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Kevin Tran

What’s the origin of the watch order? 😜


When I saw this episode I wasn't fooled by it being arranged by Max because they did something very similar on Lois & Clark with Lex. Not going to mention anything regarding Hank because not sure anything I say wouldn't be somewhat spoilery. Wasn't into the triangle then and still not.

John Boehmer

The love triangle is weird but I’ve always felt that way. The decision to have Kara be into Jimmy is really odd. Having Lucy show up in episode three to ramp up the tension felt forced. And now having Kara and Lucy starting to become friends just makes everything awkward. I think the writers were trying way too hard way too early in the show’s run to create romantic drama when it had not been earned yet. Also, one thing you need to remember when watching this show is that this version of Supergirl is way less powerful than the comic book version of the character. She is nowhere near as strong or fast or durable as comic Kara. That being said she is still ridiculously powerful as both Max and Hank pointed out in this episode.


This was supposed to be the fourth episode aired but this was the week of the Paris attacks so they aired the 5th episode in the 4th slot. Her watch order has it in the order it was originally meant to be aired 😊

Jared Scoggin

The love triangle is my least favorite part of the season. On a separate note, I've never understood why they didn't correct the episode order for Netflix and such. The studio knew this was meant to be episode 4, but they released it as episode 5.


Yeah, not the best episode. To be honest, James just does my head in he's such a bore, so for him to have so much screentime dedicated to his love life is just...ugh. I still don't understand why he's even in the show. The writers keep emphasizing that this is Supergirl's story, not Superman's, yet they shoehorn Superman's sidekick into the show. Makes no sense. Winn is a much more interesting and entertaining character but he gets paid dust in comparison to James.

Brandon Wiesner

Because Jimmy Olson means more Superman fans will watch the show. I agree though, the show would be fine without him, especially since he's not even really Jimmy Olson.

Jarrod Wild

It's how it's ordered everywhere from the DVDs to Netflix, so it's fine. This is how it was always meant to be. EDIT: I stand corrected. Netflix flipped the order. When it was first released on Netflix, it was correct. The DVDs do have it in the correct order though.


I know that's why they brought him in (although really who is checking for Jimmy Olson out of all the Superman characters?) but it completely contradicts the point they're trying to make that Supergirl can stand on her own two feet and doesn't need Superman to prop her up. Then like you said, he's not even really Jimmy, his personality is completely boring, why Kara is so enamored with him is baffling.


I think Supergirl and Superman (Based on him not stopping Reactron) are not as OP as they are in the comics. Also since Lord was specifically testing Supergirl, he could have made the bomb more dangerous to her specifically

Emma goldsbrough

On my dvd it comes out this order but it write different on the cover with the eps on. It was an okay eps, for me. But like your reaction to it.

Brandon Wiesner

Well the idea to bring him in was because of that but as it turned out, the show was good enough that if he wasn't there, the show would still do fine. He actually turned out to be one of the weakest characters so far (emphasizing that I'm only talking up to this episode, per the channel's rules). He's bland, boring and has no real arc, other than a potential love interest for Kara.

Jon Dub

Yes the actor who plays Knox is Lip's AA sponsor on Shameless


their levels are i little lower than the comics but they could still take a bomb the explosion and shrapnel wouldn't hurt the but the concussive force and fall can rattle them. in in the comics and smallville they have their invunerability but even if thy the are fighting someone and they are powerful they could still knock them down and even make them bleed sometimes