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I think this episode is sad based on the fact that all Wesley wanted was his fathers approval. He has come such a long way from being that pompous little ass we met in “Bad girls” into the strong bad ass we know today.


Fun(ish) fact: Wesley's dad does the audiobooks for A Song of Ice and Fire. And so fair warning to anyone who's going to listen to those, imagine this stern disapproving father figure describing incest and what people's boobs are doing in graphic detail. I could never 100% get past it, but he's a great reader nonetheless.

The Movie Guru

Ooooh! I always forget that "Lineage" happens this early in the season. Definitely one of your "episode sevens". I love Wesley centric episodes, he is my favorite character!


Who's worse? Wesley's Dad or Quentin Travers


I really like this episode. The funny stuff is very funny and the action is laden with cyber ninjas and vampire ghosts. You know one of the reasons that season 5 is so well-regraded is that it is just so damn cool. That’s the word for it. It is just so cool. It’s also full of heavy emotion with Wes and his father issues and (he thinks) killing his dad. The icing on this patriarchal cake is that it’s Roy Dotrice, who’s a great actor, and who also can’t help but suggest a Hercules: The Legendary Journeys reference here. Which I won’t elaborate on in case it’s ever being reacted to. Tee hee.


Fun fact, the actor playing Wesley's dad played the pryromancer in season 2 of GoT. He also narrates the audiobooks. Well, he did...until he died.

Brendan O'Connor

Angel and Spike trying to cheer Wes up talking about how they killed their own parents was funny. And I can’t agree with you more when Knox interrupted Wes and Fred’s moment at the end


And I loved how much everyone was supporting Wesley emotionally while his father was there. They all know how much Wesley's dad has fucked him up. Whenever Roger isn't looking, you can see them share sympathetic looks with Wesley and one another. It's especially nice seeing male friendships be like that.


I love this episode is so smart and help you to understand Wesley better. I really like that the ultimate goal of the dadbot was to take Angel will so he could be controlled, because that is actually an effect that a castrating father can have.


great wesley centered episode. seeing him revert back to his nervous stumbling self as soon as his father appeared was heartbreaking.


love the episode... poor Wesley. He didn't even fricking hesitate when his 'dad' aimed at fred...jesus. also, hilarious: 'I killed my mum... well actually, i killed her, then she tried to shag me, so I had to -' 'Yes! thank you....'

Jason Veevaert

‘If you’re here to tell me how you killed your parent please don’t’

Cory Stanish

I love that we get to meet Emil in person (during the weapon deal) after hearing Wesley talk to him on the phone during season 4. But I guess now Wesley has to find another supplier for his arm-mounted collapsible swords.

Bruce Trogdon

I find this one pretty 'meh' until Roger points his gun at Fred and we see just how much Wesley cares about her.

Dan H

Still so bitter they copped out on this. Alexis Denisof just crushed that moment on the roof... emptying his mag into his "father" and then having that moment to understand what he'd done... ugh, robot.

Steve Quast

I recognize the actor who plays Roger from an episode of "Wings" I saw a long time ago. When I see him it's hard not to think of a story he tells in that episode which includes the line, "I shot myself in the ass."


This has ZERO to do with the episode, or Angel, but does anyone else catch themselves saying "heeey" back to Shan when she says it on the videos? I just noticed I did it, and am disturbed at myself LOL


Wesley's Dad, because he actually is Wesley's Dad, and not just a boss or mentor


I love this episode, but it bothers me that Angel is all "Fred shouldn't have been there." Why not? Fred is a grown woman and she knew what she was doing. Yes, she got hurt, but she was there by her own choice. Would Angel have been upset like that if Wesley had brought Gunn, or any of the other male employees of W&H, and he'd gotten hurt? Doubtful.


Really enjoyed this eps, special Spike in this eps.


Wesley shooting who he thinks is his father without a second thought to save Fred is one of my all-time favourite moments of the series.


Yes, but you have to realise that it's not just the fact that Fred's been shot but that he saw another one of his team members badly shot and you know how Angel's got more of a soft spot for the females. They already lost Cordy and the only member he feels he needs to protect most is Fred (ok this is all just based on my opinion even if it does sound kind of biased) and I think his frustration is actually reasonable since between Fred and Gunn, Gunn has more combat abilities. Just sayin'. Fred may have some experience and she may be a grown woman but Wesley could've faired well with an actual "muscle". And you're right, Angel wouldn't get upset if it was any other employee or even Gunn who came along.


I absolutely agree, Shan, that the way they played out that scene in the end where Fred just basically IGNORED Wesley's warning to stay out of it so that Wesley's dad will use her at the last minute. Like maybe they could've had her stay where she was and not come closer but somehow the father managed to get to her... like there could've been more struggle and they fought or something else but yeah I thought that was weak. Or maybe they thought that was too much work and they were short for time in this episode so they decided to carry on with the whole 'Fred tries to be a tough girl and refuses to be a damsel in distress' and so she gets herself in another dangerous situation. Anyway, the best parts in this ep for me were some of Spike's scenes especially that 'report' about Wesley being a "Head Boy" 😂


I don't care, none of that makes Angel's attitude acceptable.

Ron Fehr

Sorry Shan, but I only know Jonathan M. Woodward (Knox) from Joss Whedon's shows. So I realize my feelings toward his character is different than yours. Also my upbringing taught me to try not to be judgmental of people.

BOO (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 11:56:48 I love this episode so much <3 <3
2019-07-03 07:56:31 I love this episode so much <3 <3

I love this episode so much <3 <3

Nancy Nicolai

Westley would've given Gunn a gun but I still can't figure out why when Fred was the gun demonstrator she did not have one on her still after all these years it puzzles me &amp; makes me a crazy?🤪🤙


I liked all the reaction Shan had for Spike scenes this episode from the sexbot talk to the Percy Head Boy comment laugh etc :)


Hm I didn’t enjoy his reading, totally put me of my favourite characters by giving them weird voices. :(