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Chris (darkwater)

This one kind of upsets the apple cart a bit doesn't it?

Jared Scoggin

I love this episode. So much happens in it for just one episode. And I love the format of following each Doll through the day to put the pieces together. It's an interesting way to do the whole "12 Hours Earlier" trope without making it like every other show that does it.


For the first half of season 1 there was contention about what the show would be and Joss was heavily directed by FOX. By the end of season 1 and season 2, he had a lot more creative control. You can tell it in the uptick of quality.


I think this is one of my favorite episodes of the entire series, partially because it does a lot to reinforce that none of the main characters (outside the dolls) are good people. Yeah Dom was an asshole and a spy who attempted to kill Echo multiple times to protect the Dollhouse, but everything he said to Adele (Dewitt's first name btw) was true. Dewitt and the rest of the people working at the Dollhouse can rationalize/justify it in anyway they want, but they are still operating what is largely a sex-slavery ring.


'You can make me help you'. The more you think about it the more loaded it becomes. A comand? Submissive acceptance? The hair on the back of my neck just started dancing with interpretations.


Really great episode. I knew it was that Dominic, the boring dude. lol I love that Echo finally got the chance to kick his ass. 🤘 But as much as I disliked his character, I think he definitely spoke a lot of truth about Echo and the rest of Dollhouse. When he told Adele that what they're doing isn't right at all and that they're "hurting" Echo, I don't think he really means that out of his concern for her but that he simply doesn't believe that the Dollhouse's mission is really anything good and all the "dolls" particularly Echo have every potential to turn violent and turn against them. Sure, they've imprinted them to be all kinds of personalities but that always comes with a price when it's to be used for certain individuals' personal gain. But at the same time, the way Dominic went about his agenda was still wrong. I mean, he certainly went for the douchebag approach as oppose to let's have the entire place shut down and give the dolls' their memories back if they want or let them go. He was really paranoid about the ones who could turn 'Alpha' and it makes sense but I think they need to have some of the workers of the Dollhouse go through some assessments on a more regular basis whenever they have a breach in their security or something. Or maybe not just the workers but also the actives. Topher also might need to be more evaluated on what he's doing 'cause I feel like he's so naïve and irresponsible at times with the kinds of imprints he's doing (sure, even if the Actives need to know self-defence, maybe he should check to see if there are any unusual brain activity before the imprints or even after? Just sayin'. 🤔) and his conceited attitude about being a "genius" doesn't really hold a candle to his carelessness.


I think Topher's conceited attitude about being a "genius" and his carelessness kind of go hand in hand -- he's so arrogantly convinced that nobody could possibly out-think him that he doesn't prepare for the possibility that he's wrong.


Great reaction. I like seeing the different sides of things.