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Allan Cornett

Joss thought this might be the last episode ever of Dollhouse.


Don't worry. It is confusing. Episode 12 was the finale but the network needed 13 episodes for the foreign DVD release. This episode was never aired and is only available on the DVD set. Its purpose is to hint at the future the show may or may not take in season 2.


So yeah, what the others said is true, about this episode not airing and also Joss not being sure if they'd get a season two. As for the timeline, exluding the first two "flashbacks/memories", I'm pretty sure everything else happens chronologically between the episode 12 and 13. This was Joss' way of kind of showing a rough idea of where the story was going, without completely spoiling things if they did get picked up for more seasons. Hope that helps with the confusion.

Brandon Wiesner

This episode really goes better just before the series finale IMO but there are those that say it's better to see this first before S2. You'll decide for yourself as the show goes along.

Aric Heintzelman

The first time I saw this, that red headed guy (Zone) looked familiar. Turns out he was the guy who played "Farkus" in "A Christmas Story".

Chris Peacock

(Brandon this reply is for Shan. I know you know this already) The vote was pretty much tied. I was on the side saying put it here, but that isn't why I made the call the way I did. If putting it at the end had been a clear majority I would have went with it, but since it was so close I went with... not having you put something labeled season 1 episode 13 AFTER 12 episodes of season 2. Because then you would have known something was up.

Moon Logic

It is fairly simple. Dominic predicted that the Dollhouse technology would lead to a disaster, but he got put in the Attic, which is why he is so aggressively I-told-you-so when Adele takes him out. Topher's mind has broken down from guilt, because he helped developed the technology. Now he can't remember if he predicted how the weaponization of the Dollhouse would lead to the the end of the world or not. Echo became a superhero after Alhpa turned her into a composite, so now she is trying to save as many as possible from World War 3. I really like this episode. You should look up the music video for the song "Remains" that plays at the end. It is by Mo Tancharoen & Jed Whedon.

Thomas Langerwerf

1x12 actually was the season finale. This episode was unaired and not shown until the dvd release.

Thomas Langerwerf

I remember watching this episode for the first time, and I absolutely loved it. No confusion here.

Clara V.

Confusion is relative. I think it's fairly easy to follow the story and get what's happening at any moment, it's just not the kind of episode you can watch with the expectation of being able to perfectly make every connection between every scene, because so much is left vague on purpose. I don't know if not understanding things you're not meant to understand yet counts as confusion.


It should be noted that the leap occurred when Topher found a way to imprint using audio signals (no chair needed). This allowed mass imprinting via phone/radio/etc. Basically anything with a speaker. This was then weaponized against the population.


I like this eps, remember the first time watched it was confusion at times. But after watched it again i got it.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

I know the 2019 bit is trippy. I kinda want you to watch Dark Angel now, as it takes place in 2019. My first rewatch since it originally aired was in 2009, which is also an important year in the show 😁🤷‍♀️ Also... Jensen Ackles! I love this episode. Because it's so not dollhouse, and yet it totally is. This show is so fucking good


I had to look it up to be sure, but the little girl from this episode, was the little girl from AOS 2x17 "Melinda" !! Edit: Nevermind, I was somehow completely wrong when looking at imdb lol


This episode blew me away the first time around. I had watched Buffy and Angel, so I knew that Joss Whedon was talented. But I was hesitant about other things that he'd done. I had skipped Firefly, because like... Cowboys in Space, who the hell needs more of that?! I was also on the fence about Dollhouse, because the show's premise lends itself too easily to the Adventure of the Week + Reset Button in each espisode type of show. With Epitaph One, I saw that Joss was willing not only to introduce a cool technology, like imprinting, but to also boldly take its existence to its logical conclusion. For those who were paying attention, the world that we see in Epitaph One was predicted/foreshadowed all the way back in 1x06 ("Man on the Street"), in the last "interview" scene. If anyone doesn't remember that, go rewatch that bit! Anyway, after this point, I was willing to watch anything that Whedon would put out there. So far so good! :-)


P.S.: The scene between Tofer and Dewitt was brilliant and totally captivating! In a way, their relationship is an inverted and twisted version of the Giles-Buffy relationship.


Don't feel bad, you should definitely be somewhat confused by this episode. It's been a long time since I've watched Dollhouse and I'm confused all over again. And yes, that guy was in Charmed. I don't remember what the episode was called or which season but it had Paige in it. It was the episode where she casts a protection spell on her innocent and he winds up walking around with a hole in his midsection. They find out his wife is pregnant when the dude trying to become a full demon (the guy in this Dollhouse episode) had to kill all his family members. I think it's the episode where Piper has to help the Angel of Death and Paige dies.


When I first watched this episode I was really upset with it because everything felt kinda backwards and upside down. Like, I was really enjoying the show and this felt like a rushed conclusion somehow. It's not a bad episode though and I can appreciate it now but I remember at the time I didn't know there was gonna be a season 2 and I was like "so they tear everything down and that's it?" I loved season 1 when it was airing on TV and then I think I watched this online a bit later? I hated it for a long time I guess because I was sad that all the stuff I loved got messed up in a post apocalypse drama or something. It felt like the show got cancelled so they wrote in a rushed ending but it's definitely much better than I thought it was at the time :)

Loves Bitca

It's getting to the point now, when every show you watch youre going to say "So, I wonder when Felicia Day shows up".

Alexis Cardarella

I too was confused when I first watched this. With the imprints- they were giving us glimpses of what transpired over a span of many years leading up to the apocalypse.. but there’s a lot missing from when we actually left off in the last episode leading up to a lot of that.. I hope that makes sense!


I watched this after you, but before watching your reaction (which I just did), and if there was an Emmy for the Best WTF episode, this would have gotten it that year. Such a weird twist, didn't know what to expect for the second season, if it'd be after this episode, or in between eps 12 and 13. Good stuff, either way


And with that said, I finally caught up with you just in time for season 2! Yay, me!

Ana (Lariaenl)

The show was going to be cancelled, so they made this episode to wrap up. After that, the studio change it mind and decide to renew for a second season. So originally this was supposed to wrap up the series.


I love the transformation in the relationship between Topher and Adelle.


epitaph (epitaff): a phrase or form of words written in memory of a person who has died, especially as an inscription on a tombstone. (from google)