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James Dean is a famous actor during the 1950s. Famous for playing rebellious teenagers. He died in a car crash


Non-straight character exists Sara: It’s TIME


Fries dipped in milkshake is great. If you ever get the chance to visit America definitely check out a diner where you can try some hand crafted milkshakes with fries

Brent Justice

Not all "people of color" were mistreated in the past. There were good people in existence at the time who didn't think like that. It depended on many things, where you live, the kind of people you were around, there are good and bad people everywhere, and not everyone thought down on other people. There were more accepting areas, and then places that weren't so accepting. Not everyone, and not everywhere, was racist.


Oh fuck off. Of course there were good people back then. But to ignore the racism of the past is a complete revision and erasure of history. Her point is that it’s good to at least see it somewhat attempted to display history accurately as most shows seem to just ignore that past.

Brent Justice

My point was valid, and did not require an insulting remark. I was just letting her know that there were two sides to the issues, back then. She had made a comment that she was sure it was worse than was portrayed, but in reality, there were places that were better, and yes, places that were worse. To ignore the duality that existed is ignorant. I wasn't replying or commenting at all to her remark about the fact that the show attempted to display history accurately. IMO my point is an important one to keep in mind, not everything is one-sided.


44:25 Shan... did u get a Steam notification?


Sounds like an Origin notification maybe

Brandon Wiesner

Brent wasn't ignoring the racism that existed and telling him to f off was uncalled for. If this was YT, your comment would have likely been deleted.


The topic of racism is way too deep to be summed in a simple binary. I get it, you like duality. You like showing the good side of humanity. You want to show two sides. But I’ve studied enough on racism to know that’s a dangerous path to follow. Call me a dick all you want for what I said. But there’s a reason many people of color are not happy with the notion of showing how “good” things were. Anybody with common sense will know of course their were good areas. Of course there were good people who weren’t racist. We had white people marching alongside Dr. King during the civil rights movement. But trying to argue that there’s a good side takes heavily away from the horrific experiences that people of color in particularly black and African Americans had to face during that time period. A movie like Green Book attempted to play both sides and then fell into the typical white saviour troupe with a mean white guy protagonist losing his racism after befriending a black person. Many black Americans were not happy about that. Saying they marginalized the experience of Don Shirley to focus on the racist Italian American white lead, and it didn’t help that his son wrote the movie. Anyways you’ve probably had enough with comments about race so I have I. I know there’s no way of convincing you on my perspective all I’ll do is annoy you more than give you a point of view. But the reality is color blindness, and trying to show good parts of our racist past while it may make for a feel good story, it will ultimately lead to downplaying racism, glorifying it, and even worse a complete revision and erasure of history. All to suit the master narrative. Of course there’s the opposite effect in fetishizing violence on black bodies but we aren’t ready for that conversation yet

BJ Stephens

There is nothing wrong with showing the good or bad sides of a time/place/etc.. if people have a problem with both being shown, they are the ones who are trying to conduct a certain narrative. Not showing the good along with the bad is also a "dangerous path to follow". You say anyone with common sense knows there were good areas, that is just not so. It should be but people can be very apathetic when it comes to filling in their gaps in knowledge and ignorance. It's both sad and amazing how many people make their judgement on purely what they are presented with by media sources and the like. When a certain subject/group/person is only ever highlighted for their bad side, or negative actions, there are more than enough people who are happy to believe that is all those people/things are.