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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fantastic reaction! I really enjoyed this episode and had so much fun watching it again with you. I'm so happy you enjoyed it a lot too. :) Now... in regards to the Rumplestiltskin fairytale... Rumplestiltskin is most definitely known for making deals for people's firstborn children, just as he's known for wanting to know people's names, and for spinning straw into gold, hence the reason why his cursed name in Storybrooke is Mr. Gold. He has reasons for doing all he does. I really love how this episode touches on the Cinderella story, yet doesn't redo the same story we've known our whole lives from the Disney movie, other movies, and the classic fairytale. Like you, I absolutely love the Cinderella fairytale, but I love the uniqueness and twist on the tale I love in this episode. We all know this story and yet Once Upon a Time takes it and does it's own twist, adding so much to it. It's brilliant!! First... one of my favorite lines from this episode is in the beginning from Rumplestiltskin as he's talking to Cinderella after killing her Fairy Godmother. Rumple states, "Every story needs a memorable detail." I like it because it's true that in any Cinderella story, her glass slippers stand out and are pivotal to her story. Her glass slippers help guide the Prince to finding his True Love again after she flees from the ball. And they wouldn't be so memorable if her slippers were made out of leather or anything common like any other pair of slippers. :) I also absolutely love Emma's fierceness and her power she delivers with every line, and the emotion she shows when she's angry, sad, or afraid as well. I love her fierce moment when she meets Cinderella, or her cursed counterpart Ashley Boyd for the first time and encourages her to live the life she wants and to fight back against those who are trying to run her life for her. Emma gives Ashley her life back and because she finds her strength, Ashley breaks into Gold's shop to steal back the contract she believes she made with Gold, because of the real deal still intact from their real lives back within the Enchanted Forest. I love how Cinderella's contract with Rumplestiltskin carried over into the real world, causing Ashley to have a deal in place with Mr. Gold to give up her first born child thanks to Sean's, or Prince Thomas' father help in orchestrating said deal. And because of the contract still being in place, after Thomas had disappeared within the Enchanted Forest upon Cinderella tricking Rumple by entrapping him, Sean's cursed memories manipulated him into believing he didn't have the courage to stand up to his father and Mr. Gold so he could be there for his wife and child, or his girlfriend and child. This all is another brilliant addition to Cinderella's story and I absolutely love it. :) As for the second deal Cinderella makes with Rumplestiltskin so she and the other heroes can imprison the imp as Thomas calls the villain... from Rumple's words, it's clear that he senses that she is trying to trick him and senses making this deal will imprison him, yet he still signs her contract anyways. Rumplestiltskin always has a reason for doing everything he does and a reason for every deal he makes. It's very rare for him to be tricked into doing something, if ever. That's a part of what makes his character so brilliant. Now... I love seeing Prince Charming and Snow White at the ball celebrating Cinderella's wedding to Prince Thomas. I love when all of the characters from the different fairytales interact with one another and seeing them come together. And the costumes in this scene in particular, are amazing. As all of the costumes for each character are. And later we learn how it is Rumplestiltskin comes to be imprisoned like we see of him in the first two episodes within the Enchanted Forest storylines. It was great to see how this came about, and that Charming and Grumpy, as well as the other dwarfs were a part of making the trap for him. And lastly... in the end, Emma agrees to make an open ended deal with Mr. Gold in order to help Ashley so that she can be free from her contract with him and keep her baby, which also allows for Sean to come back into her life because her contract is then voided. I love this moment between Emma and Gold because they're both so confident in facing one another and Emma is fearless. It's scary that she had to agree to do an unknown favor for Gold later on, but Emma will face it head on and do whatever needs to be done. She's incredible. As far as my favorite characters shown in the first four episodes you've seen so far go... among the major cast, my favorite is Emma. And I also love Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Charming/David, and Snow White/Mary Margaret are also my favorites. I also really love Regina/the Evil Queen too. And among the characters within the more minor cast, my favorite characters so far are Archie/Jiminy Cricket, Sheriff Graham, Ruby, Leroy/Grumpy, and Granny. Thank you so much! I am absolutely loving your reactions for Once Upon a Time so far. This show is very near and dear to my heart, so I'm having so much fun re-watching it with you again as you watch every episode for the first time. :) Until next time... I can't wait!! :)

Paul Gibson

Heidi, you do realise the majority of people reading the comments have watched the episode? I'm not sure I understand the logic behind writing out the entire thing

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm writing out my thoughts for After Show Reactions, and anyone else who is curious about what I love, like, and dislike about each episode. She has not seen every episode. If you, nor anyone else besides her wants to read my comments... fine. But my comments have been getting likes, and not just on her channel, but other channels that I support for Once Upon a Time as well.

Adrian G

A lot of your thoughts is just a synopsis of the episode. You could get the same thoughts across with a lot less text. It is very unlikely Shannan will read your comment given how long it is. You want more people to read your thoughts including Shannan, make it shorter.

Patrick Sullivan

I rather like reading your thoughts. I say do what you feel comfortable doing. If it is too long it takes a second or two to scroll past it after all.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you very much, Patrick. I truly appreciate your kindness and encouragement for me to write out what I feel. Your words mean a lot. :) Sincerely, Heidi

Paul Gibson

Heidi have you considered joining the ASR discord? we have quite a lively group in there including both spoiler and non spoiler discussion rooms for OUAT