio story. Next... we see August inside his room, as the pain in his leg flares up once again even worse than before. And we finally see what's wrong with it, as we see his leg has become wood again. So, August then calls Gold asking for his help with Emma, knowing he's running out of time to convince Emma to believe. When August arrives at Gold's shop minutes later... Marco is there upon Gold's request for help with an antique clock, because Gold has figured out who August really is since his confrontation with him the night before. And August is clearly nervous to see his father there, and is unable to say so much as a word to him. It's a pretty cruel move for Gold to make, as he's taunting August by bringing his father there to his shop knowing that August would be there then too. However, once Marco's gone, August asks Gold to nudge Emma his way, after she had refused to go with him earlier to where he needs to take her in hope of making her believe in the truth. Emma finally comes to August when Gold refuses to help her with getting Henry away from Regina once and for all. And August at last takes her to the diner outside of Storybrooke where Emma believes she was found, on the side of the road. August then reveals that he was the seven year old boy who found Emma and brought her to the diner where they were later taken to the orphanage. And Emma is immediately angry because she discovers that August has been lying to her all along about who he really is, and she's afraid because he knows about who she is and knows about her sad past. This brings us to my first favorite scene between August and Emma, as August continues to reveal to her the truth about who he is and how he and Emma are connected to one another. I love his explanation with how he's dying upon turning back to wood, that he had strayed and fails to raise her like he promised his father he would, and tells Emma that he fell to all kinds of temptations while he was away. I also love the details when August explains he knows that Emma chose to stay in Storybrooke months earlier at 815 pm at night, while it was 815 am in the morning where he was staying in Phuket... where there are all kinds of temptations he fell for. Brilliant! And I love even more so that Emma can't see the wooden leg because she refuses to believe in the truth. Because she doesn't want to believe in the truth about the curse and about magic, and only wants to get Henry back. This moment is Jennifer Morrison's time to shine as she fights back with August and tells him that it's crap that she has to be this all powerful Savior destined to save everyone in Storybrooke. And when August states that everyone is depending on her to save them... that he's depending on her to save him, I absolutely love how Emma responds... "Then you're all screwed." It's so tragic and sad, but what a powerful moment! And the look on August's face is devastating. Amazing! Incredible acting, not just from Jennifer Morrison (Emma), but Eion Bailey (August) too. I also love the continued backstory with Pinocchio, Geppetto, Jiminy Cricket, and Blue, as Blue returns to Geppetto to tell him that their plans have changed and that he can't send his son through the wardrobe with Emma and Snow, since Snow has given birth early. Unfortunately, Geppetto goes against the Blue Fairy's warning and sends his son through anyways. I love how well acted the both of them are in this scene, and I really feel the emotions from Geppetto's and Pinocchio's acting. Beautiful. And in the end, we have my second favorite scene between August and Marco, as August comes to offer help to his father so he can spend his last days with him because he's dying and had failed to help Emma to believe. Again... I feel the deep emotions in this scene, especially as Marco assures August that if he had a son, he would be proud of him for trying to keep his promise even if it wasn't fulfilled until many years later. You can see and feel the pain coming from August as you see his pain on his face. The pain from believing how he's failed to be the man he believes his father would have wanted him to be. And yet Marco confirms for him that his efforts to try to make right on his promise even if it is late, would be enough for him. I love it! So beautiful. I just love seeing them come to interact together, knowing that they are father and son. As for the side storyline between David and Regina... it is definitely a set up by Regina. She's trying to lure David away from his love for Mary Margaret by seducing him. I love the idea of the blank note Regina picked up that was supposedly from Henry after they walked inside her home. David was about to leave, as she supposedly reads that Henry is going over to talk with Archie after school. However, when we see the note, the paper is actually blank. Regina is trying to play on David's sympathy to convince him to stay for dinner, hoping she can later seduce him, when all David is trying to do is be a good man and a friend to Regina, given that he believes her to be a good woman and friend to him. However, she later leans in to try to kiss him, and he pulls away. Despite his confusion and pain from losing Mary Margaret, it still feels wrong to him to fall for Regina, even more so than it felt wrong to him to fall for Kathryn. As for how I feel about this whole storyline... I like how Regina has come to be desperate enough to try to seduce David even though she hates him almost as much as she hates Snow White, and I appreciate the reasoning for them to write this storyline into the episode. And I like it too. As for the scene between Pinocchio and baby Emma inside the orphanage... it's so sad. Baby Emma is so cute and it's so sad that Pinocchio abandons her too like Emma believes everyone in her life has done as well. Of course I understand why August left the orphanage with the other children, because it was awful there, and Pinocchio was only a seven year old boy. Sadly, this leads August down the wrong path and Emma to think she's all alone. So sad. I really liked seeing and getting to understand why August strayed from his promise to his father. I really appreciate that this scene was included in the episode. I do wish that we could have seen more around the circumstances within the orphanage to show more of why August strayed, but yeah... there wasn't time to. But between Emma's talk of her experiences with being in and out of numerous orphanages, and August's talk... we are given pretty good ideas about just how bad things were for them both. And on top of that, it's like you said... Pinocchio was a seven year old boy. How could he be expected to take care of a baby at such a young age. It's so sad. Oh... a baby Emma is absolutely adorable and the cutest little baby in the world. :) And lastly... Emma gets Henry out of bed and then asks him once and for all if he wants to come live with her. He sincerely says yes, but sadly, Henry doesn't quite understand her intentions and before he can object, Emma immediately tells him to buckle up and together they drive off towards the town line to leave Storybrooke. Emma is most definitely in the wrong. You're right... she is kidnapping him and she's not thinking rationally. And this isn't good. Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction!!! I love this episode and I am so happy that you loved it as well. Two more episodes to go and these two episodes are the big two part finale for season one. I can't wait!!! Thank you!!

Talon Karrde

I didn't figure out the Pinocchio twist till this episode either. Its probably my favorite memory of the show figuring it out


Is it really selfish though? Storybrooke is in a world without magic and Pinocchio needs it to not only be a real boy but also to live. Without magic, he would just be a puppet, so to not go through the tree would be a death sentence. The Blue Fairy is basically asking Gepetto to kill his son and just hope that he will come back to life IF Emma manages to break the curse. I don't know, I think I would have done the same as Gepetto.


Just watched the first episode. So Shan likes fairytales and she likes fights... then when she finishes this show she should watch RWBY

Edwin Wickey

I think it's selfish. There was no way to know it would KILL his son, and they were certain the curse could only be broken by Emma. So he jeopardized everyone, for his WORRIES about one. And on top of that, he put a burden onto a 7 year old child that was going to be impossible to carry. Emma was a newborn... Completely reliant on others... He didn't know what the rules would be in this new phone, but I can't think of a circumstance in which a 7 year old could protect and care for a newborn baby completely on their own in a world that they don't know anyone and no one would even know Snow and Charming and want to help. He set up Pinocchio for a lifetime of guilt because of his failure at a task that should absolutely never have been asked of him. Yeah, I think it was selfish. He had doubts and worries, so he put everyone else, their families and their children too, in jeopardy.

Edwin Wickey

And I should point out, that sending him through the wardrobe ALSO sent him to the same land without magic. So if the worry was that he wouldn't survive without magic, then this selfish decision was made without purpose as well...