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Frank Tremel

Can someone send me her chronological Arrowverse list

Brandon Wiesner

Why do you need the list? So you can comment and suggest changes, or complain about the order? Shan has said many times, trust in the order. The mods spent a lot of time putting it together and they kept all the shows in mind, along with the chronology.

Frank Tremel

Nothing like that. My friend wants to start the Arrowverse, and Shaun's lists (Vampire Diaries) are the best ones. I just want to make sure my friend has the best chronological list.

Brandon Wiesner

Ah ok. Sorry, there are so many people saying why is this being watched before this or after that. We are kind of on the defensive. I know there was a list posted in Discord. If I can track it down, I'll DM you.

Brandon Wiesner

Well, it seems I can't DM another Patron. Only Shan and vice-versa. But the list is in Discord, in the Arrowverse spoiler room.

Walter Alcaraz

Frank, I created my own, based on the original US / North American airdates of the ArrowVerse shows. If Brandon can't locate their watchlist, you can have mine. Start with the first two seasons of Arrow, that pre-dates all the other shows.

Brent Justice

There's a lot of feminism in this show, especially in Season 1, you just kinda have to look past it, it's very heavy-handed for a while.

Brandon Wiesner

Go to the drop down menu by hovering over your avatar on the top right. Go to my profile settings, then apps. A prompt to connect to Discord should appear there.

Emma goldsbrough

Great reaction. Enjoying the arrowverse reactions. And I don't know how I missed that Anya was in, I've seen this so many times and just release it now and you managed to spot and you managed to find her straight away.

Brandon Wiesner

Feminism in itself is not a bad thing. But when it's obvious and intentionally thrown in your face ad nauseam, it can get irritating.

Jason Veevaert

The show does similar themes later on that are all things considered positive (and ideas that I support) but the show’s viewpoint can go past empowerment and border on naivety in terms of our country and ideology.

Chris Peacock

I only do the list in seasons, so to see the older orders you'll just have to look at the order she uploaded in. In all honesty though, I would probably move a few things around if the list was for myself. Shan likes to watch shows in chunks, so I try to stay on one show for a bit. Things sometimes get technically out of order, but the parts that matter (such as crossovers) do not.

Chris Peacock

But when people complain about my order. That is why. They don't understand that Shan likes to watch shows with as little switching between shows as possible. So is it in perfect order? No. I call it good enough order. Nothing important is out of order and Shan can have a few episodes in a row of the same show.

Brent Justice

It can be used poorly, or for a political or agenda purpose, as it is in this show. The idea isn't bad, but its execution and implementation can be. This show goes past empowerment as Jas Veevaert said and pushes it in a way that puts a very negative view on men in specific ways. Ideas aren't bad, but when they are pushed in certain ways, they can go to the extreme. There are better ways to show women empowerment, like the movie Alita for example, that's a great example of showing women empowerment correctly and non-condescending towards men.

Kevin Tran

How about you both stfu before you end up before you end up spoiling something for Shan, you’re already halfway there. And Jason you’re completely off base in terms of what you believe this country is like or it’s ideology I suggest you read a book

Brent Justice

I have written nothing spoilerly at all, I am referring only to Season 1 up to this current episode. I have given no indication or expectation of future events. I have already seen Shannon cringe at some of the feminism things said in the show, so I know she's picked up on that vibe. I also believe Jason has made some good points and does not deserve the negative attack, nor do I.

Kevin Tran

I wasn’t referring to you on the spoilers part. I was referring to Jason. Shannan was already upset that people told her season 4 of Arrow was bad which set expectations for her. She’s the strictest so spoilers so Jason discussing something from a future season would in fact be considered a spoiler to her.

Jason Veevaert

You're right Kevin, sorry Shan if I spoiled anything, and thank you Brent for sticking up for me:)

Jason Veevaert

also about problems with our country I meant America (Far as I know Australia is fine)

Jason Veevaert

Also if no one else is going to say it Toyman is actually a great superman villain to use and I like how they incorporated him.

Jason Veevaert

And (Know this is being chatty right now) when Kara said she hurt Winn, I was a little upset Alex didn't say anything reassuring about the subject, like Shan said its not your fault if you don't feel anything, I mean yes she did unintentionally hurt him, but when some has unreciprocated feelings for a friend that needs to be dealt with if they want the friendship to possibly continue (sorry if I started ranting I have had to deal with stuff like this with friends in my life with missplaced guilt)

John Boehmer

The character Emma Caufield plays in this episode, Cameron Chase, was the head of the DEO for a while in the comics. The comic version of the character was a metahuman, but I'm pretty sure the TV version is not.

Kevin Tran

I’m aware. I’m American too. I would discuss it further on why I disagree but that won’t be for a long time


Thank you so much! I made the TVD-verse list, and I put a lot of effort into it. I'm glad to know you think it's a good order!

Andreas Froby

She look at bit different now, so I guess, but when I got a Good look at her after Shan point it out, it was more clear


All the best Superman (and I'm guessing Supegirl) villains are the ones that can outsmart them, rather than those that are "stronger".


This James/Lucy relationship is a real drag. I get (and there was whole discussion about feminism above) that the show is going for a female empowerment theme, which is great with Kara, Alex and Cat, but that scene with James and Lucy... ugh. She asked for his opinion, he gave his opinion and she snapped at him about not needing his permission. He didn't give permission, he gave his opinion "I think you should take the job." not "I'm ok with you taking the job." It does not make her look good and I really want to see less of both of them. It makes me feel bad for the actors because I'm sure they're good, but the writers are not giving them something to work with.

Jordan Haddow

I know this is way after the fact, but I don't care. I agree that ic can be annoying. All the women in the show are shown as fully competent and the men as weak or just missing a little something needed to get the job done. I think that feeling though, however annoying to us men, is somewhat intentional. In fact, I find it hilarious that guys complain about it. I will complain about it, but more in line with good writing doesn't make someone look like they are smart by filling the room around them with dumb people. Although, sherlock holmes does that and Ilike it, so, meh. My point is, the thing I find about guys complaining about it most of the time is, they overlook the fact that guys shows have been like this forever. Some badass guy surrounded by weak women who can simply simper and look up to their macho hero and hope he saves her. It's simply everywhere. So women reversed it. You can't really complain about it when it's been like this forever, but it just happens to not be your sex this time. Honestly, I think the show could do a lot better than simply reversing the sexism, but seriously, this show, along with many of the superhero shows have issues with crappy directors and shoddy writing. Those are simply not the things the show is focused on. It certainly isn't Buffy, that's for sure. Also, I'd like to point out, that sometimes these moments of empowerment come across poorly, frankly, because I think guys have thought them up. I honestly don't know about this show, I'm thinking of the MCU for this example. If you haven't watched Endgame, stop reading here. In Endgame, in the final battle, a number of our heroes are trying to keep the Gauntlet away from Thanos. First there's Hawkeye, then Black Panther, and then Spiderman. Each took on the task singlehandedly with a little help here and there. Then it got passed onto Captain Marvel. Then every major female superhero cropped up to help her. Now, I know this could be, and was probably intended to be, taken as the guys tried to go it alone and failed, and the women more smartly helped each other. The problem is, it can just as easily be taken as condescending. We have 3 guys, all protecting the gauntlet alone. Their powerful, but fairly even on the grand Marvel power scale. Then we get Captain Marvel, one of the single most powerful beings in the whole Marvel universe, at least as far as shown up to Endgame. Heck, she brought down a massive armored warship by flying through it like it was tissue paper. Also, later, she so easily overpowered Thanos, that he only escaped by using the Power Stone directly on her. Yet, the show has all these other people come to her rescue to keep poor little her protected? I'm sorry, but when I first saw that, it didn't take long for the initial cool factor to wear off and left me thinking about how it really wasn't a great move. Seriously, who could have stopped her. Thanos was only able to by destroying the Quantum Gateway in the van, causing an explosion so big it wiped out a chunk of his own army. Chances are though, that guys wrote that thinking that it was empowering and missing the possible other ways it could be taken. So just keep in mind when complaining about women empowerment being kind of hamfisted, that it just may be a guy hamfisting it. Let me tack on this final little bit to this horrendously long little bit of banter, that all of this is the opinion of me, a guy. So, take my views on feminism in a female led show with a grain of salt.

Jordan Haddow

i don't know. I can see Shan saw it that way too, but I have a completely different way I took it. He felt like she was asking permission, but she wasn't. She also, really wasn't looking for his opinion either. As she said, she told her boyfriend that she moved all this way and took a new job to be near him and he just sat there blankly. I think what she was after is kind of what any person would expect to get in a moment like that. Excitement, exuberance, happiness. If you had a partner who lived in another city and you could only see them every once in a while, how would you feel if they left it all and moved just to be closer to you? How you answer that question really is telling of just how solid your relationship with that person is. Obviously, James reaction was extremely telling of just how solid he thinks their relationship is. That's what she's getting at. Not that she wanted his opinion, but to act like a man who is in love with her would act. My opinion at least.

Jordan Haddow

Okay, so I've seen this season before, but it was before Buffy. I just paused the episode part way through because I was so excited to see EMMA CAULFIELD. I don't even know if Shan noticed her yet, but I'm assuming from glancing at previous comments she did. I really wish she gets more roles. I loved her in WandaVision, but it was just too little of her. Anyways, back to the show. Okay, end of the show now. I went back, and embarrassingly enough, I missed Shan noticing Emma right away. Oh well. I have to say, I've only seen a couple of season of this show before and wasn't a big fan of the writing or the directing. I can say though, that over the last few episodes, including this one, I'm pretty happy with the actors they've gotten. There has been some really good emotional scenes. Of course, it is just the first season so far, so I'm holding out hope for the other elements to get more in sync later on.