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Beverly Hills 9010 Reboot is out. 

Do I react to it? Or watch it on my own time. 


Ron Fehr

I never watched it, and I wouldn't care to watch your reactions.

Angel Garcia

If you want to react to it go for it I would watch but if you don’t react I’ll be ok with that too :)

Thomas Hansen

It's not actually a continuation of the original show, so I have no interest in it.


Watch it for your own fun. Not everything has to be work.

Zach Hershman

The premise of this show seems kind of strange. I’ll watch the first episode before voting. Maybe film the first episode and if you think it’s worth it then continue.

Eric Haefele

Why would you ever watch anything without recording your reactions? You don't have to share those reactions in the moment, but the odds are that at some point in the future you might regret not having the choice to share those reactions. How much extra effort is there to record reactions if you don't edit and don't share, If you just store those unedited reactions against a future time when sharing them may become desirable. If you care to watch, others will care to share your reactions. You can choose later to share those reactions only if you record them now.


i dont always look good. which is why i wouldnt react to everything because it would require putting on makeup every day etc :P

BJ Stephens

I may be a bit biased as it's not really a show i'm interested in. All I can say though is... do what works best for you Shan. If you want to record and upload at some point that's cool. But also, everyone needs some time to themselves now and then, it's fine if you don't want to worry about recording and editing another show.

Christopher simeon

I’d much prefer you focus on the shows that you have patrons wait months between seasons so for like AOS so that you can get back to it sooner.

Fly on the Wall

I was a big fan of the original and the rebooted 90210 so I would support you if you reacted to this new one, but only if you want to.

Elise Lanciault-Breton

I think it could be nerve wrecking not to be able to enjoy a show because when you react you always have to present yourself in a certain way. I mean, I get it if you just wanna eat cheetos in your pjs while watching a show and not having to record that reaction. I assume that we are all human, meaning that we need time for ourselves, so do whatever makes you feel comfortable. Oh and btw, assuming someone always looks good is a compliment but can also build up pressure...

Eric Haefele

If a compliment is pressure, does that mean no one should ever compliment anyone? I believe the rest of your comment has merit but that last line is a bridge too far for me.

Brandon Wiesner

You do know that the breaks she takes are so that she can get to other shows with shorter seasons and one offs right? Plus, if she every single show on her schedule as a weekly reactions, where she records them that week and doesn't take breaks, it would be very monotonous. She has to switch it up in order to keep sane.

Christopher simeon

She seems to have done just fine with Buffy and Angels 12 seasons. Then added firefly and dollhouse. If anything she should have waited until finishing the series before adding new ones to the weekly schedule. She chooses to film the whole season first but she could easily just have more breaks in between episodes (it lets us have more time to discuss things with you) instead one long break to film other things if she wants to change things up.

Fly on the Wall

Whether or not she records the reactions wouldn't change the fact if she watches the show or not and would have zero impact on her schedule of other shows.

Brandon Wiesner

You seem to be quick to complain and tell her how she should be doing things but unless you're a mod on her channel, or involved in the conversations about the schedule, you don't really know what's involved. So you might think that the solution you have works but it's easy to say that on the outside looking in. The schedules are discussed and decided meticulously and are planned ahead of time. So, while you are sitting there getting impatient for AOS and wanting her to do week at a time recordings so you can "discuss them" (which you can still do here in Patreon BTW when the eps are uploaded and on Discord if you know she has seen the ep), Shan already has her plan of action and won't likely be deterred from it.

Christopher simeon

I’m not demanding that she change her schedule or change the way she is doing things. But I’m not going to pretend like it’s not irritating when I see her add new shows (that aren’t sponsored) to the schedule. As a patreon I should at least be able to make suggestions or share my opinions since I am donating money. She doesn’t have to listen to them and I would just leave if they were bad enough. But she should at least hear them.

Brandon Wiesner

She didn't add a new show to the schedule. She did one reaction to the reboot as a one off. She had a poll and actually asked if people wanted to see her react to the show. So, to say that she doesn't listen to suggestions or opinions is asinine. You don't donate money because you get to "control" the content. You do it to support her and as a bonus, you get earlier and full reactions, unlike YT.

Christopher simeon

When in previous comment did I say she doesn’t listen to suggestions or comments. I said as a patron I should be able to suggest something or have an opinion on how she does things. She can ignore it or listen to it. But your saying I can’t make those suggestions or comments because I don’t know her schedule. How would she ever know if she should change things if no one tells her. Nobody but her knows exactly what she does day to day. I just see what I don’t like and tell her. What she does after is still up to her.

Brandon Wiesner

But that's the thing, it's not "no one tells her." She has moderators and admins that she goes over the schedules with and they all have input. Sometimes they get the people chatting involved as well, which is why it's another reason you should be on Discord as well.

Zach Hershman

Think of this like a job for her. She works her 40 hours on the shows on the schedule. Then in her own time she watches whatever tv shows she enjoys that have nothing to do with the schedule or the content on this channel. One of those shows happened to be BH90210. Since she was watching it on her own time anyways she thought she would see if people would like to see her reaction. Responses like this won't change what she watches on her own. It may make her hesitant to offer it as additional content though.