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Allan Cornett

I always enjoy watching Angels past. I wonder if anyone has ever done a video of all the Angel flashbacks in order of when they occurred.


Your reaction to You're Welcome has been my favourite so far. Please keep the Cordy POP up there for the remaining episodes!

Claire Eyles

Yeah, this one's usually an automatic skip for me. Like I get what they were trying to do, but it's like the episode crawled up its own arse and died there.


Haven't watched the reaction to this one yet, but as much as I think this season is amazing, this is probably the one episode I could do without. I'd even take Numero Cinco over this one. The biggest issue is it just has terrible placement with it immediately following You're Welcome, and on top of that, the writers don't even bother to show us the rest of the cast's reaction to Cordy's death. If they had at least given us that at the start of the episode, I'd be more forgiving of it, but I guess the whole drama bull crap with Charisma and Joss was still going on at this point, so we don't get anything there. Overall, this just feels like a Season 2 or Season 3 episode to me, not a Season 5. It's just completely out of place. At least you got to watch Smile Time right after, which is easily one of the best episodes of the entire series.


I remember the first time I watched this episode on TV, I didn't see the beginning so I was hella confused about why Angel was on a submarine..

The Answer

This is the worst episode of Angel I always skip it but there's a couple of reasons this episode is ....... My favorite ❤️💓 reaction is you're welcome 😭😭😭

Alexis Cardarella

Also haven’t watched this reaction as of yet- This whole episode just subtly irritated me due to them not addressing cordi’s death. It was eerie and offensive to me- even more so now considering what I know went on behind the scenes. Otherwise, I like the concepts, and I like story overall. The ww2 setting, Nazis being captured, nazis experimenting with vampires/demons.. Spike..

Alexis Cardarella

Also, the continuity is a little irritating too.. Angel considered turning Darla at one point and noted that she might retain her soul if he turned her. That he wasn’t 100% sure how it worked. Also has clearly stated he never turned anyone/fed on anyone in x amount of years/since he was turned (to Buffy) and yet he did?


This definitely feels like a filler. It's not unwatchable imo....I agree that this would have been better placed earlier in the shows season. Still enjoyed it though.

Loves Bitca

I agree with ALL your points, and they've all bugged me since I first saw this EP. It throws out or ignores so many things that happened before, the biggest on to me being as you mentioned Spike not recognizing that Angel is different, when he did so easily when they first met again on Buffy. Especially when he didn't act at all like Angelus here. And yes Spike acting pretty much like he does now, and not at all like he does in any previous flash back. Not only Gunn and Wesley going down, but that it happened so easily. Same with breaking into WR&H. Angel had previously done so....... With a clever plan and lots of help. Lindsay also needed some nifty magics and a clever plan. This guy makes it look like anyone can. It's bad enough when a show screws up characters or continuity to make it fit a story that is really impactful to make a point, but this one makes absolutely no difference in the big scene and tells us nothing. So it's a million times worse to brush all that stuff aside for something that doesn't matter. The episode is even less than filler. The one good/funny line. "I'm not getting trapped at the bottom of the sea," and Spike says, "I'm not getting experimented on by his (the American) government." They were both so wrong.


Was it just me, or were the special effects on the vampire dustings extra good in this episode? Seemed like they spent a bit extra on them here.


Let me help you out with understanding a few things haha, I didn't get it the first time either. 1. Throughout the episode Angel never reveals his soul to Spike. William's not very bright either so I'm not surprised he never caught on. 2. With the vampire/turning/soul thing Angel never knew if this guy wound up with a soul after he was turned. So how would he know if there had been some monkey business? The guy acts a little weird afterwards but if I were Angel, I would assume that a fresh vampire would let their instincts guide them more than anything else, soul or not. That's just my take though so idk. 3. The reason why Angel just let him go (and Spike too) is probably more because he didn't care at that point. After the whole situation where he was lynched by those people in the hotel, I feel like that would have been a big turning point, I think for a while he might've been kinda pissed off about it. Again though, I'm just spitballing, I have no idea. 4. Season 2 Spike wasn't different to this 1940s Spike at all to me. Not really sure what vibes you were getting haha In general, I actually enjoy this episode a lot more than like, the mexican wrestler one. I've always wondered what Angel did during WW2 and kinda the whole timeline between "Are You Now or Have You Ever Been" and the rat-eating parts of his life hahaha. I think people nitpick this episode a lot because it's kinda slow and most of the main cast don't do anything. I still think it's alright though! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Loves Bitca

On 1) though, he didn't reveal his soul to Spike in School Hard either, but Spike could sense it.


I think this is the only Drew Goddard story I don't like. Underwater shows and movies always bore me. In this one, people are out of character just to force the story forward... sigh... I guess during war, people do act out of character - still, no... Super glad there's a next one this week.


"Intra-Gehirn Anregung und Macht ueber Sub-Damonen. Genauer: Vampire." = "Intra-brain stimulation and power over sub-damons. More specifically: vampires." It is exactly the research that led to Spike's chip. Also, for me this is the last 'meh' episode of the series, the remaining episodes are solid. Not going to spoil whether they're great or faves or whatever, but I'm fairly sure you'll appreciate them all.

Patrick - Excelsior

I though t it was OK at best. It (IMO) is a great idea poorly executed. I love WW2 movies and I worked on submarines for 6 years. I would really have loved to have seen a WW2 drama series with Angel fighting the Axis powers along with a Allied SSR (maybe Agent Carter lol). I also liked them setting some precedents for later in show such as capturing demons and experimenting on them (the Initiative) and the Nazi program for controlling vampires using brain implants (Spikes chip).


Best reaction...The next...(Ok no spoilers...how about the reaction to Agents of shield v agent Carter Dubsmash compilation you are going to do....see what I did there!

Bruce Trogdon

There's a video of all flashbacks from both shows. It's in 2 parts because it's almost 4 hours long.


This is a candy episode for me. It's pointless and compared to the episodes that surround it, not very good, but idk I enjoy it. All the stuff with Prince of Lies and Nostroyev cracks me up, and I love Angel and Spike flashbacks. My favorite fun fact is that, remember in Buffy season 6 when she's in class and points out to the professor that people tried multiple times to kill Rasputin and even after they drowned him in a canal, there were sightings of him years later, implying he's maybe a vampire? Nostroyev exclaiming "I was Rasputin's lover" kind of confirms it.

Jon Freezin-Rain

Basically a filler episode. One and done

Bruce Trogdon

I like this one but it does come up short in entertainment value. It's weighted more towards 'interesting' than 'entertaining' to me. Three years ago, and as a last resort, Angel was considering turning Darla in “The Trial.” He was unsure then what would happen if he sired her but seems to have given it some thought since then as he tells Lawson in this episode “I don't think it works that way, son.” But he didn't KNOW until now. Darla once told Angel that “What we once were informs all that we have become.” Lawson is another example of how much the human memories and habits shape the vampire who possesses the dead body. The poor demon who got Lawson's body got the memories of someone who wanted to do what's right. Someone who volunteered to become a vampire – to die – so that others could live. What's a soulless demon going to do with a personality like that? Angel made Spike into the monster he became but he actually sired Lawson and Connor (in different ways). Both of them ended up without any reason to go on and threatened to kill the people Angel cared about. Both were suicidal and blamed Angel for ruining their life. Lawson parallels Connor but he represents Buffy and her ideals. This episode really puts an exclamation point on the difference between the two stories and philosophies. Buffy: You don't fight evil by doing evil. Angel: Siring vampires, mind rapes, negotiating with evil-doers to be slightly less evil. Angel chose his path. What is he going to do about it?


I love "Angel", I love flashbacks, and I like submarine movies, so... why do I find this episode so boring?? Regarding your question, I don't know if it's my favorite, but I loved your reaction to the end of S05E01; watching you get so happy about Spike always makes my day 😊

Brandon Wiesner

Yeah, partly because it was late and I was tired and partly because the ep is so boring, I dozed off during this one. Certainly didn't happen for Smile Time though! My favorite reaction so far for ATS has to be 5x01, for Spike alone. So happy no one spoiled that for you!

Paul Thomas-Humphreys

I love your reactions but I’m just gonna have to skip this one! Can’t. Face. It.

Justin Brinkley

This is a dud. Any episode is hard to compare to Cordy returning, but this one right after really is a stinker. Only Angel ep I've ever only watched twice.

Eric Haefele

My favorite reaction? I can't honestly say that I have a favorite. It is like watching a show that I like with a friend. I enjoy listening to your comments and watching your emotional reactions. I am an American so to me you have an accent, a very pleasant accent. You just make re-watching good programs, better. Sorry that I couldn't be more helpful.


Favorite Angel reaction? 5x1. The disappointment of figuring out that Harmony was the big deal everyone was working hard to not spoil... and then turns out return of Spike was the the big deal.

Eric Haefele

You mentioned some inconsistencies with this episode and earlier story-lines. One of the things that I have noticed about the Whedonverse since the early episodes of Buffy is that they are frequently filled with inconsistencies. The one that annoyed me most of all is the way Buffy's abilities varied so much from episode to episode or even within a single episode. One minutes she kicks vampire butt like it's the easiest thing in the world and the next minute she's having trouble fighting a single ordinary vampire. But somehow despite all the inconsistencies I always cared about the characters and feared for them. Joss and his co-writers always came up with great story-lines and hooked me.


Top 5 Fav reactions - Buffy 6x7, AoS 4x15, Angel 5x1, Buffy 2x9, TGP 1x1/1x2. Special mentions - Shanfar! Do the dance of joy, Passions (Buffy and the pilot), Melinda, Superstar Jonathan credits, Dawn's first appearance, Wesley's-throat-nuff-said, anytime Faith shows up after buffy s3, TRACKS, I'm Kendra: the Vampire Slayer, Skye in 2x10, and of course all the singing theme songs!


My favorite? Salvage and your reaction to Faith's return


Maybe season 5 episodes like this one bring out the difference among fans. I've re-watched this one so many times, and it's in my top 5 or 10. I love WW2 nostalgia, I love flashback episodes, I love what it added to that conversation with Darla, and I loved how the theme tied together the overarching theme of the whole series.


A good reactor can make your favourite episodes better. A great reactor can enliven and improve the filler episodes... ...but there's no polishing this turd. Irritated boredom is the perfect response. My favourite ASR Angel reaction is Habeas Corpses. "Zombies are scary!" and "Spider-Angel". Re-watched it almost as much as OMWF.

Richard Lucas

I’m a major fan of this episode too. I never knew it was controversial. I think this, Smile Time, and the episodes that follow just ring all my bells! Edit: Finally got the chance to come back and watch this. Smile Time is my favorite episode, but this is definitely in my top 5 or 10. I’m shocked that ASR didn’t love it and that others don’t as well! I found everything in this episode entertaining.


While I agree that this is not the most exciting episode, I like that this answered the Darla/ensouled vampire siring question. And I don't at all believe it contradicts that episode. Angel apparently never checked in on Lawson, so he truly didn't know the answer to the question when he was talking to Darla. And I think it is an interesting answer, Lawson doesn't have a soul and isn't who he was, but he also can't find the joy in evil the way he is supposed to. He is nothing.

Loves Bitca

Season 5, Checkpoint. I took it more for her believing that perhaps Rasputin was someone or something that was nearly impossible to kill (which for the most part Vampires aren't to her) as a parallel to her thinkings on Glory. He could have been some kind of demon or other magical person or being. Which still fits with a major vampire being his lover.


I didn't like this eps, so boring, My fav part of your reactions are when the you sing. But I have a lot of eps that I enjoyed watched through your reactions.

Lisa Irv

I really do not like this episode. It's like, what do we want right after the amazing You're Welcome...an unnecessary backstory that doesn't make a lot of sense or add to the plot on a boring submarine? No thanks.

Lisa Irv

Oh forgot to add, my favorite Angel reaction of yours was probably Sleep Tight. I could really feel the shock and horror you went through at the sudden turn of events with Wesley.

Ron Fehr

I'd have to go through the previous reaction videos to see which one was my favorite. I did like the latest one (You're Welcome). Firstly because of your reaction when you saw Cordelia wake up. And also, even though it is definitely sad, your reaction at the very end. I remember feeling the same way. Among the others, often the Angel/Buffy crossover episode reactions entertain me. Seeing the glee on your face. On a different note, I liked this episode. I like flashbacks. Also it was different seeing Spike with black hair. Don't know why the writers chose to do that.

Nancy Nicolai

I have to say time and again the young ones do not like the WW2 episodes or movies but you must watch them bc if we don't learn from that period we are doomed to repeat it and nobody wants that bc Hitler was elected into office & the German people liked what he was doing until he.....well its can happen again unless young people know the past!!💯

Ron Fehr

I think that this episode was intended to show that Cordelia had gotten Angel back on track. Showing that he had regained his determination to do what's right. Mostly just to reinforce the previous episode.

Loves Bitca

I agree in general, but in the case of this specific episode, it's not really historic, and we don't really need to worry about being doomed to repeat the event of vampires on a submarine and the initiative.

Ron Fehr

Regarding Spike's behavior in this episode. I think that Spike may have sensed a soul in Angel, but wasn't certain. Darla, having sired Angel, sensed it immediately. Spike didn't have that advantage, but just a hunch. And he wasn't certain until season 2 of Buffy. (Does that make sense?)

Ron Fehr

One thing confuses me. Angel told Buffy (in season 1 episode 7 'Angel') that he never fed on another human being after he got his soul back. Looks like he lied to her. I suppose I enjoyed this episode because I tend not to analyze everything that goes on. Also, as I said before, I like flashback episodes, although rarely ones dealing with war.


Maybe he meant he never fed on and killed someone? Because we saw at least two flashbacks where he drank human blood but he didn't kill either of those people

Ron Fehr

Although I don't know what word to use, I don't know if 'boring' was an accurate description. It definitely had you interested enough to ask some really good questions. To me, it seemed like a stand-alone episode. By the way, the guy playing Lawson looks, to me, a lot like Dermot Mulroney (My Best Friend's Wedding).


Favourite Reactions. I'm not sure about Angel specifically, but my favourite Buffyverse reactions of yours are all from Buffy: Doppelgangland, Restless, Out of My Mind, Crush.