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God the humour in this ep is amazing but I was so disappointed that SMG wasn’t in this ep 😭


Amy Acker looking like Fred while talking like Illyria is one of most unsettling things in the entire Buffyverse. She is such an incredible actress.


Had Buffy actually seen Angel and Spike, it would’ve made this almost an entirely different episode. Obviously fans would have loved for it to happen, but it would have been so much of a complication. ... I cannot complain about the attire of the head of the Rome branch of Wolfram E Hart. Can’t complain at all. ... This episode does go broad with the humor. I do not say this critically. ... I would have loved Winifred to be still extant and sharing a body with Illyria, but of course it’s just an illusion here.


I don't think the Angelus scenes are SOO far out of character, they just follow a common trend on Whedon shows, where when a character is being played for comedy, they turn that character up to 10. We have seen Spike bring out that side of Angelus before, and as much as they are shown hating each other at some points in the past, they are also shown at other times as basically best friends(and probably lovers) And in regards to Spike suddenly changing his mind about seeing Buffy, I imagine the thought of Angel getting to see her is the only reason he would flip-flop so quickly on the matter.

Chaotic Cam

I love this show, and I don't see the flashbacks with Angelus and Spike out of character at all. You have to remember that this is before a lot of shit went down, before Angel got his soul, and while all four of them (The Whirlwind) were still together. They're kind of like a messed up family. So yeah, this kind of familiar banter and the way they get along would be normal for William and Angelus, though I'm sure William still grated Angelus' nerves at times, and as the years went on they grew more distant. As for Angelus acting jealous with The Immortal and Darla, while it's true he usually takes what he wants and doesn't give a crap, Darla is his sire - she has the authority over him, can do what she wants with him having no power over it, and he basically worships her - at least he would have in the time period shown. Things obviously changed once he got a soul. As for Angel and Angelus acting similarly in these scenarios, I've never liked the fact that you're supposed to believe that they're two completely different people. It's a cop out. To me, of course Angel would retain certain personality aspects and mannerisms. All the soul gave him was a moral conscious like Spike.

Miss Timi Fantastico

I'm only half way though so far, but I realized recently I'm sort of outside of the norm in that I've never really though that Angel and Angelus were different people. He seems to me like he is written almost like an abusive boyfriend. He can be painfully sweet and guilt inducing, while he also has the manipulative selfish evil side. Liam was always a bit of a selfish lush. And it was Angel that tried to kill Wesley in the hospital. Spike is really not that different with and without a soul once he spent time with the scoobies and evolved. And he's always been the William he was even if he was a bit evil at the time. I think Angel was also jealous as Angelus, he just didn't care who HE had sex with. I think he would have been upset had Darla slept with someone and he was definitely jealous of the Master. I never had any friend that watched the show so I never had anyone to talk about it so it's so fun to see other people's takes on it. I definitely get where you are coming from. I just finished this episode: It is definitely a weird episode with some strange character choices. lol


Andrew shows up and things get silly. Fred was weird but didn't make me laugh...

David Caine

I think Angelus was upset because it was the Immortal that put one over him, made him a fool. He felt he was losing to his annoying enemy.

Brent Justice

You're thinking too much about the episode, it's just meant to be a fun funny comical episode, humor...

Lisa Irv

I'm not really a fan of this episode. There are only 3 episodes left for the whole show and they slip in this underwhelming comedic Buffy episode that doesn't even contain Buffy. I agree that the flashbacks seem ooc on Angel's end but I try to explain it away as being from his current perspective, maybe he is mis-remembering the dynamic he had with the others at the time. It's all just too slapstick for me, but I do really enjoy the Illyria/Wesley parts. Such a shame that nobody respected Fred's last wish to tell her parents that she was brave facing the end.

James MacDonald

This was a terrible episode, redeemed only by the Wes and Illyria scenes. Not to mention the awful timing of an episode like this. The writers were 3 episodes from the finale and wasted one on some inconsequential caper? Bizarre choice.


"It was a whole lot of dumb." Yeh, aside from the Burkles scenes, this was about the mmost forgetable episode ever for me.


lol I think both Spike and Angel still have feelings for Buffy that they haven't gotten over and it's doing what love often does to people.. making them stupid and irrational. I also think it's not surprising Angelus and Spike would get mad since the Immortal did kidnap them, detained them while he went out and had sex with their girls at the same time, he clearly upstaged them in every way and no matter what they tried both as powerful vampires and vampires with souls they could never live up to him. I think this episode did exaggerate a lot of stuff to make it more funny.


Always loved that head tilting Illyria does. Seeing her doing that on Fred's body is freaking great. Amy Acker is a great actress


i can't stand this episode. it would've been better if they were actually able to get SMG, but since they didn't and the episode focused on chasing someone we'd never see...it was a lot less interesting.


Alternative title "Jealous Vampire Crap: The Episode"


Haven't watched the reaction yet, but worth noting that they tried to get Dawn in this episode, but unfortunately Michelle Trachtenberg was busy filming a movie. They also thought about getting Sarah Michelle Gellar a couple different times, but things didn't work out for one reason or another. Andrew is fun though, but it's just weird how Tom Lenk seemed to be the only one able to guest star.

Johnny Coleman

For those who have read Buffy season 8. Doesn't Xander play the best practical jokes?

Claire Eyles

Season 5 might be my favourite Angel season, but it also contains two of my most disliked episodes, and this would be one of them. I mean it's watchable, it's fun, there's the Illyria scenes which are always welcome, but it's just so not up to the standard I would expect at this point.


It surprises me that so many people here don’t like this episode. It’s one of the best. All the comedy bits are hilarious


I actually like this one haha I think it's super cute


Spike and Angel are such bad influences on each other lmao


Given there's only 2 episodes left, and with the death and mayhem of the last few (post Smile Time), they needed a fun one.


You should read the Buffy season 8 comics, episode one kinda explains this episode

Jon Dub

I love this episode. Hilarious from start to finish.


This was a silly episode, and I love that every now and then.

Thomas Hansen

If you're not sure if something is a spoiler, it's generally good policy not to say it.

Thomas Hansen

I've always liked this episode, but it definitely works best if you already know SMG isn't gonna be in it. Also, Angel and Angelus are totally the same person.


A dash of humour before...you know...the finale!


P.S. sent you some comics; but the explanatory note managed to teleport out of the box back into my car...happy early birthday!


P.P.S...who can draw parallel's between The Imortal'


(Stupid computer) 'The Immortal" and 'Super-Star" (Johnathon) ?


Nostalgia is a very powerful tool, you can suddenly find yourself saying things like "It's good to see Andrew again..." XD

Loves Bitca

Never seeing The Immortal was a decision, since the picture they painted of how perfect he was, any person portraying him could not have matched up. Better to leave it to everyone's imagination.

Loves Bitca

While it was funny, it was difficult that it was so out of character. Not only Angelus acting closer to Angel in the flashbacks, but in the current period Angel and Spike constantly getting beaten so easily. Sure it was funny, but these are the two most powerful vampires in the world. Both legendary, both now champions. They've both saved the world and taken on Gods and much more powerful demons, getting whipped around by some low level demon lackeys just doesn't make sense.

Loves Bitca

I like that at the end Angel and Spike finally acknowledged what YOU had been saying all along.

Bruce Trogdon

I don't think Angelus was jealous so much as angry that The Immortal was constantly getting the better of him and he was unable to do anything about it. As a Buffy Summers fan I'm glad that she gets brought up in the final episodes of the 'Buffyverse' on TV, but I'm puzzled about the issue of Angel and Spike not being able to move on from their relationships with her. Perhaps Angel simply doesn't want Spike to get back with Buffy, but it's presented as though Angel hasn't moved on with his life and both are holding on to the past like some fanatic Bangler or Spuffinista. 'Angel and Spike lose their head over a girl' is a great thesis for a story and I like the comedy. But it seems like the reason for the story was dug up from episode 5-2 and brought back just for the purposes of this episode. In contrast, Ilyria uses memories (recently acquired from Orlon's Window) of Fred's past to lie to the Berkle's and keep them happy. I guess it makes the point that memories of your good times should make you happy, but you have to move on in life? There they go now. Moving on.


Say what you want about this episode but can we all take a minute to appreciate how good of an actress Amy Acker is? Shifting between Illyria and Fred’s personality like that was crazy!


I think how much Angelus and Spike get along depends on what period of history we're in. I think in the first few decades of Spike turning, they generally got along. Although they're both really hot-headed so probably still fought. My theory is they sort of slowly got tired of each other, and it was only like 50 years after Spike's turn that Angel got reensouled. I think Angelus being jealous of the Immortal has more to do with possession of Darla than actual caring. If he hadn't just been tied up all night and been condescended to, he probably wouldn't care.


Biggest problem with this episode is the placement of it... like yea, comedy is cool, but not in the third to last ep of the show. If this was like... the 6th ep of the season, i'd forgive a lot more of the goofy stuff.

Collector of Stuff

When you get some time you should go back and watch the episodes with the commentaries on ( those that have them). They often answer a lot of questions that you have asked. As far as being out of character, Whedon has often stated that his favorite version of Angel is when he is being petty.

Brandon Wiesner

I don't see how Angel trying to kill Wesley has anything to do with the rest of your comment. His son was taken from him and Wesley was the one that took him. I think his reaction is the same as any father's who experienced the same and loved their child.

Brandon Wiesner

I think that the show purposely makes Angel or Angelus in the flashbacks to be more like the Angel (or Angelus) in the present day. It started with the Boxer rebellion. He was Angelus then but he was Angel at that point in the present day Buffyverse, so he was more like Angel, so as not to make it seem too jarring between the characters he's playing. If you pay attention to the flashbacks, they pretty much all follow the same pattern. Same thing with this episode. He was Angelus then but he was acting a lot like Angel.


Let's face it, boobilicious was the best thing about the Angel/Spike part of this episode.


I don't think I would have made it through the "Fred" part of this without the humor from the rest. Watching Alleria (sp?) pretending to be Fred... ugh. Made my stomach upset. Poor Wes.


It's kind of weird how so many people are missing the point of this episode and why Angelus and Spike seem out of character from their usual badass evil selves. The whole point is because there's only one person in their entire history that's ever made them act like petty jealous fools and that is The Immortal, a character that seems to best them at every turn while being showered with praise and adulation by both all the good and all the evil people that Angel and Spike meet. We've seen them both be very very very Petty when evil but the only person that could make them lose their cool was The Immortal. In the end though, the ultimate point of this episode was just to be light-hearted and fun like Joss Whedon shows so often are and they wanted to do one more comedic episode before the final two more dramatic ones. I thought it was actually pretty hilarious and the guest stars were some of the funniest in the history of angel, especially the Italian Butler and the female head of Wolfram and Hart's Italian division.


I think he already had a soul during the boxer rebellion, and I always found it brilliant that David managed to convey that through his acting, in the buffy ep we see him from spikes point of view and we think he's angelus but you know somethings off


I'm still sad that Sarah Michelle Gellar couldn't cameo in this episode

Juan Sanchez

To answer your question why Andrew was so nice to Spike and Angel I think because time heals all wounds especially betrayal I'm looking Giles and Jenny betrayed him but they almost hooked up before necks got snapped lol to soon?

Eric Haefele

I was disappointed that on your end of episode wrap-up you didn't mention the "Fred" parts which were the only serious parts of this episode. Why did Alleria care enough to perform this charade??


Great reaction. Shan, wondering if you be reaction to Joss Whedon Tru calling, or will that be having to be a pilot pick?

Ana (Lariaenl)

In this episode, I remenber that, I really loved the Illyria/wesley parts and it didn't care for the rest.


Whedon had nothing to do with Tru Calling. At all. Still a nice show though.

Brandon Wiesner

Andrew also has a tendency to over dramatize everything. When he took the rogue slayer from them, you could tell that he was enjoying all the double crossing dialogue. He was just following orders though. He didn't really personally dislike them at the time.

Richard Lucas

Buffy was supposed to be in the episode, but SMG nixed it. It’s too bad, but I still appreciate the episode for what it is. Everyone should watch Fredless from season two and then this episode back to back and I guarantee this ‘comedy’ episode will make you cry.

Richard Lucas

I wish she had done a one minute cameo, arriving as Andrew was leaving. She could have had just one line, to Angel and Spike: “We have to talk.” And it would have made the episode so much better.

Richard Lucas

And Tru Calling has some really famous cast member before they were as famous as they are now.)

Richard Lucas

I so associate this episode with the comedy, I thought the Berkels were in the next episode.

Einar Sigurðsson

the only watchable part of this episode is the Iliria/Fred subplot

Ray D

I think I might be in the minority but I love this episode. There is so much seriousness in this show that I appreciate them giving us this hilarious episode. I think it’s so funny. And I never expected SMG to actually show up so I think the fact that they keep missing her and we never see the immortal is perfect. The bickering between spike and Angel is turned up to 11 and so amazing. I appreciate the show giving us an update on Buffy. Since SMG declined to appear in this episode despite being asked. So the shows hands were tied and they could have just ignored Buffy and concentrated on the Wolfram and Hart story. But they gave us a funny story and did the best that they could without actually having the actress available to them. Also the acting by Amy Acker the gawd in this episode is amazing. The way she changes from Illyria to Fred and back is sooooo good. She changes everything from her accent to her movements to her posture. I’m blown away by it every time. Some trivia: I believe that they asked both SMG and Michelle Trachtenberg back for this. In the original script it would have been Dawn in the apartment and not Andrew. Also in the script they wanted to keep Andrew’s sexuality ambiguous and instead of having 2 girls meet him at the door when he went out it was supposed to be one of each gender but they cast 2 girls by someone who didn’t understand why it was supposed to be one of each and it was too late at that point


It wasn't that SMG turned down coming, there was a scheduling conflict. She was filming a movie and couldn't come back in time to film for Angel.