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homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

Don't quote me on this, but I think the reason Aiden and Josh kissed fairly quickly is because there has been a lack of gay representation in The Vampire Diaries Universe. So they probably felt like it'd be a lil cruel to drag it on for too long. That's my take on it anyway.


fair enough but if the world wants to show it as though its as normal (ok this sentence comes off as wrong sounding but i just woke up so please don't take the normal thing literally) I just mean, if they don't want it to be seen as tokenism, if they want it to be seen as an interesting and compelling ship they need to treat it as the way they treat a straight relationship? does this make sense? i dont know i suck at explaining i hope it doesn't come out wrong - i don't think gays are not normal that is not what i meant omg help i suck at explaining

homoerotic 80s volleyball scene personified

Oh I completely agree with you, they should be treated just like the straight relationships on the show. I think they might've done it for the reason I gave, but I would've loved to see the wait and sexual tension go on for way longer.


Great reaction. Happy to see Rebekah in this eps.


I agree. Davina likes to come across all sweet and innocent, but IMO she's as much of a monster as anyone else on the show. There are no good guy in this show. I mean, I love almost all the characters, but none of them are white hats.

The Mad Titan

I know I'm late to the party, but I totally agree with you. Everything seemed very rushed, or forced, relationship wise. Josh and Aidan got right to it, and Hailey and Jackson are just a shitty means to an end. Jackson loves her but he's been creepin on her since she was little, and Hailey just wants to make everyone have her powers. I don't like this or ship this at all. Hailey will be less special, and stuff with Jackson for life while what, she pines away for Elijah.