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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/df57cd66l4tp0q3/Dollhouse%20S02E05%20-%20The%20Public%20Eye%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Faith captures Wes, Wes is tortured by River. I am a bit sad and confused that we get so much Whedonverse crossover, but never with Buffy herself.

Jared Scoggin

Fun fact: the actress playing Kilo - the active Topher knocked out to test his emitter - is Joss Whedon's sister-in-law and she's a showrunner and executive-producer on Agents of Shield.

Loves Bitca

Also appeared on The Guild, and Doctor Horribles singalong blog, by Whedon and featuring Felicia Day and Nathan Fillion.

Loves Bitca

I had to look it up. Not the same actress that played Cat Grant, but looks similar with that hair cut. She is the same actress who played in a couple of episodes of Buffy as the Spike victim after he was resouled, and controlled by the First.


I always love your Dollhouse reactions, it's just cool to watch you enjoying a show so much :)