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I only watched this episode once, when it originally aired and I remember that it was the most boring episode of the whole Buffyverse so I always skip it on re-watch. However, I'll give it a try and re-watch with Shan....maybe I missed something the first time around.


The most important story in all of the Buffyverse. Lucha Libre lives matter.


Yup, still the most skippable of all the episodes of Angel.


This is one of those episodes that I guess I just won’t be able to watch because it won’t download. I don’t know why. So I don’t know what you didn’t like about this episode; of course it’s a reference to the fusillade of Mexican horror/wrestling movies which have been cranked out for decades. I do like that being incorporated.


Aww I love this episode. #5 is the best!


FYI - Filename on this one has season 4 instead of season 5 - "Angel S04E06 - The Cautionary Tale Of Numero Cinco FULL REACTION.mp4"


definitely the worst S5 episode, glad its out the way


This was a good episode, (no spoilers) and a very important one, especially for Angel's caracter.

Jon Dub

I love this episode, the end makes me sad. I love Mexican Wrestling though


One of my least favorite episodes of the series.


Hi Shannon, fairly new here. I think you're right. The racist/boring aspect. The fact is that the 90s and early 2000s were a horrendous time for TV shows trying to write something insightful about cultures/races/sexualities that they didn't understand. Buffy and Angel (not to mention shows such as Friends) don't age well with time in that aspect but they're an important documentation of how misinformed people were about these things back during that time. These days an episode like that or Pangs would have been thrown out before even being conceived. So I don't hate this one, I think Number 5 is a pretty cool character, well conceived, I like the idea of LA having champions before Angel. But the rest of it was poorly handled which lands it squarely between boring and stereotypical (as opposed to racist). Love your vids Shannon and happy to be here!


Also the Wolfram & Hart guy who recruited 5 was Holland Manners. His name was on the business card. Cool little world tying in fact.

Claire Eyles

Yeah it's a hard pass on this episode from me (not the reaction though, just the episode). Definitely not a high point of S5, to say the least.


Yes this episode didn't age well, the weadonverse is relly not good when it comes to racial things, anyway I think the under story very well constructed, N5 Is a cautionary tale for Angel what happens if he disconnect with his mission and his family, I think Now Angel core gang have 5 members too. Fred, Wesley, Lorne, Gunn, and Angel as N5.


Huh, you're not a lucha libre fan. I knew that. I think the season 5 writers wanted to increase lucha libre awareness - and they did. In Southern California (where the show is), everyone is aware that Mexican wrestling exists and El Santo starred in lots of movies (52 of them, starting in 1958). Its a pre-Adam West type of camp humor and physical stunts. If you love this episode, you should check out some El Santo movies. You don't think the goofiness of the mask is the most awesome thing ever. Fair enough, you already said, more than once, that you're bored by the goofiest parts of the '60s & 70s. That was a fun reaction, thanks.

Aric Heintzelman

I guess you have to be a fan of Mexican wrestling to appreciate this episode. I loved it.

Bruce Trogdon

Yeah, who knew character studies of interesting characters could be so boring. Spike (5-4), Lorne (5-5), Angel (5-6), who's next? Never mind, I already know. All of those episodes have some good parts but it really feels like we're just marking time along with the characters themselves. Did you know that they work for an evil law firm now?

Cory Stanish

You made a Voltron joke! <3 I once got invited to a Whedon-themed costume party at the last minute. Luckily, I happen to own both a business suit and a luchador mask...

Alexis Cardarella

This episode is boring, and the luchadores plot was very silly to me. It’s not the entire culture, Shan, it’s just a part of Mexican culture- like baseball is to American culture. You’re not being offensive to say it wasn’t interesting to you.

Alexis Cardarella

Boring and cliche to the point of being stereotypical and offensive

Katherine Thoreson

Awww I always loved this episode. I've always thought the story of the brothers is endearing. It's not my culture, but I do live in Texas, so maybe that's why it holds a soft spot for me. And like Cory Stanish, I also have a luchador mask... However, I also appreciate that it's not your thing. Hopefully the next episode will speak to you more. :)


I did laugh that Shan and Angel had almost the exact same look on their faces as the brothers were running by in the graveyard.


positive comments about this episode.... hmmmm...... it has Spike in it, and it's better than She. I think that's about it.

Lisa Irv

Least favorite episode of the season..

Eric Haefele

It was my least favorite episode of the entire Buffyverse. I don't have a problem with cultural themed episodes, but this one just wasn't done well enough for me.


This one is on my shortlist of favorites. It was bipolar like a Doctor Who episode. It was goofy and unserious on the surface, yet it it mad eme feel the victorious moment and the deep loss. And then Angel re-reading the Shanshu Prophecy in the end . . .


The Buffyverse is full of weird episodes, and yet... this one still stands out.


There are probably 2 different things at play here: 1. People will naturally connect less with something that has nothing to do with their culture. 2. Practically every portrayal of non-white, non-American culture that is ever shown in a Joss Whedon show ranges from incredibly misguided, to overtly offensive. Nobody can really hold anything against you for not enjoying an episode surrounding a culture that not only has nothing to do with you, but is also terribly portrayed. Edit: FWIW, this is coming from a Mexican.


I watched this whole thing, knowing "The Comment" was coming, not knowing what it was, haha... the anticipation!!! I agree with you. I don't know anything about Mexican Wrestling or the culture behind it. While I do appreciate learning about it, this episode seemed un-needlessly SILLY. That was my problem with it. Filler and silly. In fact, I had forgotten about this episode. Interesting rewatch, and your reaction was fairly spot on IMO. Cheers!


RE #2, he really does need to work on that. They say "write what you know" and I do think he might be wanting to get to KNOW some more people, if you know what I mean :) Kendra's accent... I'll just leave it at that ;)


Not really a fan of this eps. Totally agree with you,


I don't know what you're talking about, this episode makes you feel completely detached from it, which is the main theme here. Therefore: genius


Comments here aren't really making me want to check out the reaction...maybe I should just skip it and watch the Lineage reaction instead.


Why reading the comments if it's good or not, just watch it for yourself maybe you like it.

Ron Fehr

Comments are just people's opinions. Watch it for yourself and form your own opinion. I must be one of the rare ones who liked this episode.

Ron Fehr

Remember, these are fictional characters. What is real in their universe may not be real in real life.


Maybe I didn't come across clear enough. I've seen this episode and season multiple times. I'm just not interested in seeing a reaction of someone who is just completely disinterested in it, which is what the comments are implying to me. If I'm wrong, I'll check it out. But everyone here is like "Yeah I agree I dislike this episode as well". So that doesn't exactly help.

Brandon Wiesner

She said the ep was boring and that she wasn't into the cultural aspect. But there are still some things that she reacted to that are worth checking out.


I can't stand this episode :x Only watched it once, well twice now.


I don't blame you for thinking it's kind of boring. It's the way it's written. The character of Numero Cinco tells about a man who was once a 'champion' so to speak and laments about the loss of his brothers due to an old fearsome enemy. Also, the plot twist where the dead brothers rose from their graves and were immediately back in their "Go Team!" (or whatever it is they said LOL) spirits *ahem* and decided to take on the Aztec warrior themselves... 😑 Like really? Angel was probably standing there thinking, "Okay...? Now what do I do?" It was rather anti-climactic the way they wrote that in. I don't think it has much to do with history than it does with what the whole story is all about. And the mask-wearing didn't help with that. When a character refuses to show their face, they don't seem to hold my interest for very long. I don't know why but it's different with a character whose face you can see. It has more effect on how much you feel attached to the character.

Nancy Nicolai

There's always one in every series this is Angel's, Buffy's for me was The Zeppo and Supernatural is Bloodlines but I'm sure you'll love it😳

Ron Fehr

About the masks. All that I know is that in that culture, masks were a symbol of heroism. It was an honor for luchidores (Mexican wrestlers) to wear masks.


Whenever I rewatch the series, I usually skip this one and I'm not someone who skips episodes very often haha