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It still sucks the way they did Cordy but this episode made up for it ❤️


I'm going to break my rule of watching Whedenverse reactions in the order you release them because I really want to watch this Angel episode!

Timotey Kuhn

We need to hug Shan like she's never been hugged before.... <3 <3

Thomas Hansen

Angel rarely gets better than this one.


Gosh i've seen it so many times, and i still cry


Poor Shan. So happy at the beginning...


One of the greatest character arcs in the history of fiction. From mean girl to badass warrior for good. We'll miss you Cordy.


I'm choking and balling right now. I haven't seen this episode in ages. Sorry Shan. Cordy was the best.

Justin Brinkley

Charisma Carpenter was def done dirty in S4, but David Fury helped right that wrong w this ep. I love this ep, and am happy she came back to reprise the role. Hits everyone where it hurts in the best way possible. Rest of the series stays strong, w a couple exceptions.


Cangel is still my favourite OTP of all time. Not even S4 can ruin that. Also notice how Angel hasn't smiled since he last saw Cordy and in this episode he sees her and we finally see him smile again. She brings out the best in him.

Timotey Kuhn

Couldn't stomach watching it past the point where Angel says "Thank you" I know for many, seeing moments where a reactor gets sad in extremely emotional moments like the end of the episode is par the course, but I just can't stand watching you be THAT sad. It feels so incredibly gross, intrusive & unseemly.

Claire Eyles

This episode is sad, but I do like the idea of Cordy being owed a favour by TPTB, after all she took on and did for them, and then her getting to have that last time on earth with Angel & the gang to help get them back on track.

Moon Logic

The Powers that Be are scum. They are as bad as the Watcher's Council. Possibly worse. They may fight for "good," but they screw everyone over doing it.

Moon Logic

Writer 1: "We really screwed Cordelia over last season." Writer 2: "Don't worry. I know how we can fix her." Writer 1: "You know what that means, right?" Writer 2: "Of course. It means we must immediately kill her." Writer 1: "Yes!" Writer 2: "Yes, kill her. Because that's like the law ... or something."

The Answer

Salty tear's tears are salty Great reaction Shan I really appreciate it,the pure anguish in your heart when you realize Cordelia Chase was Dead


Did you tweak the episode volume in this one because sometimes its a bit quiet and I resort to headphones but this was spot on.

Shaun Stacy

It was said that Buffy was originally supposed to be the one to come back and get Angel on the right path again, but Sarah wasn't available so they went with Cordelia. At least it gave her, and us, some closure, albeit dark.


I started crying the second she walked in Angels office because I knew what was coming. I am dreading Hole in the World.


Loved vintage Cordy in this episode as her character last season was so un-Cordelia-like. When you are done with Angel, recommend you reading this article called "The Assassination of Cordelia Chase." I say after you finish Angel as I am not sure if there are any spoilers for the rest fo the season. Here is the link: https://jennycrusie.com/excerpts/the-assassination-of-cordelia-chase/


Hands down one of the best episodes in the Angel-Buffyverse


Buffy & Spike Wes & Fred - potentially? Angel & Cordi the only "ships" i care about! this one hurt...


S6 Willow might have benefited from Cordy's bluntness with the whole, "memory rape is bad," thing. "Tact is just not saying true stuff. I'll pass." - vintage Cordelia

Lisa Irv

I missed Cordelia so much for the first half of this season that there was such a sense of relief and joy when she returned and was really herself. So I'm right there with you on the sob inducing abrupt departure. Thank you Cordelia.

Justin Brinkley

Great essay! One of many in Five Seasons of Angel. Highly reccomend reading it when finished w the series.

Bruce Trogdon

Cordelia finally ascended. And it was wonderful. As far as I can tell from writer interviews, there was a good possibility that Cordelia was going to be killed at the end of Season Four and I think this send-off is much better.


Amazing reaction to an emotional episode


I know, I was like punching the air 'Cordy's back. I so miss Cordy'. And now I'm like 'I so miss Cordy.'


Well, that was a "special" twist for a 100th... Guess that shows the stakes are high in the final season. If the writers can kill Cordy, then it doesn't feel like anyone is safe. Charisma shares her opinions on this story arc in many comic con panels and interviews - because, of course people ask about it.

Katherine Thoreson

I met Charisma Carpenter at a con and sat in on her panel with Mercedes McNab. Someone asked her about the debacle of her character in season 4 and how she felt about coming back for this episode. She was very tactful (so anti-Cordelia :D ) with her answer but basically agreeing that she was not happy with what they did with Cordelia in season 4. So, when they asked her to come back for this ep, which is also the 100th episode of Angel, I mean how can you not have Cordelia, she was hesitant. She agreed to come back as long as they didn't kill off Cordelia. Then she got the script and said at first she was mad, but upon thinking about it more decided that if they were going to kill off her character anyway, at least this was a strong and beautiful way to do it. So she came to peace with it all. So, since Charisma Carpenter can come to peace with Cordelia's ending, I guess I can too.


one of my favorite episodes of the series. i love how they paid homage to so many of angel's original characters here...cordy, lindsey, doyle. very bittersweet but also a great way to celebrate the show's 100th episode.

Clara V.

I definitely feel the pain, but with some distance I'm very glad we got to see "our Cordy" again before the end. Imposter-Cordy left such a bad aftertaste that it would have really sucked to have that be the last thing we remember her for. And since bringing her back full time doesn't seem to have been in the cards, I honestly think this was the most worthy sendoff they could have given her. The alternative was just keeping her in a coma forever and I don't think that would have been better. On the flipside if she was only going to be in one episode it would have been nearly impossible to justify her not sticking around unless she died. This may be a bittersweet and maybe even a rushed conclusion to her character arc, but at least it was a conclusion that suited her and her growth over these years and I'll take that over a bad conclusion in season 4 or no conclusion at all any day. She said it best herself: We take what we can get and we do our best with it. Still hurts, though.


The writers play fair," she says, "foreshadowing the Gotcha to come" - Cordelia is in a private room, yet hastily draws the curtains around a bed-ridden roommate, and remarks to Angel that she understands why Doyle used his "last breath to make sure [Angel] kept fighting." Rather than undercutting the emotional impact of the story, the twist of Cordelia's tragic ending reinforces and honors her character


Cordelia's character arc was beautiful. She grew so much from when she first started on Buffy. I am fuming with the way they absolutely butchered her development and threw it all away. They brought her back the same loving, brutally honest Cordy we'd grown to love only to tear her away again. It's even worse once you find out about the behind-the-scenes drama. It's annoying because it's actually a really good episode but leaves a bitter taste afterwards. I will say that Cordy once said to Giles "one of these days you're gonna wake up in a coma" and my mind was blown when someone much cleverer than me pointed out that it was Cordy who woke up in a coma. Nice little callback to a throwaway joke. RIP Cordy and thank you :)

Katherine Thoreson

Oh my gosh, I never made the connection with the wake up in a coma comment. Thank you for enriching my life.


This eps always gets to me.


Did you really think you were going to get through the last Joss Whedon season without another crippling heartbreak?


Despite how sad the ending to this episode is, I am beyond happy that season 4 Cordelia was not our last moment with her. Having Cordy back the way she was for even a little bit relieves a pressure that I've unsuccessfully tried to stifle since late season 3. And she was PEAK Cordy here, one of her best episodes of all time.


God. I'm generally a lurker who never comments, but I had to just say: I was already crying (I won't ever not cry at this episode), when you said the EXACT same thing I've said a million times, basically my entire review of the episode - "She was so Cordy." I love/hate the episode, because of the heartbreak, obvs, but also because Cordy was written as she always *should* have been. Smart, bitchy, kind, strong. Personally, I always felt like her character derailment began as early as season 2, and I only caught glimpses of the Cordy I loved from then on. I loathed the Angel/Cordelia implied pairing/pining for such a long time - until this episode. Here, I saw that I could have loved it, if she'd been written right, and I was giddy to hear you echo my one thought about her characterization. I'm so sorry about the angst, but your reactions are awesome, and I really enjoyed this. Cant wait for the rest of the season. ❤


Right there with you, girl...


This episode is an emotional horror show which doesn't get easier on re-watches. It's worth noting that, on second viewing, her death is heavily foreshadowed and she knows from her first scene she's going to die. - The woman lying in the hospital bed that she says is "in rough shape" is actually her (you never see the face) - Telling Angel she understood why Doyle died to keep Angel fighting - Apologising to Wesley and saying she had to do this "before" and the the rest of the sentence is cut off by her finding the symbols - Telling Wesley as the lift closes he still has the best mojo in town. It's so beautifully foreshadowed.


ASR: "Spike wouldn't just kill Cordelia." *whispers* he kinda did. I absolutely adored this reaction (and not just because we got Shan's zombie-panic-face). In fact, I think I enjoyed this episode even more than the first time I watched it. Shan loves Cordelia and "Your're Welcome" is a love letter to all that is best about her character. Seeing Shan excited about her return - to the show and to form - while knowing what is coming, only underlines how much the show missed her this season.

Allan Cornett

No need to apologize for the crying. Joss can make the strongest person break out in tears. This episode is a wonderful goodbye to one of the best characters on tv.

Jason Veevaert

I missed this version of Cordelia: The Sunnydale High valley girl with visions of the future (Great 100th Episode)!


This episode was crucial to a sense of Cordy continuing to be a part of the Buffyverse, because we actually haven't seen her since SEASON THREE! I'm so glad that they were able to make this episode.


It's fine though now, because there are definitely no more heart-rending events to come. Clear sailing from here on out!


Well, technically we saw her in the higher planes through "The House Always Wins". Still a long time ago though!


One of my top 10 Buffyverse moments ever. That twist at the end so perfectly wrapping up the episode, a storyline, and an entire character arc. It was writing genius. Incredibly genuine reaction, too. I've so been looking forward to your season 5 reactions (nobody out there is watching Angel for the first time), and you haven't disappointed...with the best still yet to come ;)

Patrick Lyke

I think Joss Whedon lives off the tears of his fans....this was definitely a home run episode for Angel :)


None of us will ever think less of you for crying... in fact we appreciate your reactions even more because they're raw and sincere. We've all been there. I cried like a baby at the end of season 6 of Buffy.


Damn... that was good.

Rafael Lemus

4:00 Omg this is exciting! . . . actually im not sure


Filming this episode was bittersweet for the cast and crew. The 100th episode is a big milestone for a show, but the cast and crew were all told right before the 100th episode party that the show was being cancelled after this season. I'm going from rusty memory but Charisma Carpenter said it was emotional whiplash from "You're being cancelled! Now come eat cake at this party for how well-loved the show is!"

Alexis Cardarella

I always get a huge frog in my throat at the end.. Then the waterworks. She was very young.. 23.. And another one of Angel’s few closest friends in all his two hundred odd year immortal life to die.. I always wonder what it be like if Cordy was written into the last season instead of dying.. because I can’t come to terms with her death.. After everything she had been through, I just can’t.

Alexis Cardarella

And I understand the apologies for crying.. It’s weird to be that vulnerable on camera- it’s only natural for some people to apologize for it. But trust me, we were right there with you 😣


I bawled my eyes out, and watching Shan cry made it worse :( I am way too empathic, but then, that's probably why I enjoy reactors ;) As to Cordi, we have to think in terms of the BuffyVerse. Cordi made it clear she was moving on. SO she may be dead in our world, but she is out there somewhere. And hell, when they reboot Buffy, she could show up. Maybe? I choose to think she is out there tripping the galaxy :)

David Caine

Vintage Cordi back to fix Angel up, patch up his heart and mend his soul, and set him back on track. Likewise with Wesly, who would have guessed at the beginning what her character would become? Rest in peace to Cordelia Chase, if not the best character of the Buffy/Angel universe, certainly tied right up there with a few.


Oh, there are a few more. Say, for example, "but I don't understand", or "who's going to take care of us"... or "why can't I stay".


Seems to be a Whedon family curse, making superior quality shows that are beloved by their core fans, yet ignored by the general public and dumped by networks. Angel, Dollhouse, Firefly, even Agents of Shield has been living season to season. I know season 7 is officially the last for AoS, but it was a battle to keep it going THAT long.


Having watched the show before and knowing Cordelia's fate, this episode didn't have the same emotional impact on me as before. But watching Shan's raw honest first time reaction brought some of those feelings back. Thank you for sharing!


Great reaction and I can't wait for the second half of this season. They really ramped up the joss by 120%

Ron Fehr

The video game that Spike was playing (according to what he said about the barrel-throwing gorilla) must have been Donkey Kong.

Ron Fehr

I almost felt like not watching any more episodes after this one. Probably the only reason that I kept watching is because I had bought all five seasons on DVD, and I didn't want to waste my money. I think the reason that they didn't keep Cordy was because Charisma Carpenter now had a baby to care for. Just my guess of course.

Patrick Lyke

"That.....you have to get."....emotions & tears ensue............


The sound effects were 100% Donkey Kong. Classic!

Salv Mancuso

After damaging her character in S4, Joss really gave Cordy the send-off she deserved. Something written on Wiki which I agree with: "She is...our Cordy again," Crusie says. Cordelia exits the series "needed, loved, and wanted"; her final words are "You're welcome," Janine R. Harrison argues, because "she knows her worth.

Katherine Thoreson

There's also the subtlety when Angel and Wes first go into the hospital, the woman lying in the bed has some kind of bandage on her left wrist. During the whole of the episode, Cordy is wearing some kind of cuff bracelet on her left wrist, symbolizing the bandaging in the hospital.


You never need to apologize for crying. I've seen the series a dozen times and I cried too. Just your excitement of seeing Cordy at the beginning and knowing what was going to happen had tears in my eyes.


There were some really bad moments between the Actress and Joss Whedon, he was petty and admits that it was the biggest mistake that he ever made, it was kind of her to come back for this one episode. You should google it when you get a chance......it is kind of rough to see Joss in that manner, but he was completely in the wrong.


Shan dislikes these, but it is so on-point, that even I can't whine about it.......hahahah, you are so right.


I always liked to think that Cordy took over for the two guardians (one female one male) who were killed when that Demon was trying to kill Angel and he blew up their office with Wesley in it and made Cordelia go insane.......so it is now Cordelia and Doyle arguing.

Scarlett Monrow

Cordy was never my favorite character and while I was sorry to see her go, it wasn't a tragedy like when Spike "died" in Buffy. But I cried with Shannan watching this. That's why we love reactors, we get to see our favorite shows through other person's eyes and emotions and get to experience it deeper than we could before. Thank you, Shannan!


i haven't watched this episode in awhile. I always tear up a little when watching it..... but I full-on WEPT when I watched you watching it. When you said, "Why did they bring her back just to kill her?" That broke me. And then, again, when you realized, "She was only 22 or 23."